MovieChat Forums > Jennifer Lawrence Discussion > Margot Robbie has made her irrelevant

Margot Robbie has made her irrelevant

Looking at her IMDB profile she is hardly getting roles anymore while Margot Robbie has 10 upcoming films all the way to 2021.

She is then new IT hot blonde girl at the moment and she is both hotter and a better actress than Lawrence.

It has truly turned out that without X-Man and Hunger Games Lawrence just can't flourish as a top actress.


Lawrence was never the "hot blonde". She was more like the girl next door. Having said that, her time as the "it" girl is over. She will get supporting roles in big moves, or leading roles in small movies, but her days of anchoring big films are oever. Probably for the best as fame apparently didn't sit with her very well. She would even go so far as to be rude to fans just so they would leave her alone.


I disagree she’s in the clique


To be fair. Most Woman dont last as long
in film as men. Unless they get a long running tv show many retire early
