Her problem

She let her handlers dictate her narrative however the wind blew instead of letting her think for herself: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02f353jjrLWEENMJQUNwQZi6pBWWHS29rZbfYkedBtiibcMDsoZeJY1GTwybCcRbg1l&id=100009078700372&mibextid=ZbWKwL


Puppets cannot think for themselves.


No, this whole thing was won/lost in social media. It was nothing she did or had direct control over.


We've all heard her speak in interviews where she was not afforded the opportunity to review the questions beforehand. Clearly it was not a matter of not letting her think for herself.


😊 I don’t think she was a real deep thinker. All candidates get help in preparation for debates and speeches. But she was always caught off guard when she had to think for herself,

In school when we were trying to figure out an answer, sometimes the teachers would say, “Let’s put on our thinking caps.”

I think Kamala’s cap must have fallen off her head.
