I'm sick to death
of seeing this bint's face all over the fucking place! I wish she would just fuck off, and sink back into obscurity.
of seeing this bint's face all over the fucking place! I wish she would just fuck off, and sink back into obscurity.
nah. it's over for her. I'm fairly sure that for the past few months the BBC have had an office bet to have at least one TS related story per day. sometimes two for extra doughnuts. Since Glastonbury, it's been Dua Lipa, and no TS. the BBC affair seems to be over. Or they've discovered another way to appeal to anyone under the age of 30.
shareThe cracks are really starting to show for Taylor Swift
shareI'd love for Dua Lipa to sit on her tiny chipmunk face. I'd even pay good money to see that!
Taylor may be queen of the USA, but Dua is queen of the UK. We love you Dua!
Dua Lipa is good but she has no chance in hell reaching the level of success and popularity of Taylor.
Dua's latest album also underwhelmed and is not as good as Future Nostalgia
Dua is queen of the UK
You and me both.
shareSomeone just needs to ask her in public what she thinks about what Israel is doing to the Palestinians.
Bet you'll never find her opinion on the question - anywhere.
Does she even know where Israel is? “It’s a made up country, right?”
I'd like to sit you two fuckers down and play you the videos that those hamas terrorist murdering rapist fucks
took of themselves slaughtering women children and babies on the 7th of October last year, you pair of terrorist loving pricks. Fuck you both.
She's a member of the tribe - so I'm not surprised that she's pushed so much
Deal with it, she is the greatest artist of all time and she has over a decade left being on top.
shareSorry you feel that way, I love her music.