MovieChat Forums > Anthony Fauci Discussion > Ebola DID happen 7 years ago & Obama nip...

Ebola DID happen 7 years ago & Obama nipped it in the bud.

The fast-moving Ebola epidemic in West Africa was what the World Health Organization labeled the “largest, most severe and most complex” Ebola epidemic in history. More than 28,000 people were infected and more than 11,000 died.
The outbreak started in March 2014 and the initial US response was considered by some slow and inadequate, but by August of that year, the Obama administration staged what scholars say is the largest American intervention in a global public health crisis.
Congress approved $5.4 billion of the $6.2 billion Obama had asked for in emergency Ebola funding that went to support international efforts and to create infrastructure in the US to fight emerging infectious disease.
The US sent more than 3,500 personnel from multiple agencies to fight the epidemic, mobilizing staff from the Department of Defense, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Public Health Service, the US Agency for International Development and the National Institutes of Health.
The medical experts provided direct care to patients and performed basic public health services like contact tracing to help stop the spread of the disease. The experts trained more than 1,500 local healthcare workers. It also educated citizens on disease prevention and partnered with locals to create nearly 200 safe burial teams.
The US military also built 11 Ebola treatment units in the region and oversaw the creation of five others. These ETU’s cared for patients, isolated Ebola patients from others, and tested people for the disease. The Department of Defense brought seven mobile labs to the region speeding up testing. The US also built a medical unit in Liberia that cared for healthcare workers that got sick caring for patients.
In the US, the Obama administration set up Ebola screening at airports, provided national training for health care workers and created an infrastructure of 51 Ebola treatment centers in 16 states that continue to manage emerging infectious diseases. The unit at the University of Nebraska Medical Center is currently being used to care for novel coronavirus patients. 
The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease initiated work on an Ebola vaccine and that research continues.


What's your point? Ebola pops up every now and again in Africa and whether the US did anything or not about it the disease would eventually burn itself out. Unlike the covid virus when you get ebola you get show it, so you don't run around as an asymptomatic carrier spreading the virus all over like typhoid Mary. You also are only able to spread it from your blood and fluids spewed from you when you are sick from it.... which also limits the spread of it.

Frankly there is little reason to care about ebola, unlike the covid virus it does come from infected animals and if the people in Africa would stop hunting and eating exotic animals it wouldn't even be an issue.


Point is Obama stopped Ebola

Trump Allowed COVID19

Do the thinking.


Is Ebola eradicated from the planet? No. It pops up pretty much every year and is going to so long as African idiots keep fucking around with monkey meat. It is also never going to be a problem like covid as it requires blood or fluid transmission and has no asymptomatic carriers. Someone gets it they know it and so does everyone around them when they start bleeding. If you are too stupid to understand why Ebola is not that big a deal and covid is then do yourself a favor and the world and piss off. You don't seem to understand anything and appear to be one of those loony liberal fucks that wants to blame everything on Trump.


It was prevented from entering the US. ie. stopped. Never said anything about the planet. Keep struggling.

"Ebola is not that big a deal"
The average EVD case fatality rate is around 50%. Case fatality rates have varied from 25% to 90% in past outbreaks.
So Ebola is 40 times more deadly than COVID and as contagious.
You must be pretty stupid to think Ebola is not a big deal and a crazy conservative. Many conservatives don't even think COVID19 is real, that's how fucking stupid you lot are.

The virus spreads through direct contact (such as through broken skin or mucous membranes in the eyes, nose, or mouth) with:
Blood or body fluids (urine, saliva, sweat, feces, vomit, breast milk, amniotic fluid, and semen) of a person who is sick with or has died from Ebola virus disease (EVD).
Objects (such as clothes, bedding, needles, and medical equipment) contaminated with body fluids from a person who is sick with or has died from EVD.
Infected fruit bats or nonhuman primates (such as apes and monkeys).
Semen from a man who recovered from EVD (through oral, vaginal, or anal sex). The virus can remain in certain body fluids (including semen) of a patient who has recovered from EVD, even if they no longer have symptoms of severe illness. There is no evidence that Ebola can be spread through sex or other contact with vaginal fluids from a woman who has had Ebola.

MOST IMPORTANTLY LIKE WITH COVID19, When people become infected with Ebola, they do not start developing signs or symptoms right away. This period between exposure to an illness and having symptoms is known as the incubation period. A person can only spread Ebola to other people after they develop signs and symptoms of Ebola.


Oh, so now you just want to claim you only meant the US and that OBama kept Ebola from ever getting to the US... Oh, I see. You are an ignornat cunt because during the 2014-16 outbreak there were 11 cases of Ebola in the US... but your too stupid to even research anything before you go spouting off. What a sad little turd you are.


