MovieChat Forums > Kamala Harris Discussion > Do you think her being vice is a ploy to...

Do you think her being vice is a ploy to get her in office as President?

Biden will conveniently step down for health reasons thus making her the first female President. I think it's possible.


No. I think her being Biden's running mate is a ploy to bring out the female/minority vote the same way that Sarah Palin was clearly a gesture on the Republican ticket to try and counterweight the "big change" candidate of Barrack Obama. It's demographic pandering, but I don't think the "goal" is to have Biden step aside immediately.


I definitely agree that's why she was brought in. It was pretty obvious because so many people knew he was going to pick a non-white female.


Her being VP was a ploy to win Joe the election. He's not stupid, though you would think so if listening to him give a non-teleprompter speech; He knows that half of the voting population is female.


You mean his handlers aren't stupid. He's a puppet.


It's sad that he thinks the female voting population is so stupid they would vote based on Harris's gender.


You mean how 98% of blacks voted for Obama?


I think that is her personal goal, but no, I don't think there's a plan by "the Democrats" to get her in power.


Do you think she secretly wants Biden to step down for whatever reason so she can take over?


I think the only reason she accepted the gig is because she's hoping he steps down, dies, or whatever and she becomes President. I don't think much of her at all.


She is the female HNIC to Obama’s. Kamelhair has NOTHING to worry about. Congress wouldn’t dare harass the token female negro President....


She's black on weekdays, but Indian on the weekends. Instead of her saying she's mixed race, she says "I'm black", "I'm Indian.


Wow, this thread is basically a big right wing circle jerk!

Our current President is a vile, corrupt piece of shit who just tried inciting an armed insurrection against Congress. And here you are, his little worshippers, taking cheap shots at someone who has far more integrity than Donald Trump. What's wrong with this picture? Oh yeah. All of you. 🤪


I wrote this post two months ago so what Trump did with Capitol Hill has nothing to do with my thread. No one here is worshipping Trump. I hate the man. My question was simply asking if you think Biden chose her as his running mate so that she could be in office.


I think every President considers the political future of their running mate when they choose them. They're potential successors. Biden is more likely than most to be a one term President, I don't think anything untoward is going on. We're going to see Kamala frequently over the next two years because she'll be breaking lots of ties in the Senate.


Congrats!! Your ENTIRE post is false.


Notice the lack of reasons or logical argument. You just decreed me wrong - the gods have spoken!!!

I'm seeing Joe Biden arrive in Washington to replace that steaming pile of dog shit you worship. How does that make you feel? It's okay to cry little snowflake. The last hoorah of the far right in legitimate politics has come to an end. No one like Trump will ever get into office again.


Bow down before the one you serve
You're going to get what you deserve


Okay, nine inch numbnuts.


Some things are prophetic, pus bag.


Yeah, when people like you are down on your knees with your heads bowed before a two bit con man, that's pretty prophetic. You certainly have gotten what you deserved. Thing is, the rest of us don't.

Boy am I going to enjoy watching that asshole go broke and end up in prison! The only thing he'll be running in 2024 is the yard at Attica - for exercise.


Hahahahaha!! You have no idea what you're talking about but what do you care, you shoe polish-smelling motherfucker ? - l have a responsibility here, but you're living in denial and suppressing rage, motherfucker.


Hahahahaha!! You have no idea what you're talking about but what do you care, you shoe polish-smelling motherfucker ? - l have a responsibility here, but you're living in denial and suppressing rage, motherfucker.

So ... HAHAHAHAHAHA! ... shoe-polish smelling (???) motherfucker ... suppressing rage, motherfucker. Yeah. This is where you describe yourself as a "very stable genius", right? 🤣

Is that you, MovieChatUser497-onemanarmy82-sut6432? You sure do sound like him. But then all right wing trolls collectively share a single (tiny) brain, so who can say?


Btw, nothing you wrote is a "logical argument". Just another fringe, lunatic lefty's rambling OPINION. My response was my opinion. Simpleton.


Anything that starts with the words "I believe" is worthless. Fine. You believe it. You could believe there are fairies living in your attic, so what? I at least have explanations for my positions and can lay out the reasons for them - that makes me different from you. The opinions of those who have thought things through and possess some level of understanding (as opposed to following an ideology or a demagogue) carry more weight. Don't confuse the right to free expression enshrined in the constitution with the "right to be right", which doesn't exist.


More deranged ramblings. Your earlier post started with (in so many words) "I believe", but you'll come back with more drivel asserting that your "beliefs" are factual, which there are not.


Just declare they are not. That's about the best you can do I guess. Go away, right wing fly. You bore me.


Declaring they are not has more much impact on lock step lefties that factual arguments. We've been over this, lame brain!

You don't bore easy. You've been replying for quite some time now.


Funny though, how trolls always need to have the last word. If I keep replying with silly stuff, you'll keep responding just to get that last word. We can go back and forth a hundred times saying nothing but you'll have to get that last word.

Is that in your script? Most of you use the same form replies and the same standard evasions. Are you even in this country, shitstain? Or Ты в санкт-петербурге? Say hi to the boss man for us. He's about to have a rough couple of years with our new President.


A little word of advice: Sometimes you got to let those hard-to-reach chips go.


A little piece of advice: gotta have the last word! Gotta have it!!!! 🤪


You're kidding! Bunch of savages in this town.


Gotta have the last word!!!!


"Wow, this thread is basically a big right wing circle jerk!"

Followed by a paragraph of hysterical left-wing jerking off. So sad no other leftists joined you to form a circle jerk.


You Trump worshipping sycophants are the ones who need a mob around you. All I need is the truth. And you, like all the others, never discuss facts and truth. Wise choice on your part. I'd ream you a new one if you tried that approach. Best stick with the deflections and evasions - it's what you're good at.


Of course


Biden won't last a year.


I don't even think he'll remember he's President.



Actual or character assassination?
