yeah but she had make anti-semetic, Anti-Trans as well Anti-Vaxx comments so really chose to be a conservative Trump Loving Nut instead of Headlining her own series even Bruce Willis managed to get semi-decent work compared to her
Hmm… I just checked and she’s around the same height as me and I am around 150lbs (she’s apparently 143lbs). Most people say I’m quite fit, and she looks pretty fit to me.
I think you’re confusing your own personal standards with medical terms that have a concrete definition to them man. She would need to weigh about 200lbs to be deemed as obese.
But if you don’t like her figure, who am I to say anything about it. I’m sure there are a few actresses that you see as fit.
Yes, I think you are right about her having put on some weight. I just went back and checked on her recent pics and statements about her weight gain. 450lbs she most certainly is not though. She may have put on 10-20lbs, maybe even 30lbs if you want to be generous. 450lbs is a gross and unwarranted exaggeration in my opinion.
I’ll stick with what I said initially. If you don’t like her figure, that is fine. She looks far from obese to me, though.
But I’m not going to engage with this conversation anymore. I do not believe anything you are writing is honest, accurate, or thought out because of these exaggerations. If we meet in another thread sometime, then we can try talking again.
Dude your PR attempts are pathetic. Everyone saw Gina being rolled on screen like the tub of lard she'd become in the second season while your claims are based on phantom pictures. Nice try with the faked civilized approach though.