MovieChat Forums > Ariana Grande Discussion > You'll get old waiting for someone to to...

You'll get old waiting for someone to top Ariana Grande

She is quite simply the absolute best pop star right now and the reigning Queen of Pop surpassing the likes of Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, Billie Eilish and the rest of those who are only pretenders to the throne. She blows them out of the water when it comes to social media following, streaming numbers and of course actual signing talent.

The future is Grande.


Just wait 6 years, some new singing brat will come along to horn in on her game, mark my words. The entire pop music industry thrives on turning "generations" of their stuff into 6-year intervals.


She won't be on top forever. She's not a legend like let's say, Micheal Jackson, Whitney Huston, and Mariah Carey. 80% of her fans are kids/teens who can't get enough that overrated teeny bopper music.

In a few years, someone else will take her place! It always happens.


Nope, she is a new mega star along the lines of Beyonce, Maria and Rihanna. She will enjoy the same kind of success and longevity that they had.


We'll see. She still looks like another Bieber to me.


How? She has surpassed Bieber.


Let's put it this way, it was 2 years into her career before someone like me, who does not listen to today's pop music, or watch MTV, before I knew she existed; and the only reason for that was because some nut blew himself up at one of her concerts in London. A truly famous person is going to be known by everyone (including those who don't even listen to pop music) much sooner than that, and remembered much longer than however her popularity lasts. Frankly, I see her going the same way as Miley Cyrus, and every other flash-in-the-pan teeny-bopper-pop-star-brat that's come out in the last 15 years. Nobody's even gonna know her name by the end of this new decade, because she will have been eclipsed by whatever new pet the music biz has chosen to be their mascot. Her songs will be forgotten even faster than Miley's.


This is just wishful thinking and you are projecting you not being aware of her unto everyone else. She has been all over mainstream media since the start of the last decade and has only gotten bigger over time. She is leading the pack in the streaming era.


And you are biased because you're a fan of her, and have not lived long enough to see the other pop stars come and go. Trust me, nothing has changed since the 20th century when it comes to famous singers, and it's not gonna change just for some Hispanic brat with a fake ponytail.


Yes lots of pop stars come and go but some of them have longevity and staying power. Beyonce, Rihanna, Taylor, etc. Ariana will end up joining that group due to her massive crossover appeal and talent. She is quite similar to Rihanna in that regard. And she doesn't have a fake ponytail.




ke$ha is making a comback this year


She won't top Ariana.


True, she has incredible talent , but I still don't think there is a real queen or even princess of pop right now. If there is, I don't think it's Ariana.


I remember when Madonna was considered the Queen of Pop in the 80's and 90's. While I've never been a big fan, I liked her songs and still do. They're catchy, melodic songs and she had/has an instantly recognisable voice, and was able to evolve her style with the times. I may have heard only 2 or 3 of Grande's songs, but she just sounds like so many others of her type around, and there is little melody there. If she is considered this generation's Queen of Pop then the pop scene is complete garbage.



Adriana is a incredible talent and you lack taste if you can't appreciate her music.


None of these pop tarts can write a good tune.


and of course actual signing talent.

Signing talent? Her autograph is spectacular or something?


You think that calligraphic talent grows on trees? You gotta be born with that shit.


I totally misread the title and thought it said 'tap', not 'top'.

Either way, what the hell are you talking about?


All that shit sounds identical and is crap.

These kind of performers are typically generational and disappear. That means whatever grade school kids like her will stop listening the closer they get to being an adult. Then, there will be some other girl singing to the next gen.

That's why this is called "pop" music. It's not artistic and appeals to certain kind of people for a passing time.


I think you’re right. Success in pop music is controlled by 12 year old girls. The 12 year old boys generally like some kind of rock, which is no longer mainstream enough to stand a chance on the pop charts. So I ask, why do I give a damn about the taste of 12 year old girls, all of whom are in the throes of hormonal overdrive?

I am convinced that pop culture success is also linked to generational identity. Every generation must identify itself, and that identification is as much linked to a repudiation of the taste of older generations as it is to staking a claim to “its” music, movies, drugs and other bullshit. This identity imperative is neither good nor bad. It is a force of nature; but neither should it blind us all, collectively, to the reality that fandom for this or that pop idol bears NO RESEMBLANCE to an objective and considered evaluation of the idol’s actual talent, if any. It is, instead, ALL a response to image. The Beatles made some very good music, some of which has stood the test of time; but they were popular because of their long hair.

There is only 1 test for talent, and that is the test of time. More than 99 percent of all pop music and all pop culture is crap. A very, very small amount is actually art. The music of George and Ira Gershwin is 1 example. We still hear it today because it is wonderful. The overwhelming majority of pop fans, like you said, grow up and out of their youthful folly, and chuckle over how bad their taste was in their teens. As Mark Twain wrote, “When I was 20, I couldn’t believe how stupid my father was. By the time I was 30, I was very impressed with how much the Old Man had learned.”


That's right and the psychology of marketing knows this and plans for it.

I once read a very interesting psych article about this topic. Many companies hire psychologist to study how to manipulate people, which is gross to me, but that's the way it is.

Anyway, they found that teen girls are afraid of men. They aren't homosexual, but teens girls are almost quasi-homo. They only like men who are feminine. That explains why many male singers who are followed by girls tend to look feminine, are given "hairdos", and may wear makeup, etc. Girls can related to men who have things in common with themselves, because they are more into themselves than anyone, lol.

You don't see too many teen idols who started out in clubs working their way up, rather they are business creations.
