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Will Musk Be Liable after Trump Incites Another Insurrection w/Deaths

Or any other violence, mass killings, etc. which are allowed in the name of free speech by terrorists and deranged politicians?

How much money is he planning to lose in lawsuits?


"another insurrection"

When was the first insurrection sweetie?


Don't you mean BLM? Try and be honest and comment on the lies CNN, BSNBC, MSM and liberals say everyday.


You really are the most miserable fvck I've ever seen on a message board. So consumed by hate and angst. The only way you can vent is to spew out propaganda and misinformation on a Moviechat forum hoping someone agrees with you, which nobody does. What a truly pathetic individual. I feel sorry for you. Find some measure of peace and go live your life.


You're projecting.

You're the one supporting a cult leader who spews hatred towards Mexicans, Muslims, women, Blacks, Hispanics, LGBTQ+, Democrats, Asians, etc. so I'll assume those are your views too.

You're the one overreacting to a simple question about Twitter. An ad hominem attack against me instead of addressing the topic shows how deep in Trump's rabbit hole you live.


"mass murders allowed in the name of free speech" is not a "simple question"

but a very divisive attack thinly veiled as a "question".


No, it's a question.

Trump was removed from Twitter and all other social media because he incited violence which lead to multiple deaths. Apparently, Elon Musk may lift the ban and allow him to tweet.

If he does and Trump (or anyone including terrorists and deranged politicians) incites violence which causes death, Musk will likely be sued. Will multiple lawsuits change Musk's attitude towards "free speech" and have him restore a ban? (I believe it will.)

That's a legitimate question. The irony is that you're upset over a simple question, but not incitement to violence on social media from a cult leader?


Except he did not incite violence. So, that would be a lie by twitter. Hopefully shit like that will stop.


Twitter, youtube, facebook, etc. disagree with you which is the reason Trump is no longer allowed on them.

BTW, if he's too great a danger for Twitter, he's too great a danger to run a country.


You know what would have really supported your claim that he incited violence?

SHowing the quote where he incited violence.

BUT, you couldn't do that, could you?

Thus, Twitter lied. They all did. In lock step. To censor political speech they did not like.

And you support that.

I hope that Twitter becomes a platform for Free Speech.


It's unfortunate that you'd prefer to support a charlatan and demagogue like Trump rather than support American values and ideals. Blindly following anyone is dangerous and weakens the country.

The Trumpites who smashed into the Capitol already stated numerously that they came to D.C. and later attacked the Capitol building under Trump's direction.


You made a lot of points there. The big one you did not do, is quote Trump inciting violence.

If Trump had actually done that, all you lefties would have that quote tattooed on your chest and backs and never wear shirts again.

So, what we really see here instead is that you are happy to support a LIE to justify political censorship.

That is the complete opposition of ACTUAL American values and Ideals.


At the moment no (section 230), but the government will try to adjust the laws so he would.


Section 230 is an interesting point. A pedophile group can post child pornography on Facebook and Zuckerberg wouldn't legally be liable even if its algorithms generated more traffic?


But this only suddenly became a problem when there is a social media platform which will no longer give an edge only to one side.


Not really. There was recent testimony from a Facebook whistle-blower about how social media is negatively influencing societies by aiding genocide, human trafficking, political division and attacking democracy.

There are also many lawsuits challenging Section 230 as well as similar laws in other countries.


How much were Twitter liable for the deadly BLM riots?






You Communist Party nuts hate free speech so much, it's disturbing. I suggest setting yourself on fire as a form of protest.


Don't say gay and banning history books from women and Black authors are your cult's actions.

You're also repeating a trigger term used by cults to control weak-minded fools like yourself.

Your cult is continuing to cheer your hero Putin. I suggest you move to Russia where you can enjoy a totalitarian government. Or just move to Florida where there are two wannabe dictators.


"Don't say gay and banning history books from women and Black authors are your cult's actions."

^Stop mislabeling the PARENTAL RIGHTS IN EDUCATION (Anti Groomer) Bill, it's a dishonest tactic of your Communist cult.

What history books are being banned?

Nobody is cheering Putin, you psychos wish we were though.


More trigger terms from you. You're very deep in the rabbit hole.

Banning history and math books is something you're supporting by trying to justify it.

Your cult and its leader have supported Putin for years.




shutup libturd! ur reign of commie censorship is over!!!! power to the people!!! 1st amendment protects us from sjw cucklords like u!!!! Elon to the rescue!!!! yeeeeehaaaawwwww!!!!!
