MovieChat Forums > Gina Carano Discussion > Fired by LucasFilm

Nothing Gina said was out-of-line. This is just an army of paid schills flooding Disney's phone and email lines with anything they could to target Gina, and Disney caved, kneecapping the one bright spot in their current lineup. I don't even know if they realize these outrage mobs are organized and paid by political motivated entities. Fuck Disney for being so ignorant.


She appears in about 5% of Mandalorian. Attempts to act for a few seconds and then punches people. She'll barely be missed.


You're just mad cause she's an actual strong woman and not some non binary trans whacko


She's not going to let you sniff her butt so quit trying to white knight her.


Not an argument just a pathetic attempt at an insult


But Karen Wood and Heard get to still work. Lol


This is a lesson for all transphobics!


And a lesson for you is no matter how many hormones you take or if you chop your dick off you'll never get pregnant, have a period or be a real woman


She made a valid point. You don't have to be a Jew if you don't want to anymore than you have to be a conservative. It is a personal choice. The whole pretend that being Jewish is some sort of ethnic or racial identity is bullshit. Otherwise you would never have the ability for a person to convert to Judaism. The moment Jews allowed conversion is the moment they lost any ability to claim that they were some ethnic group.


This is clearly a warning, so people learn to not to speak their mind if they don't want to lose their jobs.

US is becoming more and more of a totalitarian regime. 😞


She just had to keep playing with the rabbit hole. She could've kept triggering the left with more tame stuff but nope, she went full Jew parallel and did Nazi the coming storm.
