So that's the kind of bullshit right wing media you gorge yourself on, eh? Not surprised. Here's a selection of stories from your objective source:
- THE MAN WHO WILL SAVE AMERICA... "This Isn't the Beating of a Drum, This Is the Burning of a City!" - Inventor Jovan Pulitzer DESTROYS Georgia's Corrupted 2020 Election Results
- BREAKING: Georgia's Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Elections Holds Hearing on Voting Machine Irregularities AND IT'S DEVASTATING! - LIVE-STREAM VIDEO
- BREAKING: Walmart Slams Senator Josh Hawley for Standing Up Against Election Fraud - Hawley Lets Them Have It ...Update: Walmart Responds
Awfully obsessed with overturning that free and fair election, aren't they? All hail Lord Trump!
You want to go live in China? They don't tolerate no maskholes there! When they lock down you stay the fuck home or you go ... wherever it is they take people who won't comply, not sure exactly where that is. Because they actually heed the type of regulations you treat like an intolerable intrusion, China is relatively virus free. Still got a few outbreaks. Nothing like the out of control clusterfuck we have here though, thanks to idiot conservatives like you.
It’s proof you stupid fuckhead. You liberals are REALLY FUCKING STUPID!!!! To tell you the truth, I really don’t care what happens with the election anymore. If I get the slightest cough, I’m coughing all over you dumbasses, while yelling “I have “Covid”! I just hate you assholes.....
That outlet is nothing but a fountain of far right propaganda bullshit. Convincing the faithful you've got proof of something - hallelujah! - and actually coming up with real proof in a court of law, two VERY different things. I have never seen such a bunch of sore losers in my life, none of us were happy with the 2016 election but you didn't see this kind of childish temper tantrum.
Democrats didn't try to sabotage the process and get votes thrown out. Disputes were confined to a few recounts requested by the Clinton campaign. That's it. She conceded the next day and there was no holdup in the transition, none of this petulant sabotage we're seeing now on the part of the Obama administration. You should be ashamed of the way your Supreme Lord and Master is behaving. But you probably aren't. There are no rules when it comes to YOUR side, right? Only the other guys.
You have to be an absolute inbred moron to actually believe covid-19 doesn't exist or is just the flu. Why should the rest of us be forced to endure what's going on because assholes like you run around all proud of yourselves flaunting simple measures designed to protect us? If I told you what should happen to human refuse like yourself, you'd go running to the mods and report me again. So let me just settle for saying fuck you, fuck everything you stand for, and get used to a future where losing and being constantly enraged about it are a fact of life. 🤣
Ahhhh, chris..... The answer to a question, nobody asked. If only your parents had an abortion all those years ago..... Keep up with your bullshit. It’ll really mean a lot when the conservatives go on a rampage with their automatic weapons for stealing an election and this “Covid” bullshit....
If there was a war between the blue and red states the outcome would be the same as last time ... and for exactly the same reasons. A bunch of rednecks hanging out with their buddies and their guns aren't what wins a war. Not in the 19th century, and definitely not in the 21st. What wins modern wars is technology. And where is almost all of the tech infrastructure in the United States? Yep. Same as last time.
I know some of you right wing knuckleheads practically work yourselves up into a sexual frenzy fantasizing about a Civil War. But I don't think the reality would be everything you hoped. Those militia morons may think they're tough guys going up against poorly organized and mostly unarmed civilians. I'd love to see what happens when they start taking real losses though. Maybe lose a little of that swagger. What do you think?
You people need to decide whether this is really what you want. If it isn't, stop talking about it and stop doing things to push the country in that direction.
Lol, I've literally never met a tough liberal. Why do you think those pussies wear masks when they protest? It's because they can't back up their shit when they aren't part of a mob.
You've bought a little too much into your own propaganda, I think. Being a dumb Neanderthal who hoots and hollers bout 'Murica doesn't make you a tough guy. Speaking intelligently and having compassion for people other than yourself and your immediate circle doesn't make you a wimp. I'm sure the confederates believed the same thing about the northerners back in the 1860's (when conservative and liberal meant the opposite of what they do today).
Guess what? All humans have the capacity for violence. We're all natural fighters, some of us just have to be pushed harder than others before we do. That's why no war has ever been easy for either side. I don't think we'll end up in another Civil War. Something more like Brexit, where the red states and blue states go their separate ways - that's a possibility if things continue along this path. But again, is that really what you want? Neither country would be as strong as the original United States. And China would be overjoyed at becoming the world's only superpower!
