MovieChat Forums > Kamala Harris Discussion > She will put Biden over the top

She will put Biden over the top

All of the Black Lives Matter people are behind Biden. Just this week, the Revolutionary Communist party in America just endorsed Biden. Kamala will shore up the young progressive group for Biden which will give him easily over 300 electoral votes, since he only needs 270 to win.




LOL! Kamala Harris is not at all popular with African Americans so she certainly isn't going to boost Biden'a popularity there where he already had major problems. I'm now convinced that the Democrats are intentionally throwing this thing in hopes that Trump will have a disastrous 2nd term, leading to an easy win in 2024 for whoever they're likely already prepping behind the scenes, very similarly to how Obama was "selected" & rapidly up jumped from obscurity back in 2004 during John Kerry's failed presidential campaign.


Biden already has the black vote. Kamala will shore up the young progressive vote


The Democrats have "had the black vote", to their own detriment(black Americans) for over a half century. They need African Americans to vote in large, enthusiastic numbers to win and that's not going to happen since Biden will get even fewer African American votes than Hillary who also lost.


Blacks will come out in huge numbers this time. We failed to do so in 2016 and it cost Hillary the election, although Russia played a huge part also in Trumps win. Both Biden and Kamala also support reparations which will make our communities stronger


Oh, reparations! What a great idea. LOL Money that the country doesn't have shelled out by people who never owned slaves to people who never were slaves!

Free money and handouts have surely made "our communities" stronger ever since LBJ's Great Society. How long do you plan to be duped by the Dems?


"Both Biden and Kamala also support reparations"

LOL! No they don't.


Yeah, i don't know where he's getting his information from, but he's horribly misinformed about what Biden/Harris stand for.


Us progressives are voting for Biden because we know he can be easily controlled. There are no more moderates in the democrat party. If you claim to be a moderate, you may as well be a republican. We are voting for Biden to remake America


Another phony Bitch.

Joe's pandering, hoping to gain the vote of Blacks and women.

Are the American people that stupid?

(For the record, she's Asian and Jamaican, but will pass for Black if it suits her purpose.) 🙄


Shes a woman of color


All nonwhites are the same?


They are all minorities and its important that the makeup of the White House admin looks like the countrys population. Putting Harris or any minority woman is a must need in 2020 for Biden.


Nonwhites are the majority. Why?


No, whites are the majority in this country. But minorities still make up a high % of our population. Biden needed a woman of color to be his VP



In order to remake America into a land of progressiveness, we must vote for Biden. He will easily be controlled by us. Putting a minority on the ticket will give him more votes within the African American communities. I see Biden having a great chance at winning in Nov


No, whites are the minority(what is country)!

What about the one who's best qualified for the job?


My college professor says diversity is more important. Therefore it makes perfect sense to put Kamala on the ticket for that reason.


Diversity is great! I suggest that every NBA team be one fifth white, one fifth black, one fifth Hispanic. one fifth Native American and one fifth Asian. And maybe throw in a few Pygmies too as a nod to the vertically challenged.
Wow! Think how great every team would be!

The stupidest idea ever dreamed up was to equate diversity with excellence.


Not a good suggestion at all. The NBA is fine where it is at now. However our leadership at the top needs to be represented by all ethnic groups


Of course it wasn't a good suggestion! I see that you are irony impaired! LOL

Of course all people need to be represented. But diversity itself isn't a cure all. Repeating myself, diversity does not equate with excellence.


I am not a big Biden fan. But we progressives know we can control his admin like a puppet to promote progressive causes in a new America.



Wow. Thats a good point when you look at it that way. I'll have to ask my professor that. He will get mad at me though and this site is not one of his approved sites for online chatting and prefers none of his students post on here. I won't say I read this on this site


How nice for her.


Progressives don't like Harris. What wins over progressives is Biden's willingness to shake hands with Bernie. Harris is about as opposite as you can get from Bernie within the DNC.


