There's already a law that emergency rooms must take arrivals for treatment; it's been in the books for years and well before "Obamacare." As for visiting the doctor for check-ups, meds, etc. get a job (and insurance) and pay for it. Or seek sound alternative methods, including simple healthy living. It's not the responsibility of tax-paying citizens. Furthermore "free healthcare" shouldn't be looked at as an idol.
"Climate Change," as preached by whacko climate alarmists is a hoax to support the radical & grossly expensive Leftwing agenda, which includes the laughable Green New Deal (that preaches against the evils of cow farts, lol): and
Without a border there's no nation. Since Mexicans & others have been illegally (criminally) pouring through the Southern border for decades it's way past time to close it up, just like you lock your doors so unwelcome intruders don't arrogantly barge in and take advantage of your house & possessions, but on a larger scale. American citizenship is a privilege, not a right to anyone & everyone on Earth.
Defund the police so we can have the destructive lawless situations we see in Seattle, Portland and New York City where those who are able are wisely fleeing the city in droves? Guess what happens when there's not enough tax-payers to support the city governments? And who suffers when this happens? Innocent citizens.