Interesting how you failed to address the only specific issue I mentioned of wearing masks. Undoubtedly because you are one of the pussy liberals who'd do this? Thank you for clarifying.
Uh ... covid-19, you arrogant jackass? Oh wait. You're probably one of those dumb motherfuckers who thinks it's all a big conspiracy. Aren't you? Always conspiracies, conspiracies everywhere! You people have got to stop fucking your cousins. It does bad things to your DNA.
And you're not the official discussion moderator. Don't berate me for not dancing to your beat. After all, you didn't answer MY most important question: do you really want to divide the country in two? You idiots talk about that like it's a good thing. Have you thought about the consequences? Or is thinking things through before running off half cocked one of those "pussy liberal" things? 🤪
🤣 Are you serious? Antifa, liberal protestors and it's bitch supporters were wearing masks 4 years ago when Trump won the first election. The fact that you deflect this obvious point says all it needs to. Cowardice is why they wear masks, as you obviously know. Just as you hide from this truth by avoiding an honest answer, you demonstrate my point for me. Liberals are pussies and cowards. Thanks for playing.
And you demonstrate my point about genetic defects. You are one of the dumber right wing idiots on this site, not a group known for their intelligence to begin with. You go ahead and toddle off convinced you somehow "won". The utter cluelessness of the Trump worshippers never ceases to amaze. 😳
As long as money is allowed to pour into politics, they're never really going to lose. But at least they won't have the same blank check to do whatever the fuck they want under Biden that they did under Trump.
I have never seen such a bunch of sore losers in my life, none of us were happy with the 2016 election but you didn't see this kind of childish temper tantrum.
Really??? 🤣 Weren’t there crazy protests every week with people dressed up in vagina costumes right after the 2016 election? Liberals lost whatever minds they had left after the 2016 election...and it was a temper tantrum that didn’t stop for four years.
I agree that people who are still hanging on to this election and looking to overturn it are getting ridiculous, but that quote is complete and utter bullshit.
Both sides are completely insane, and they are different in pretty much every conceivable way...EXCEPT their childish behavior, which is EXACTLY the same.
Of course, you are unable to see that because of your own blind biases. People who hate entire groups of people based on their political beliefs are really sad. Have a great day.
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The cult of Trump is a serious destructive influence in this country. People have voluntarily surrendered themselves to the will of a second rate reality TV host like he's some kind of fucking god. You can find a few nuts in every basket but seriously, you're going to compare some of the silly stunts pulled by protestors in the immediate aftermath of the 2016 election with this insanity, the crazy conspiracy nonsense and outright threats of violence among Trump's base?
When the majority of people in other countries have failed to oppose and stop movements like this in the past, they have ceased to be free and open societies. It's time for sane folks to recognize the zealotry of the far right. This isn't a matter of disagreeing about policies, that we could deal with reasonably. Read their own shit. It's not about ideas. It's about blind support for One Man. It's about remaking reality around him to turn him into a messianic figure (hence all those tin foil hat conspiracy theories). It's about overthrowing the existing order if they don't like an outcome. Imposing their will on everyone else, regardless of what the majority wants, and if they don't get their way then maybe they'll grab their guns and declare war. I can't believe it's only taken four years for so many people to become numb to these flashing red lights.
Yeah, I will definitely compare how the far left acted when Trump was elected to how the far right is acting now. Two different sides of the same exact coin.
As for everything else you wrote...I think you’re being pretty dramatic. But more power to you if that gets you through your day.
Yeah, well most people in the Weimar Republic didn't take Adolf Hitler or his followers very seriously either, they saw him as a big loudmouth clown who would never amount to much ... almost until the last moment when it was too late. People really have become numb to outrageous, unacceptable conduct. Stuff happens daily, people say and do things that ought to end their careers right then and there, and five or six years ago it would have. Now it's no big deal. We have a pretty dramatic reality. If you can't see that, maybe you should look a little harder.
Stop it with that both sides are equally guilty crap. There is one side that's really pushing the rage, the division, and the nastiness. The protests after Trump got elected were nothing in scope or duration like what's happening now. Not even close. People were expressing their dissatisfaction with the system (as is their right). I don't like a system that can put the loser in the White House either. The Electoral College needs to go. But we change the laws through the processes set up to do so, and nobody on the left was talking revolt, secession, or Civil War.
