I don't get it...

How the hell is this woman not more popular and getting bigger roles?

Seriously she is the complete package. A good actress with those incredible looks should be at the top of the industry. She should be on the level of a Scarlett Johansson or even Margot Robbie.


Agreed. She may have missed the boat though.


i know, old thread, but I completely agree! she is the total package and she should be way more recognized than she is. maybe its because of her name? it doesn't role off the tongue.


She was too old when she broke famous. Already past the Hollywood sell by date.


Seriously gorgeous woman. Shame she hasn't become a bigger name.


Good actresses are a dime a dozen.

So are attractive ones though we see far too many ugly ones these days.

I liked Strahovski in Chuck but she’s a generic actress with nothing really special about her.

Easily replaced by any number of other actresses.

I kept hoping she’d get naked onscreen when I saw her in Chuck but when she finally did in the Manhattan Night movie in 2016, I wasn’t impressed.

Very average “m’eh” body.

Robbie and Scarlett had a special spark and were both hot which helped them stand out.

Though Scarlett has passed her sell-by date at this point and I have no idea why she keeps getting hired.

I think she’s totally miscast for the new Jurassic World movie.

I think Brie Larson would have been a better choice.
