I've had enough of her. She's not talented. She creates bubble gum generic pop songs, correction her producers do that she just performs them. She's not even properly woke she is political correct mainstream woke. She is best friends with that animal Blake Lively. Seeing her get boo'd at boomer bowl was just excellent keep it coming, 2025 is the year she gets cancelled.
Yesterday was the first time I seen her booed en masse, in front of hundreds of millions of people, steam is totally picking up as more people wake up.
if she is so untalented, why does she write her own music AND lyrics, dominate music business markets, and sell out tours?
not many untalented people can do that.
I am not a fan AT ALL, but I respect music business acumen.
Seems like richer people are always 'hated' for being successful.... while we all strive to be more successful.
serious questions here (i don't want to argue or fight, simply discuss)
Do you think financial investors made a bad investment in her because they were conned?
Are they losing money now? well, that answer is no.
Her business acumen has her
- topping charts for 2 decades
- making loads of money
- selling out massive tours
- owning a very successful "Brand" and "product"
- when her old recordings sold without her connection, she RE-RECORDED those recordings to sell to fans INSTEAD, effectively rendering the old catalog profitless.... instantly. Not sure if this idea was her own or the team, but it is still great business and a big F YOU to the buyers.
There are basically two musical perspective for music creation:
1. be a free and broke "artist", making music exactly how you "FEEL", which may possibly appeal to a very tiny, broke, niche audience, or....
2. make entertaining music you enjoy which is also designed to have as large an audience appeal as possible to sell more product and shows.
And there is nothing WRONG with either. Just different things.
If she is a "Fraud" does this mean anyone could stand alone on stage infront of thousands and thousands of people and lip sync or sing and dance like her? Where are all those people?
Is she faking, and conning all the investments that are in her brand?
Is the majority of her fans feeling slighted like they are conned, or do they enjoy her silly songs about breakups young love? I bet they enjoy it.... with no gun to their head.
Again, I'm ZERO fan of her music, but I know of it's well crafted lyrics, hookable melodies, proper song formula usage. And I respect her successful craft. Honestly, I rarely listen to her songs when they come on, and usually change the station when they do.
But my disinterest doesn't sway my perspective of her actual success.
And now that she is barking politics, I'm even less interested in her. But her success still stands on its own.
Elvis stayed out of politics and had pretty much zero business acumen, although he did make some investors rich. He is well remembered almost 50 years after he died. Taylor Swift doesn't have that staying power.
Maybe not, but that doesn't make her unsuccessful.
I'm no musical historian but what I notice is OLDER stuff, CLASSICS if you will, became important and stay as the first and ealiest things.... music, paintings, buildings.... now that the world has advanced, we have a million more options and less things STAY, and are replaced by newer cooler better (according to the latest generation at the time). So... meh... you will always finding Taylor stuff staying, along side the 300,000 other artists out there.
Classical music will remain a STANDARD of olde skool quality music forever.... it's still being made today also, but almost no one KNOWS any modern classical famous songs outside of some movie soundtracks.
Isn't ALL "art" SUBJECTIVE anyway? Some like, some don't.
I don't even LIKE it. But millions of others seem to. And that is allowed.
But, even though I dislike heavy metal music, I don't go around calling the successful ones "Cons". I'm glad they are successful in that section of music. Good on them.
She actually does write her own songs. Song writing is not hard, just most people dont know how, or do it for profit.