No one was suggesting we stop the inauguration or overturn the vote. Obama didn't refuse to cooperate with the transition like a spoiled five year old, or tell us he was staying on for a third term and fuck y'all! He also didn't decide to go skateboarding back home in Chicago (or whatever) and stop doing his job after the election, but that's another conversation. There were no bogus claims of massive fraud. Nobody in Congress was trying to block certification of the Electoral College results and no lawsuits were being filed against states trying to invalidate their entire process. Do you remember Democrats refusing to call Mr. Trump the President Elect? I don't. There is no parity here. Please don't manufacture it.
I notice you're another one who doesn't discuss individual points, simply dismisses entire posts by attacking ME. You think anyone misses the ducking and dodging? If you're not going to explain why you think I'm wrong your replies are just words taking up space on the page.
Ok then champ. Take care. Good luck fighting all your causes. Only you can see the truth. Anyone who sees anything differently from you is a fool. Hopefully you’ll make the world a better place. Democrats rule and republicans drool. Republicans are insane and democrats are completely logical, stable people. Gotta love generalizations. Enjoy your arguments with everyone else. I have better things to do. 👍🏻
Still avoided every specific. Well done troll! You didn't have to refute a single point, just decreed me wrong. There's no shame retreating from a debate you can't win with a superior opponent. And I'm sure you've got very pressing matters to attend to. 🤣 Have yourself a good night now.
Yep, I’m a troll. The oldest and weakest thing to say to someone who doesn’t feed into your bullshit.
It’s pretty cool you can fit through any door with a head that big. You think very highly of yourself. You are a good spokesperson for liberal snobs everywhere. 🙄
Still don't address any specifics. The oldest and weakest tactic of people who have nothing to say. Slip and slide, slip and slide. Evade and deflect. Talk over people. Attack, attack, attack. Typical right wing bullshit. You are a good spokesperson for shitkicking Trump worshippers everywhere. 🤪
Projection much? You're the idiots who support the party of trickle down, and actually think they're helping you after 40 years of proof to the contrary. Talk about mindless sheep!
Just because you're enough of a Trump drone to believe in conspiracies, conspiracies everywhere, doesn't mean we're all that stupid. Suck it up, put away your silly tin foil hats and face reality. Pathetic.
Yeah, because covid deniers don't get humored there. In China you and the other dumb-as-dirt far right morons who ain't wearin' no damn mask would be hard at work in the prison mines. 😁
Take your mask and shove it! Maybe, that’s why they’re not effective! Liberals aren’t wearing masks the way they should! Their words come out of their asses! Be careful when you sit, it also houses what you have in the brain department.
I know you're trying your best with the limited intellect you have. It's not really your fault it keeps falling flat. Poor Trump worshipper. Seek solace in your Supreme Lord and Master!
Oh, I forgot. You can’t read. Go back to the very first post for proof. I love when your species takes a BIG shit on your head and you thank them for the hat!
Your right wing site is about as credible as the Weekly World News. You know, that supermarket tabloid rag with headlines like "Woman pregnant for 37 years finally gives birth", and "Newly discovered tapes reveal shocking secrets of JFK's final days". Made up bullshit on the internet is different from a case you can bring in court, where sources get verified, evidence examined, and people testify under penalty of perjury. I know you're probably too stupid to understand the difference. Judges tend to be a little smarter than you though. Thankfully.
Quit now, before you embarrass yourself any further. 🤣
This whole farce was a Chinese takeover. They cooked up a virus that kills off a small percentage of the weak and the old and a sprinkling of healthy people, set it free to wipe out a lot of their own 'useless eaters', then collaborated with American Democrats to get it over here and terrify the US population so the Democrats could oust Trump and govern the USA as loyal puppets of their Chinese overlords.
And then the evil alien conquerors impregnated our leaders with their larvae and took them over. Only the Lord God Trump can save us from total domination. Get down on your knees and worship him! All hail Lord Trump! All hail Lord Trump!
You people crack me up. Come back to this dimension, please? It's not that scary. I promise. 😳
Typical right wing nut job. Throws out a bunch of stupid, tin foil hat conspiracy crap and objects when someone calls him out as crazy. My alien bullshit is no less believable than your looney virus bio-terrorism bullshit! And I can always fall back on alien technology as the reason why there's no actual proof of my alleged takeover plot. Well of course they can cover their tracks, right? 👾
You are absolutely dumber than a rock if you believe the kind of nonsense you're spewing. Do us all a favor and don't reproduce ... ever.