I'm an extreme progressive. I wished the VP would have been Warren, but I understand why it was not. If Warren accepted VP the Democrats would lose her seat in the Senate and that is a big thing right now. I can accept Kamala Harris. She has more experience than Barack Obama did, so we shall see what she is made of for the 2024 election. I would rather not vote for her as President, but if she does well ... I'd be happy. I mean ... It's not a reason to vote for anyone, but it would damn near be impossible to screw this country up any more than Trump has done. Harris will do fine. Biden will do fine.


Are you daft? She is the one that said she believed all the women that came out about Bidden groping them. Now she is going to be running with Bidden? I can already see the Trump commercials replaying her statements right now and that isn't going to endear her to any women, it makes her as toxic as Hillary. Bidden just handed the election to Trump... hell Kanye will probably get more black votes than Bidden now.


Yeah, Dementia Joe just secured California with this pick! Brilliant strategy Cotton, let's see if it pays off!


Yes Joe does have dementia and us progressives will control him like a puppet and a new America will be born. One with progressive values. Trump on the other hand cannot be controlled


progressive values.

Lol, you mean like murdering babies who survive abortion, thinking a man can have his penis chopped off and actually be a woman or mistaking the male anus for a vagina? Yup, that's real "progressive."


No, I am talking about giving free healthcare to anyone inside this country. I am talking about taking on climate change with the green new deal. I am talking about ripping down an immoral border wall and helping our neighbors to the south. I am talking about defunding police budgets across the country. Thats what I'm talking about. Under Trump, none of this is possible. We need to remake America and it starts with a Biden/Harris ticket in Nov


There's already a law that emergency rooms must take arrivals for treatment; it's been in the books for years and well before "Obamacare." As for visiting the doctor for check-ups, meds, etc. get a job (and insurance) and pay for it. Or seek sound alternative methods, including simple healthy living. It's not the responsibility of tax-paying citizens. Furthermore "free healthcare" shouldn't be looked at as an idol.

"Climate Change," as preached by whacko climate alarmists is a hoax to support the radical & grossly expensive Leftwing agenda, which includes the laughable Green New Deal (that preaches against the evils of cow farts, lol): and

Without a border there's no nation. Since Mexicans & others have been illegally (criminally) pouring through the Southern border for decades it's way past time to close it up, just like you lock your doors so unwelcome intruders don't arrogantly barge in and take advantage of your house & possessions, but on a larger scale. American citizenship is a privilege, not a right to anyone & everyone on Earth.

Defund the police so we can have the destructive lawless situations we see in Seattle, Portland and New York City where those who are able are wisely fleeing the city in droves? Guess what happens when there's not enough tax-payers to support the city governments? And who suffers when this happens? Innocent citizens.


Biden doesn't have dementia you clown, Trump does. Have you paid any attention at all over the last 4 years? Just yesterday Trump said that the 1918 Flu Pandemic ended WWII ... in 1945? He makes these gaffs a 4th grader would get right, and he does it almost every day.

Biden trips over his tongue and tends to make rash and off-tune comments, but his reasoning is excellent. His knowledge and his international contacts are thousands of times what Trump demonstrates.


I am not a Trump supporter. However as a big progressive, I am voting for Biden because he will easily be controlled by the progressives to remake America. Biden is too moderate for my liking. If you been paying attention to the primaries, progressives are taking over the democrat party. What we need is the moderate democrat voters to come out in big numbers to vote for Biden. The progressives will be showing up at the ballot box in support of Biden


Hah Hah


Enjoy your last few months of Trump. Its going to be a landslide electoral victory for Biden in Nov. Pretty much every swing state will go to Biden


I have not enjoyed a second of Trump since he descended from his elevator to his paid off crowd of sycophants.


Join the progressive movement as we remake America starting in Nov


Joe is a power bottom.


Does that make Kamala a Bear?


Well she is part Indian and we all know that they are rather hairy. So yeah guess so, lol.


If they release a video of Kamala violently ravaging Biden’s dirty, old asshole, they have my vote.


If Biden does not win really big and take back the Senate it will basically be a loss. The only thing that might mitigate that just a little would be if McConnell lost his seat in the house.
