I am not blaming Alicia just the studios that are allowed to do this! She won her supporting Oscar in THE DANISH GIRL for what was clearly a leading role she was on screen as much as Eddie Redmayne and it gave her a clear advantage over the other nominees! I wonder if she would have been as successful in the lead role category? Personally I think not. Just now ilooking back at Oscar history........and in 1973 AL PACINO was nominated for supporting actr in the GODFATHER. The actor, having integrity BOYCOTTED the awards that year. Pacino's beef was that he had more screen time in the film than MARLON BRANDO who was nominated and won the best actor! How bizarre is that! And to add to Pacino's misfortune he was up against Joel Grey who delivered the performance of a lifetime in CABARET and walked off with the supporting actor award....sometimes real life is stranger than fiction HA! HA!


thats all very well and good, when the system is not corrupt


The same with J.K. Simmons in "Whiplash".


Oscar awards have been a farce since these things happened -
Roberto Benigni won for best actor despite Tom Hanks deserving it more.
Russell Crowe lost to Denzel Washington despite Russell clearly having earned it more. While Denzel Washington is a terrific actor and deserved it for other movies he didn't even get nomination for.

And the thing I absolutely dislike about Oscars so don't watch it anymore is this -

Foreign movies like Parasite win for best foreign film AND best film. Despite American movies unable to qualify for best foreign film. That's completely idiotic. Best Film in Oscar is about best American made/produced and American movies in English, not foreign movies. They should be in the foreign film category only.

Oscars were about American movies and celebrating American achievements in movie making. The other nations have their own internal equivalents where there are zero Hollywood movies. Still, we can celebrate and have foreign movies but put them in Foreign category only. Don't put in Best Film (Which refers to best Hollywood American films)

And secondly, the films are all low budget movies that no one has seen or liked. What are Oscars celebrating? Movies that mass audiences likes are always ignored in lieu of some stick up their behind few dozen viewers who like the nominated movies.

And it is all a scam. Marketing, advertising, changing the category for best chances, ignoring actors/actresses routinely to fill color quotas or just ignoring good actors and actresses (like Brendon Fraser being ignored). And then saying "best actor, male" and "best actor, female" nonsense. The word is "actor" and "actress", established in English for gender differences.
What's next? "best male, male", "best male, female"? [I am a liberal Democrat who is sick of some modern PC bs because it feels illogical to me].

Oscars have lost their meaning and charm to me. It is a FRAUD and I can see it was so even in the 70s with Godfather.