... This whole farce was a Chinese takeover. They cooked up a virus that kills off a small percentage of the weak and the old and a sprinkling of healthy people, set it free to wipe out a lot of their own 'useless eaters', then collaborated with American Democrats to get it over here and terrify the US population so the Democrats could oust Trump and govern the USA as loyal puppets of their Chinese overlords.
Hail Almighty Trump! Save us from the evil Democrats who are spreading viruses in a sinister plot to take you down! 🤣
THAT'S rational? Only a nutty right winger could actually say stuff like that with a straight face. I bet you're one of those dipshits who believes the world is being run by blood drinking Satanic pedophiles, right? And only the Lord God Trump can save the day!!! 🤪
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Yep, it kinda captures the mindless worship of a loudmouth idiot TV personality. It's like a South Park episode come to life. The cult of Donald Trump. Why not Andrew Dice Clay? He talks the same way. Why not form a cult around Vanilla Ice, or some other 90's has-been? Take a random idiot no one would ever think to listen to, create a whole mythology that makes them the savior of mankind, and worship them like a god.
I notice you consistently avoid the utter insanity of your own conspiracy theories. You probably are one of those QAnon idiots. Aren't ya? How much of your brain has to be putrid, rotten, dead tissue to believe such absurd nonsense. And that sub-moronic crap about Democrats collaborating with the Chinese to kill hundreds of thousands with a virus just to make the Lord God Trump look bad ... when you're that delusional it's time to seek help dude.
All hail Vanilla Ice! Worship his Holy Name! Ice ice baby ... 🤣
Democrats collaborating with the Chinese to kill hundreds of thousands with a virus just to make the Lord God Trump look bad
Um... Actually, the main reason would be to seize and maintain permanent control over the USA... But I don't expect you to see that much of the picture since your brain is full of nothing but Trump and the mental version of farts.
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This isn't how you conduct biowarfare, genius. In six months most of the population will be vaccinated and life will be close to normal again. Where's the permanence? Pretty goddamn stupid scheme.
See, what you do is something like this: you create a really nasty virus that kills most of the people who get it. You have a treatment (or several) and a vaccine for your own people. You release the virus. Once your enemy realizes the dire nature of the situation you offer them a chance to surrender unconditionally and receive the vaccine for their people. If not, you wait until 95% of them are dead and go take their territory by force. They won't be able to mount much of a resistance. Hell, a lot of their starving survivors will be happy to see your soldiers coming with food!
Most of the right wing conspiracies are like a really awful B movie script that someone took ... and dumbed it down some more. Hire some decent writers to come up with this shit. Give us material that's halfway plausible (or at least entertaining). Have mind control devices in the masks, and that's why they need people to wear them. Or some kind of super tiny tracking chips in the vaccine injections so they can tag the whole population when they get immunized. The sky's the limit. Entertain us!
In six months most of the population will be vaccinated and life will be close to normal again.
With Liberal Democrats running the show for their Chinese masters. Operation was a great success with no lasting damage or severe trauma due to the pandemic. The economy can pick up again and everything will be just fine. An oppressive socialist regime, but otherwise OK.
Your method involves ridiculous over-the-top Hollywood theatrics that would result in the offending country being nuked by at least one nation who felt they had nothing to lose. reply share
I still don't see any permanent damage here. Aside from the families of all the people the Lord High Orangutan allowed to die, I'm sure they feel like some permanent damage has been done.
Population-wise this country is more liberal than conservative, and every four years another group of 14-18 year olds become eligible to cast ballots while more and more of the older ones, shall we say, leave the voting pool. Most people WANT more liberals in the government and the standard backstops of gerrymandering, voter suppression, the Electoral College, and the Senate (which gives twice as much representation to the rural Dakotas as it does to densely populated California) won't hold that off much longer. We're right about at the tipping point. Donald Trump is the dying scream of the party of angry old white guys. The GOP is going to have to change, become more moderate and move away from the far right, or be left behind. I have no doubt they will. When faced with the choice of adapt or perish there's really no choice at all.
That bullshit about China is absurd. There's no connection between the Chinese and the Democratic Party in this country. The same can't be said of Trump and Russia though. With his almost obsequious behavior toward Putin - I mean, he might as well have unzipped his fly and blown him right on stage in Helsinki. He has consistently given Russia free reign. Not even challenging them as they launch a massive cyberattack. Opposing sanctions on them at every turn. Allowing bounties to be placed on the heads of American troops and not even DISCUSSING the matter with Putin when they spoke on the phone days after the story broke. But I take it you don't want to discuss his borderline treasonous relationship with an adversary.