"were 11 cases of Ebola in the US"

Yeah and there were 11 cases of COVID19 in the US once and Trump called it a hoax and allowed it to spread out of control. Obama nipped Ebola in the bud. Great president. ANd if it weren't for term limits he'd have won a third and a fourth term. Amen.


Well we know what color you are now don't we. No one with even half a brain thinks Obama was worth a shit. He achieved one thing - being the worst president ever.... Oh and creating racial divide to a level not seen since the time of slavery.


I haven't revealed much about myself but you have. We all know you are a stupid racist fascist piece of this. What "color". My color is blue for freedom mfker and my tartan, well I won't tell you what my tartan is.

I bet you're a dirt bag redneck huh, just hangin out by the mud waller just drinkin yer whiskey and sittin in the mud so the bug don't eat yea huh you dirty piece of this.

Obama achieved several things.
1. Ending the Republican recession.
2. Getting us off of foreign oil.
3. Regulating oil speculation.
4. Killing Bin Laden.
5. Nipping Ebola in the bud.

Historians have rated him as one of the top 10 presidents and Trump among the worst 5.

I do think your kind should pay slave reparations and then you need to pay off the rest of us non slave descendants for the drama you've put us through.


Do the world a favor and go back to Africa. You clearly don't have a clue BOY. You have managed to show your complete ignorance by throwing out a list which include nothing Obama did.

1. The recession was not caused by Republican it was the result of democrats pushing through rules and regulations in the banking industry that allowed poor people to buy houses they couldn't afford.

2. Becoming energy independent was a direct result of what Trump did, Obama did more to force us to become dependent on foreign oil with his policy restricting drilling on federal land and his work or stopping pipelines and attacking the coal industry.

3. Dodd Frank didn't stop oil speculation nor was it anything Obama did, you'll not it is called the Dodd-Frank act because it was a bill introduced by Dodd and Frank, not Obama.

4. While Obama was probably closer to Bin Laden when he was born in Kenya than most Americas ever were, Obama didn't pull the trigger and clearly didn't kill his hero Bin Laden.

5. Ebola burned itself out like it always does when it flairs up. Go look at the history of Ebola it doesn't require anyone to do anything for it to go away because the nature of the virus causes it to burn itself out fairly quickly.


OMG, the troll just wants to blame Trump again. Hell, you are soooo transpicuous.
You got Biden. So you lost. Live with it.


You have got to be joking. No one can be this stupid. He called it a hoax.


No one can be this stupid.

Wrong. You are the proof...


Nopah. You are. Trump says it right there in plain Engish Hoax, he called it.


Point is Obama stopped Ebola

Factually untrue.

Trump Allowed COVID19

There was no way to stop it when China let 5 million people leave wuhan pre-quarantine. The only President allowing covid into the country is Joe Biden at the southern border, from Mexico.


You're really comparing apples to oranges here.

First of all, China kept from the world how contagious Covid-19 was. On Jan 14, 2020 WHO came out with the statement: "It is certainly possible that there is limited human-to-human transmission."

Shortly after that, WHO released this statement: "preliminary investigations by Chinese authorities had found "no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission.""

Jan 20, WHO stated: "It was now very clear from the latest information that there was "at least some human-to-human transmission.""

Jan 22, WHO stated: "Evidence suggested human-to-human transmission in the Chinese city but that more investigation was needed to understand the full extent of the transmission."

Jan 23, several members of WHO stated: "there was still not enough information to make a determination, given the fact that only a public health emergency of international concern can be declared or not; there is no intermediate level of warning."

Jan 29, WHO stated there was a "deeply concerning" continued increase in cases and evidence of human-to-human transmission outside China.

Jan 30, WHO declared the novel coronavirus outbreak a public health emergency of international concern.

Jan 30, Trump placed restrictions on travel from China to the U.S. Joe Biden responded by calling Trump 'xenophobic.'

And if you notice in that article, the successful effort to limit the Ebola outbreak took place in the location where the outbreak was happening. That wasn't possible with Covid-19, since first China lied about how contagious it was, and then limited access to Wuhan for other countries AND the WHO.

And then, obviously, the Left in the U.S. criticized Trump for blaming China for the spread of the virus.

It gets so tiring how brain-dead liberals can be.

Source for the WHO timeline:


but but scholars said


Scholars didn't say what happened, they just said it was "the largest American intervention in a global public health crisis."

But you trust comedians and politicians more for your information right?


