Ever notice how White Feminists...
tend to be the most racist?
A great man once said, everything is about sex. Except sex. Sex is about power.
tend to be the most racist?
A great man once said, everything is about sex. Except sex. Sex is about power.
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shareYes, and the whole left are, too.
Lena Dunham has been accused herself, but since she is part of the left she thinks it's ridiculous because...well, she's special.
The whole left loves to separate people. Much is they want black people to stay down so they will vote for democrats.
And what is their big complaint when illegal immigration is mentioned? "Who is going to take the jobs others won't?" As in, they are too stupid to work in a job that requires intelligence.
And what is their big complaint when illegal immigration is mentioned? "Who is going to take the jobs others won't?"
The worst part about that argument is its implicit acceptance of slave labor at unlivable wages unless you pack 10 people to an apartment. Democrats consider such labor heroic, a manifestation of the American dream, while they live behind gates in neighborhoods devoid of blacks and Latinos.
I don't understand this sort of rhetoric. Dems don't exclusively live in comfort while simultaneously championing poor people. And what if they did? Do you live in comfort and pat your fat belly not caring how the rest of us live? We all want to be comfortable and some of us want that for others, too. That's the crowd I want to identify with.
shareOf course all of us want to be comfortable. The issue is hypocrisy. Republicans have plenty on their side of the fence, but the Democrat specialty is shaming people about the "rights" of illegal aliens, carbon footprints, integration, racial generalizations, and so forth, and when they so blatantly reject these standards for themselves their hypocrisy is seen for what it is: political rhetoric designed for their own empowerment. They deserve to be raked over the coals for it, for counting on most people to be too dumb and disengaged to bother calling them on it.
shareSo the KKK is loaded with white female 'feminists' then? OK, duly noted.
shareSo the KKK is loaded with white female 'feminists' then? OK, duly noted.
Silly reply. KKK is a fringe element nobody with any decency takes seriously whereas feminists are much more influential and numerous.
At least the KKK is more honest about their racism.
But does being 'numerous and influential' automatically equate to 'racism'? How so?
Secondly, it's worth noting that the women's movement has always been inclusive. If you look at pix of women's marches from the 70s, they are integrated, not 'white females only'. It's worth noting that Gloria Steinem is actually godmother to Alice Walker's children.
You don't have to be part of the KKK to be racist you know. You think no white feminists harbor any sort of racial prejudices of their own?
"A cynic is what an idealist calls a realist" - H.G. Wells
That could be true, but the OP claims that white feminists are - in his own words - the MOST racist. He has no evidence to back that claim at all!
shareBut does being 'numerous and influential' automatically equate to 'racism'? How so?
I didn't say that. You are taking out of context as usual.
It's worth noting that Gloria Steinem is actually godmother to Alice Walker's children.
So what?