I was talking about normal people. The Democrat species want to constantly live in misery. If you can’t walk outside your parents’ basement and go food shopping, out to eat or just be human for a few minutes, take a look around. If people walking around with masks, “social distancing” and just acting like white liberals in a black or Spanish neighborhood (scared shitless) doesn’t make you laugh then, I don’t know what to tell you.....
What might be amusing if the results weren't so tragic is the science denial idiocy of the cult of Trump. If we didn't have stupid motherfuckers refusing to follow simple guidelines there wouldn't be so damn much infection right now.
People like you who won't do anything to benefit anyone but yourselves disgust me. If I tested positive for covid I'd immediately start attending anti-masker events. Make sure to get close to as many of the morons as I could. Since this isn't a real pandemic and the virus is harmless, it would be no big deal - right? 🤗
Take your mask, social distancing and the rest of your bullshit and shove it up your ass! Normal people don’t care and just want to live their lives with a bunch of bullshit rules. If you want to believe in Santa, the tooth fairy or Anthony Fugazi, good for you.... Don’t expect the rest of us to.
I am normal people. You're not. The vast majority of Americans have had it with the covidiots. When are you far right Trump degenerates going to figure that out? 😳
Two weeks off from work was nice. A month off was the best vacation I’ve had in years but, 8 months off? Are you fucking kidding me? Don’t kid yourself. This “Covid” nonsense was nothing short of political opportunism at its finest! Democrats are just the perfect shit for brains audience that Nancy, Chuck and the Democrats were hoping for. You bought this C.O.D.! Congratulations! Now that the Democrats see they can shut a country down just by manufacturing a “disease”, they can control you.... Just ask Beijing Joe. Are you really surprised this “disease” came from China and Joe Biden is up to his hair plugs in bed with China? A candidate like Joe Biden who had zero chance of winning on February 1, 2020. Then, suddenly, we have a “deadly disease”??????
Oh stop it with the conspiracy bullshit. Do you right wing nut jobs ever stop and listen to your own words? You sound like a damn looney toon.
It's a pandemic. We've had them before, and we'll have them again. You take some simple steps to mitigate their spread - hey, at least we in the 21st century have a way out in the form of advanced medical technology and rapid vaccine development.
I'm terribly sorry you find this global health crisis inconvenient, and want to rage against reality like a spoiled child. Suck it up! None of us like having to do this shit, but we don't whine about it constantly like you.
We’ve NEVER closed like this before! Strangely, during an election year..... Liberals must love you! The more this bullshit plays out, the more you Democrats reveal yourselves to be nothing more than brainless, spineless vermin that need to be controlled.
Uh ... yeah we have. Read about the smallpox outbreak during the American Revolution and what was done to contain it. Read about the repeated flu pandemics that came and went through the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries. How about the polio epidemic back in the 1950's? You simply have no knowledge base and no clue what the hell you're talking about.
What's different this time around is the lack of any civic responsibility on the part of some. People like you who simply don't give a rat's ass about anyone but themselves. Who are the products of a relatively pampered era and find any imposition on their absolute personal freedom to be an outrage. If our founders were around to hear the bullshit you're pumping out, they'd be appalled. Don't take my word for it. George Washington had to confront a pandemic in the middle of fighting a war - look up the measures he implemented.
The revolutionary war, the 1950’s? I wasn’t there, I couldn’t tell you. In 2020-21, there is NO reason to close down! No wonder you support idiots like Biden, Obama and the Clintons, real men and women are gone. It’s a shame. All we have left are you libturds. No wonder this country is in the toilet.
Well you see, we have these things called historical records that teach us of days gone past. I'm not 300 years old and yet I know who George Washington was. Amazing how that works!
The nature of pandemics is no different now than it has been throughout human history. And why do you keep equating "closing down" with the mitigation measures of masking and social distancing (which would prevent the need for closures). You don't want to do anything. Not even the minimum. You're a selfish, lazy fuck who won't accept even the slightest inconvenience and will talk themselves into anything which justifies that selfishness.
If this country is in danger of going down the toilet it's because of backward, ignorant, shitkicking Trump worshippers. Don't worry though. This was the apex of your political power. It's going away now and it's never coming back. You can always flush yourselves down the toilet with the Big Orange Turd, that would be no big loss. 😄