But you trust comedians and politicians more for your information right?
No Im not a moronic liberal or child (same thing)


Yet you are, exactly that. So you're calling freedom "moronic"? Look up the definition of moron. It is someone with the mentality of an 8 to 12 year old. Since your resort to such things, that's exactly what you are. Look up the definition of liberal. Your thoughts are purely selfish, you believe in outlandish conspiracies and you hate freedom. That's modern conservatism in a nutshell.


freedom failed. Liberals prove it everyday. Some people are too stupid to make their own decisions and liberals are a shining example of humans who dont understand how the world works and need it explained to them and they throw a hissy fit when they hear it and refuse to accept it...children. And they're not conspiracies. All the evidence has been laid out in multiple forms, but you babies just shut your eyes and ears and refuse to hear it. Same goes for the liberal media. Whenever anyone attempts to present it, they go into attack mode and do everything to discredit the person instead of the evidence. Pathetic really. Luckily there are other sources of info besides mainstream media and it's controlled opposition Fox (so dont even bring that up in another pathetic attempt)


"Jan 30, Trump placed restrictions on travel from China"

Most of Americans were infected with the variant that came from Italy. If Trump was at all serious about it he would have set up testing stations at airports just like Obama did and stopped all air travel for a couple months.

Mount Sinai Study Finds First Cases of COVID-19 in New York City are Primarily from European Sources
First definitive molecular epidemiology study of SARS-CoV-2 in New York City to describe the route by which the virus arrived.

Lots of Americans traveled there for Carnivale (Mardi Gras) and brought it back.

Mutated COVID-19 Viral Strain in U.S. and Europe 10 Times More Contagious than Original Strain

Most New York Coronavirus Cases Came From Europe, Genomes Show

Trump called the virus a hoax and then he got it.


"stopped all air travel for a couple months."

You mean like this?:

"Trump Suspends All Travel From Europe For 30 Days To Combat COVID-19
March 11, 20206:46 PM ET"


This article talks about how mistakes in New York allowed Covid to spread across the country:

How New York’s missteps let Covid-19 overwhelm the US
City leaders saw the threat but did not act: why arguments and rivalries among politicians and power groups allowed disaster to unfold

Yet nothing in New York City was locked down. New Yorkers who were not sick or vulnerable “should be going about your life”, said Mayor Bill de Blasio on March 11, as the city’s largest conference venue boasted about a “buzzing” coffee trade show. Within 17 days, the Javits Center would become a field hospital.


But New York’s leaders were trying to quell fears, not rouse them. “This is not something that you’re going to contract in the subway or on the bus,” Oxiris Barbot, the then public health commissioner, told the press on February 2. It is true, as she now emphasises, that scientists did not yet understand asymptomatic spread, but there was enough uncertainty to make this proclamation too confident.

And then there's this:

"Cuomo nursing home order did cause more deaths, should’ve been reversed sooner: task force

The controversial directive for New York nursing homes to admit COVID-19 patients increased the death toll among residents — and Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s claims otherwise have been disproven, according to a New York State Bar Association report exclusively obtained by The Post."

So, New York made things worse, and now it's Trumps fault.


Ebola DID happen 7 years ago & Obama nipped it in the bud.

It's even more impressive than you say!! He not only nipped it in the bud here, but based on the infection rates worldwide, he nipped it in the bud in every nation simultaneously!! The ungrateful bastards never even once thanked him..

If Obama was president in 2020, the Covid-19 would have killed no one anywhere in the world.




God Bama wins again.


Look fascists whatever way you look at this you're just dead wrong about everything.
You were wrong about...
- 9/11 2001 Bush allowed Bin Laden to attack us.
- Afghanistan 2001 terrorists were supposedly from Saudi
- Iraq. 2002 - no WMD
- Hurricane Katrina
- The Patriot Act - Thanks for destroying our constitution assholes.
- The Subprme mortgage scheme
- the energy crisis.
- Which all led to the Great Republican recession 2007-2008
- Obama got us out of the recession.
- Obama came to the aid of the victims of Hurricane Sandy and actually showed up.
- Obama nipped Ebola in the bud.
- Obama killed Bin Laden.
- Trump- destroyed our trading partners
- Trump failed after Hurricane Katrina
- Trump destroyed our trade agreements, lost our trading partners and caused a whole lot tariffs, bankrupt farmers then gave them a bailout.
- Trump lost more jobs that any president since the Great Depression.
- Trump Allowed the Covid19 Pandemic to run amok in American by first failing to get the test kits from the WHO, Called it a hoax, downplayed it, hoarded 3M masks in warehouses and never let hospitals have it, failed to ground planes from China in time and utterly failed to ground planes from Italy where most of the COVID strains came through.
- Was impeached twice.

Look every problem the country has ever seen was caused by conservatives. Just face up to the facts. They are trying to enslave you.


Ebola is more deadly once you contract it. It is not nearly as easy to transmit. That's why it's so much easier to isolate and stop. The China virus was designed to spread fast among humans.


900,000+ Americans have been killed by COVID.

1 American was killed by 2014 Ebola.

What is your point?
