MovieChat Forums > Armie Hammer Discussion > Armie Hammer Says He Was Sexually Abused...

Armie Hammer Says He Was Sexually Abused at 13 and Attempted Suicide Following Misconduct Allegations


Rich entitled whiteboy making excuses and looking for woke sympathy.


How does his race have ANYTHING to do with this, you racist dipshit?


That was my initial instinct, and on balance I'm still inclined to believe he's guilty of the crimes he's been accused of, and that being the case, there really is NO excuse for his actions (and I can't help thinking he's making these statements in order to somehow 'mitigate' the harm he's done).

That said, as someone who's been on the receiving end of a false allegation (albeit, NOT one that was linked to violence or sexual misconduct), and considered suicide as a result, and was sexually assaulted by another kid when I was 11/nearly 12, I almost feel like a hypocrite.

Yes, Armie Hammer is a very privileged, super-rich white man, but I don't need to have been born with a silver spoon to empathise with him with respect to (a) being sexually assaulted as a boy, and (b) feeling suicidal after a (in my case, false) allegation, but of course, that's assuming he's telling the truth about both things.

Also, despite what happened to me, I never used that as an excuse to ever sexually molest, harass, assault or prey on anyone else.


I'm skeptical of the #metoo movement. So I don't automatically believe allegations.

But to use his own sexual molestation as an excuse, is specious. As you said, you were a victim, but that didn't make you prey on others.

But he was not charged with a crime. So he's innocent.

I also think his cannibal fetish does not make him guilty either.


Yes, I don't want to entirely dismiss him, assuming he's telling the truth about being abused as a child, but I'm also inclined to roll my eyes when someone only cites their own victimisation as some sort of 'excuse' for their mistreatment/abuse of others.

However, I also think your last two points are fair, especially the last point. His cannibal fetish may be weird, but it isn't a crime, and isn't particularly probative when it comes to the question of whether or not he committed *rape*.


Yes, his abuse as a child in no way excuses his abuse of others, if he did so.

There are so many of these allegations flying around. If it was investigated and no charges were filed, I'm inclined to believe he did nothing wrong except make some creepy sexual fetish comments to the wrong woman.

I mean is that the root of the charges against him? A bizarre cannibal fetish? If that's the case, the accuser is a horrible person.




Sexually abused but not pressing charges?


He should have tried harder. After all, if at first you don't succeed...


The worst kind of Johnny-come-lately.


I have sympathy for his 13-year-old self, but I have no respect for his grown ass adult self using his past abuse to try and excuse his present day choice to abuse others. Becoming a sexual abuser doesn't get cancelled out by being sexually abused yourself. Imagine if the pastor came out and confessed to being sexually abused, does that mean he's now off the hook?


You said it perfectly.




LOL. It took him two years to finally made up excuses.

"Its not my fault your honor. Childhood traumas made me abuse those women. Un-cancel me please, Hollywood. I know you like victims. Im da victim too, ya’ll"

Did someone told him that there are many victims of abuse who dont abuse other people? No?

Those women were complaining not about sexuality but about emotional abuse from him. He was controlling them.

And "thank you" for new Hollywood trend Meghan Markle. Now every f-upped celebrity who did something bad will claim they wanted to kill themselves to get that pity card and escape from their public troubles. Its used to be "rehab" to white wash their image. But no one cares about rehabs anymore its become so common. So now its "suicide".

He really is a trash. He cant even own his own behavior.


I'm no fan of Meghan Markle or Armie Hammer, but I do have some sympathy and understanding for individuals who've talked about wanting to consider suicide, after being turned into a pariah, *whoever* they may be.

When I was 14, I was *falsely* accused of making certain offensive and derogatory statements. I don't know what my accuser was playing at, since I had little interaction with them, and had never done them any harm (fwiw, their accusation was that I'd badmouthed *someone* else, as well as an entire category of people, rather than themselves per se), but everyone else seemed to believe them (sans proof, and based only on their word), and I was turned into a pariah, no matter how much I protested that my accuser was in fact lying. Anyway, since no one would listen to me, and I felt helpless, I threatened to commit suicide as a means of trying to get them off my back. Suffice to say, it was not a good move, and I paid a hefty price for my threat (which I personally think was hugely unfair, seeing as I was only a child).

I don't know if my situation is directly analogous to Markle or Hammer's, but I do see some parallels. Assuming either of them were falsely accused of the stuff cited against them, then I 100% understand why they might feel inclined to say "I felt suicidal" (even if it's not genuine, and it very possibly is; simply as a means of getting people off their backs, I get why someone would say "Leave me alone because I'm feeling suicidal"). I've been there, and although I'll admit I was a child at the time, and I don't think I'd behave the same way now, as an adult, I do understand the pressure a person feels when they're turned into a pariah, and why they may either feel genuinely suicidal, or feel inclined to threaten suicide as a means of getting the world off their back.


"Variety" called me a pariah. I don't even know what a pariah is.


Every person at some point in their life "feels suicidal" when they have bad mood, something bad happens in their life, they lose job, house, have bad grades etc.

They just dont scream about it on every corner. Its not as much "suicidal thought" as more like feeling sorry for themselves.

Which is natural feeling for every celebrity being cancelled. The thing is Meghan Markle and woke media who fell for it created new celebrity trend - every time you did something bad and and press is at you - just say you are gonna kill yourself and everything will be forgiven. They will all feel sorry for attacking you and leave you alone and forgive you all your sins. Its basically became new rehab. 20 years ago when celebrities did something bad they just quickly ran to rehab, chill there for few weeks and came back being forgiven. Because "they seek help and were sick", per press eyes. Then be bad again.

And now we see how Armie Hammer follows Meghans new trend and declares that everyone should forgive him for torturing woman because "he was suicidal". LOL. Nothing is sincere with hollywood freaks. Its all a game.

Per this trend Harvey Weinstein may now come and and say he was suicidal in jail and must be forgiven and be let out and work again. And claim he was abused as child and thus he is not guilty of abusing women. Its was all his trauma )))

And took a year for Amires pr people to come with this excuse. Its actually hilarious how fake and manipulative it is. They tick all the boxes.


With all due respect, did you read anything I said?

As someone who was *falsely* accused and felt suicidal as a result, I can't casually dismiss the word of anyone, no matter how 'evil' their sins, who does as I did, and speaks of wanting to kill themself.

I wasn't in the wrong when I was falsely accused, so it would surely be remiss of me to assume others are in the wrong so behaving as I did.

Honestly, you have to have been in that situation to truly understand. Have you been in that situation?


Armie as not falsely accused. He is monster who abused women. And he got what he deserved.

How does it have to do with your situation?


I for one welcome Armie Hammer back! He is forgiven in my book.
