All of the Black Lives Matter people are behind Biden. Just this week, the Revolutionary Communist party in America just endorsed Biden. Kamala will shore up the young progressive group for Biden which will give him easily over 300 electoral votes, since he only needs 270 to win.
I'm not sure what sites you hang out on or what articles you read, but "progressives" don't think she's liberal enough. They hate that she prosecuted criminals. The BLM type of liberals are pretty much anti-cop and she can never publicly be anti-cop; which upsets them.
She is for medicare for all and wants to abolish private health insurance. Also she believes every person in this country, legal or not, should be given free healthcare if needed. Plus she supports the green new deal.
Yes I know. I am hoping Biden gets a lot of the moderate democrat vote. Moderate democrat voters have become the useful idiots for the democrat party since the progressives control virtually the entire party. We want to remake America
I don't know if that is true. If progressives controlled the party, then Bernie would be the nominee. Maybe to get things done we need someone who actually works for the people instead of the big money donors. If that is progressive, then I'm all in. The moderates have done shit for us in the last 50 years. We need change and moderates are not the change many working people are looking for.
Biden will be an easy push over for the progressive movement which will include free healthcare, college debt forgiveness, affordable housing in the suburbs, massive reduction of police budgets and the green new deal to combat climate change
Healthcare is a big problem and if you can't see that then there is no convincing you. We are the only country in the world that relies on for profit insurance companies to dole out healthcare. It doesn't work for many people in the US and only is good for people with great insurance or lots of money. The rest of us are denied care, because they tell us that the surgery isn't needed when the doctor says it is. Only people who are ignorant or carry great insurance don't see a problem with our system.
modica- of course people need and deserve health care. But I just don't get attacking companies that are "for profit". I'm not picking on you because I've heard this over and over for years. But WHAT company is NOT "for profit"? A company must pay its employees, payroll taxes, Social Security, etc. and those all important GOVERMENT taxes!
Why on earth should companies be demonized for making a profit? If you started a business, wouldn't you want to make a profit? I don't know where you are employed, but do you think if your employer didn't make a profit that you would get paid?
Don't get me wrong. I am not in favor of gouging people. I am on my fourth car insurance company in twelve years. As you get older with a clean driving record, you can shop around for lower rates. That's what I did!
And a lot of that is because the government doesn't have its fat pushy nose in the car insurance business.
I f people were allowed to shop around for the best deal without government interference, health insurance wouldn't cost so much.
People aren't "denied care". I f you can get to an emergency room, you will get care.
I don't carry great insurance but I can clearly SEE that more government interference is not the answer. These are the people who run the DMV. Do you have that much faith in government workers? lol
The rest of the world is not with you and insurance companies can't and won't be able to stay in business much more. There has to be a change. Even if you get care, it doesn't mean you won't be saddled with a bill that most middle class people will never be able to pay. This is the only country where you can go bankrupt and lose your house because you get sick. If it isn't government interference, then there should be a public option, where people without or with terrible insurance are allowed to purchase insurance through that option. Republicans are always talking about competition, but when the idea of a public option is floated, insurance companies squash any discussion about it.
With all due respect, I really don't care if "the rest of the world" is with me on this. LOL
You sort of missed the point of my post. Government interference is the problem. I am just too tired to explain it to you. I suggest you read up on what intelligent, non- government economists have to say and stop relying on government propaganda and your feelings. Facts don't care about your feelings (to quote Ben Shapiro)
You need to get genuine information about how the world and economics actually work.. I suggest you start with Dr. Thomas Sowell.
No need to explain it. I work in a hospital and know how things are. I am not going to even begin to get into it with you, because even with my experience, I will never change your mind on how absurd our heath care system is. I'm done.
You're "done"... and a trifle arrogant. . I know the system is absurd. Just because you work in a hospital doesn't mean you understand economics. Have fun carrying bedpans!
Oh, I think Trump could win again, but it's only because of how bad the left looked during the riots. They were all over social media condoning violence. They're as bad as Trumpers at this point. Only way I can bring myself to vote for Biden - who isn't with it btw - is if I vote red for everything else. The left has completely lost me and many other moderates.
Both sides have lost me. Republicans are no better than the Democrats. They let a racist, woman hating flea bag get away with horrible comments which embolden his flock to go out and do the same. Meanwhile, most Republicans sit by and don't say a word to condemn any of Trump's worst comments. Both parties need a good shake up.