Enemy of the American People
Don't listen to him.
We should listen to “experts” like a voodoo priestess and Chuck Woolery instead right? Hopefully you don’t get sick but if you do, are you willing to forgo medical care and a hospital bed? The virus is all “fake news” after all right? I thought it was going to go away after November 4th.
shareWow, how many strawmen can you build in one paragraph? 😂
(PS--I'm not questioning Fauci, just your addiction to logical fallacies)
You mad bro?
shareBoy your democrat lemming response sure didn’t age well. Shocker.
shareThis guy is trying to stop a pandemic by urging preventative measures, as was done successfully in many countries. So this makes him an "enemy of the American people"?
There is this growing arrogant attitude that the problems affecting the entire world don't apply to the U.S. This explains why the U.S. does things like pulling out of the Paris Climate Agreement or cutting support to the World Health Organization (WHO) in the middle of a global pandemic. Too many Americans are deluded enough to believe the myth that they exist in their own little special world. Pandemics, climate change and the like are other countries' problems.
The enemy of the American people is the American people who subscribe to this mindset.
There was a hospital worker on TV describing dying covid patients who were angry, insisting that it's all fake, this can't be happening to them! Literally. Perfect encapsulation of being anti-science. All the fervent belief in the world doesn't do a thing to protect you against reality.
Fauci is a man with decades of service to the country. He went in and personally treated ebola patients when other doctors were hesitant, leading by example. Equating doctors and scientists with politicians does them a tremendous disservice. These are with few exceptions people passionate about what they do and committed to the truth as an end in itself, above all else. As opposed to their own power, money, and perks.
Anthony Fauci gets up there every day and gives it to us straight. A rarity in Washington now, where almost everybody who isn't an ass kissing sycophant has been forced out. Shame on anyone who would call him an enemy of the people. Now Scott Atlas - a doctor who betrays the oath he took every single day to suck up to power - he deserves to be called that.
True. So true.
shareActually it was not true at all. Assuming chrisjdel is referring to the CNN appearance of
South Dakota nurse Jodi Doering, both the UK Daily Mail and Wired debunked the claim with some pretty thorough interviews and further investigation. It also sounds pretty dubious just generally speaking.
Fauci is a science-denying attention whore whose biggest fear is that if he allows the corona virus hysteria to end his fifteen minutes will be over and he'll have to go back to being a non-entity bureaucrat. He is one of the primary contributors to the ruination of lives, a true enemy of the people. He hasn't given us anything straight since the first time he opened his corrupt, lying mouth to the media. His bullshit has been going on for more than a year. Enough is enough. He needs to go.
shareCare to amend this statement now?
shareHe doesn't give it straight, that's the problem. He's literally been caught lying.
shareLOL this comment did not age well.
share600,000+ deaths later, I must disagree and still stand by what I said originally.
shareThen you’re stupid
shareSo I suppose that makes you a genius?
shareI don't think I'm a genius but I am clearly a lot smarter than you are. Quit watching the fake news as they portray this scumbag as some kind of victim and come back to reality.
shareI don't watch "fake news." There's no such thing, just hurried and sloppy journalism. TV ratings and ad revenue are more important than accurate reporting.
Check out this Media Bias Chart. You should be able to enlarge the image:
I watch sources found inside the green rectangle, usually the BBC News. People would be wise to avoid those inside the red and orange areas.
Why should anyone believe the chart? All it does is compare News organizations to each other. Based on how things are now an unbiased news organization would be labeled Far Right on your chart. When you watch nothing but fake news, objectivity seems far right.
share"Why should anyone believe the chart?"
Why should we believe anything found in the media? Unless you witness an event with your own eyes, there is no way to decide what news is truthful and what is distorted.
Real news is comprised of who-what-where-when-why and how? Straight facts; nothing more, nothing less. Good luck trying to find that today.
I accept your concession that the chart is not an objective measurement of media integrity. It’s very rewarding to me to know that I’m right and you’re wrong
shareYou don't know who's right or who's wrong. Neither do I. And nobody will know what is truth until a truly unbiased news source is established. But this is not going to happen in today's world where advertising revenue is more important than accurate reporting.
shareI know, right now almost every major media outlet is far left which means objective news sources like OAN and Fox are seen as far right.
shareOAN and Fox are not objective. They are two of the worst offenders on the air who mix facts with opinion and don't differentiate between the two. They love conspiracy theories and hate speech. This garbage is not "news."
shareI have been watching both of them for a while and I have not heard one instance of hate speech and what they say is grounded in objective facts and if they get something wrong they own up to it and correct the record. You’ve been watching the fake news for too long, as I said you’ve been brainwashed to think objectivity is far right
shareI should have guessed from your comments that you were a viewer of one of those channels:
• Name-calling (see your first reply, which says, "Then you're stupid")
• Persistent use of the term "fake news."
• Inability to recognize conspiracy theories as evidenced by your contempt for Dr. Fauci; calling him a "scumbag" when he's trying to stop the spread of a pandemic. Let me guess... COVID-19 is a "hoax," too.
• Attitude: "...I am clearly a lot smarter than you are."
"...I’m right and you’re wrong."
Welcome to my ignore list. Good-bye.
- Get over it, if being called “stupid” gets you all riled up then you need to leave the internet.
- The other news outlets are fake news, they lied over and over again to smear President trump
- Dr. Fauci knew that the virus originated in the Wu Han lab which he had been funding and he knew that masks and lockdowns didn’t have any scientific basis behind them yet he continued to lie to the American people. It’s not a conspiracy theory, these are now objective facts.
- Strawman, President Trump never called the virus a hoax, he said the DemoKKKrats strawman of his perception of the virus was a hoax (which it was). Also while President Trump was assembling a COVID 19 task force guess what the DemoKKKrats were busy with? That’s right the first fake impeachment.
- Thank you for conceding that I am smarter than you, that took a lot of courage.
There are lots of objective facts at your disposal. For example, Fauci lied about his agency's funding of gain-of-function research. It's a fact. He tried to be lawyerly and split hairs about whether grant money was officially designated for that purpose or wound up being used for that purpose after being filtered through his good buddy Peter Daszak's EcoHealth Alliance, but that was futile. Fauci was clearly trying to hide the fact that Dasak used NIH money to provide funds to the Wuhan lab for this sort of research. It's a BIG lie. There are many other reasons to mistrust Fauci, but this alone is good enough for me. If he's willing to lie about this and cover up for his friends then in my book he's not to be trusted about anything. Fauci is not an objective scientist on the matter of covid. His conflicts of interest are manifest.
shareYou forgot to drink bleach. You may inject it as well.
shareI agree with you. What people are forgetting is that the mask is just a stupid piece of cloth. How does a cloth protect people? Answer, it doesn't!!!!!!!
shareSo doctors wear them for no reason? You are as dumb as they come. The mask keeps people's nasty ass spitules flying out of their mouth as they talk, contained. Duh! /facepalm
shareWhat? You don't think this guy just defeated all science and research by proclaiming "it's just cloth"?
That's crazy.
Fauci believed last year that they wouldn’t stop the Corona Virus.