Nate Parker is a vile rapist. If you actually care to learn the whole story and look at the facts you might not defend him. He blamed his upbringing saying he did not know that not being able to consent was was like saying no. If a woman is unconscious, that does not been you should have sex with her. Is it is basic decency and logic. Also once the victim reported the rape, Parker hired a PI to spread rumors and put out notices that the victim was promiscuous. After the allegations came out Parker refused to say he regretted anything (including the suicide of the victim, which according to the family Parker was partially to blame.
Wesley Snipes cheated on his taxes. He even tried to claim religious exoneration but stated he created a religion. At trail he showed no remorse and said he was only being convicted because he was black and famous. No. You were convicted because you believed you were special and you did not need to pay millions of dollars in taxes.
Will Smith assaulted someone plain and simple.
No one took these celebrities away. They clearly made terrible mistakes and are living with the consequences.
That fact that you think these actors were taken away by either audiences or society just because they are black shows how much of a twisted logic you have. Thanks f someone said the same thing you did but replaced black with white and named white actors you would be calling them racist. Let’s correct it and call you a racist, which I think is accurate.