
I am not familiar with the US legal system but wouldn't she have a fair chance to sue Disney for libel or defamation since there is zero evidence for 'abhorrent', 'discriminating' or 'racist' remarks from her as Disney claims?


In the sense that anyone with any taste or sense of proportion can sue her for defaming them with accusations of being as bad as the Nazis if you ridicule or criticise someone for posting demented conspiracy theories. Yeah sure.


How does that glazing taste lil buddy?


Like your mama's kisses.


Good tard, get it nice and sparkling now yahear


She didn't defame anyone personally. On the other hand Disney did by making unsubstantiated claims about her.


“Gina Carano is not currently employed by Lucasfilm and there are no plans for her to be in the future. Nevertheless, her social media posts denigrating people based on their cultural and religious identities are abhorrent and unacceptable."

Which part falls under the category of defamation and requires substantiation?


'denigrating people based on their cultural and religious identities'

So a big corporation making unsubstantiated claims about someone and severely damaging their reputation isn't a thing?


Her reputation has not been damaged. That perception of the content of her social media posts was already in the public eye. So she has not been defamed by Disney.


The "perception of the content of her social media posts" is a fabrication of the Lying Lefty Media!


No. Real people think she's an asshole for what she said.

People were already calling for her to be fired before Lucasfilm were asked about the situation.


No. Only utter retards think what you think. Not actual people.


The best would be for her to convert to Judaism, go to temple. Have a meeting with Disney there.


Calling her remarks those things isn't calling her those things.


Another windowlicker, get to it


I'm certain the irony of your remark is lost on you.


"no u" - The post


I'm not fluent in gibberish.


But you speak "Farthuffing SJW" like it's your first language!


While seeing that which isn't there is usually indicative of psychosis, it can also be a manifestation of simple imbecility.



My sympathies to your parents.


Are all your posts this high quality? Just more low level NPC shit, you tards need to up your game.


Your self-awareness is only exceeded by your keenness.



Her last comments on twitter referring to the Third Reich? No not at all. Please tell me what exactly is "abhorrent or discriminating" about them.
The exact Disney statement was:
"her social media posts denigrating people based on their cultural and religious identities are abhorrent and unacceptable"
Still nobody has provided me with these denigrating posts. What did they say?



What was even remotly antisemtic about that post?!
This is what she wrote
“Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors…even by children. Because history is edited, most people today don’t realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views”
In other words: not only Nazis and thugs from the SA, Gestapo and SS harassed and tortured Jews but also "ordinary" people, neighbours and "friends". So it is a general reminder for all societies that terrible crimes always start in a very small scale. Was her comment very smart in context of recent incidents in the US? Probably not. Maybe even rather silly and uneducated. But were is the antisemitic part?
FYI: "Antisemitism is hostility to, prejudice, or discrimination against Jews"



Again, her remaks in context with modern day US politics were silly and out of place. Not arguing that.
But it has nothing to do with anti semitism, which in itself is a very severe and consequential accusation.
I'm having a hard time understanding what is so difficult to make this distinction.
If someone seriously compares the fate of the jews to that of conservatives today (which she clearly is) then it has to be assumed that something terrible has happened to the Jews. "They pursued the Jews now they're pursuing US!"
If you hate jews and, even worse, think they weren't pursued or think that Jews themselves are the root of all evil - which is the very definition of antisemitism - then it makes no sense to draw such a comparison.
Let me give you an example of what an anti semitic post could have looked like: "Hey, it's always the jews who are complaining about some alleged stuff that happened to them, but the REAL victims of history are the REPUBLICANS!!!"

Edit: the beatings in the streets were actually mainly done by civilians so that the jews later could be rounded up by soldiers . Which is what she is saying. What difference does the word "only" make? She is clearly not implying that nazi soldiers never did anything to the jews . That's ridiculous.


Actually, her commentary is quite insightful.
To be fair, I'd say what's currently happening is more akin to the infamous hollywood black list era - when communist sympathizers were banned, blacklisted or arrested.
Jews were a minority in Germany, while there are way too many conservatives to call them a minority. Having said that, there's no doubt that Liberals currently hold all of the power cards - they basically control all of the mainstream media and the government. They most certainly demonize conservatives in the mainstream media, films and TV shows. Nancy Pelosi has said that those who voted to acquit Trump were political cowards and shills, which is not exactly a nice rhetoric in the 'we need to unite' era.
Those that are speaking out against the elections result are said to be attacking the democracy, which is ludicrous.

At the end of the day, there's no doubt that steps are being taken via rhetoric and mainstream media controlled by the 'liberal' elites to further divide the nation - and where that will lead.... I doubt it will lead to what happened in Germany, there are too many conservatives and they have guns, but a civil war is a definite possibility.
At the end of the day, it's kind of obvious that Gina was pointing out to the fact that people are being divided by the power elites - they are fueling hatred between people and the end result will not be pretty. The enemy is the government - the enemy is the big tech - the enemy is the mainstream media and the people that control it. Know your enemy.


sad to be judged by morons like you who can't understand plain english :


You are just repeating bullshit by the Lying MSM: "It is tone deaf and just wrong."


No reasonable person does.


I wish she could sue but I doubt it could happen being it would be brought up in liberal California.


