

Christianity is a more tolerant religion in theory, historically speaking it was not always the case. I on the other hand live in Balkans that had muslim invaders occupying it for 500 years so historically speaking islam was not a religion of peace either.


It's safe to insult Muslims. Just look at this entire thread, or go to an online forum or youtube channel that calls Islam "evil". Heck there even a handful of US congressmen who have openly called Islam an evil religion




I just answered your question that it is safe.

You want to change Muslim attitudes? Go to a Muslim country and start a fiery discussion like you are here. Stop being a passive-aggressive taint.

Good luck



Are you proposing Christians be less tolerant? If not, what is your next step?




Because Jesus is a soy boy, beta cuck and ain’t gonna do shit about it.



I’m not sure what kind of answer you are looking for from me.


You sound a little Islamaphobic.



Because it’s hypocritical. I don’t see you complaining about Christians murdering gays and trans people. You have an axe to grind against Muslims only (probably because you’re a racist).


Islam is not a race.

Nothing compares to the amount and frequency of Islamist terrorist attacks and killings in the name of that religion by maddened fools in the last twenty years, to even compare it to so called crazed Christians murdering people is frankly ignorant and absurd.


It doesn’t matter that Islam is not a race (race isn’t real anyway). It’s still racist to marginalize one group over another.

Also I would say the amount of crazed Christians who have bombed the Middle East to hell and back certainly compared to Islamic terrorism. In fact, they’re directly intertwined, if you have even a cursory knowledge of geopolitics.


The Gulf wars were by nations and not carried out in the name of Christ, it’s ludicrous to think so or to presume they were all Christians, unlike the terror attacks against people of other faiths (or none) all over the world which are carried out by Islamist fanatics in the name of their faith.


The wars in the Middle East are carried out by evangelical Christians who want to preserve the state of Israel. They wage war in the name of Christ (they always say God is on their side) as well as money. Fundie Islamists are not fighting in the name of religion, it’s about politics. They’re a criminal organization.



Does it matter? Christians are still murdering gays and LGBTQs at an equal rate. People who behead people for drawing the prophet Muhammad happen, what, a handful of times a year? More people die in car crashes. Besides there are plenty of examples of Christians acting crazy over blasphemy.


Does it matter? Christians are still murdering gays and LGBTQs at an equal rate.

When and where? I'm not aware of such atrocities in 2020. Even if that is the case, it is against their faith/religion and also punishable by criminal laws. However, muslims faith/religion is the opposite, in accordance to sharia law which is based on their religion that it permits them to kill for several reasons and it is not punishable by their laws.

Read the second and third law from the bulleted list which is the answer to this post's topic:



When and where? I'm not aware of such atrocities in 2020.

Happens all over the world, every single day. You need to get out more.
Even if that is the case, it is against their faith/religion

The Bible advocates killing gays. The Quran does not.

That website you posted is a r-tarded propaganda site with no actual primary evidence.


Happens all over the world, every single day.

...again, when and where? provide us with "actual primary evidence" as you call it.
The Bible advocates killing gays.

Incorrect, the bible "condemns it" it does not advocate death for it, there is a difference. Even if someone were to misinterpret that and goes out killing them for that reason, they will be punishable by criminal laws.
That website you posted is a retarded propaganda site with no actual primary evidence.

Research them and prove that those sharia laws are not "actual".


again, when and where?

Research the countries with highest rates of LGBTQ killings. You need to do your own research, I’m not doing it for you.
it does not advocate it

Wrong again. It’s called Leviticus 20:13. Try reading
Research them and prove that those sharia laws are not "actual".

I already have. You need to do your own research and not read propaganda sites.


You are referring to archaic and primitive laws of the old testament where everything is about an eye for eye which all that changed in the new testament.

There is no christian religion today that advocates it, approves it, or where the laws permits it. When they kill for that reason, it is for hate and has nothing to do with their religion.

The site I referenced is about the "actual" sharia laws which you have yet to mention any other site that contradicts them.

You mentioned that you have already research it, however, you have not yet provide us with any evidence of when and where that was committed by christians based on their religious beliefs and the law permitted it.

In accordance to sharia law and the answer as to why it is not safe or tolerable:

• Criticizing or denying any part of the Quran is punishable by death.
• Criticizing Muhammad or denying that he is a prophet is punishable by death.
• Criticizing or denying Allah is punishable by death.


which all that changed in the new testament

No it didn’t. The Old Testament is designed to fulfill the old laws. Read Matthew 5:17-18
There is no christian religion today that advocates it,

1/3 of all countries that outlaw homosexuality are Christian. Also it clearly has to do with their religion as the Bible advocates it. Unlike the Quran, which says NOTHING about it.
The site I referenced is about the "actual" sharia laws

No it isn’t. There is no “actual sharia law.” It is all based upon individual interpretation, and is not the law of the land.
you have not yet provide us with any evidence

I already did. I gave you primary data to research and proved that the Bible advocates it.
In accordance to sharia law and the answer as to why it is not safe or tolerable:

Literally none of that is in the Quran.


Literally none of that is in the Quran.

I never said it was. It is the Islamic "Sharia Law" which is based on the Quran.
The Old Testament is designed to fulfill the old laws.

To fulfill with grace, love, compassion, and forgiveness through "himself".
1/3 of all countries that outlaw homosexuality are Christian. Also it clearly has to do with their religion as the Bible advocates it. Unlike the Quran, which says NOTHING about it.

Which christian country outlaws it and approves the death sentence for it?
I already did. I gave you primary data to research and proved that the Bible advocates it.

I have researched it and found nothing where christians are allowed or permitted to killing such persons based on their religion/laws.

You mentioned the old testament law which is not adovacted or approved in the new testament by jesus or any of his followers.

Today in our modern age and In accordance to the Islamic Sharia Law it is punishable by death:

In Afghanistan, Brunei, Iran, Mauritania, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, parts of Somalia,Sudan, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen, homosexual activity carries the death penalty or prison sentences.


Here it is again under LGBT rights in accordance to Islamic Sharia Law:

The death penalty for homosexual acts is currently a legal punishment in Brunei, Iran, Mauritania, some northern states in Nigeria, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, parts of Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen, all of which have Sharia-based criminal laws.


1/3 of all countries that outlaw homosexuality are Christian.

You have that one backwards. It is the islamic countries that have outlawed it and made it punishable by death.


It is the Islamic "Sharia Law" which is based on the Quran.

Sharia is not Islamic law. It is just personal interpretation. I can make my own laws up that says cats should be illegal, that doesn’t make it Islamic law.
Your second point had nothing to do with what I was talking about.
Which christian country outlaws it

I don’t answer rhetorical questions. Just know that 1/3 of all countries with harsh punishments for it are Christian. Here’s one for you. Which countries have executed gays in the last year?
You mentioned the old testament law which is not adovacted or approved in the new testament by jesus or any of his followers.

Wrong... Leviticus 20:13.
carries the death penalty or prison sentences.

It’s the same in Christian ones.
The death penalty for homosexual acts is currently a legal punishment

It’s also legal to marry 12 year olds in West Virginia, it doesn’t mean anyone actually does it
It is the islamic countries that have outlawed it

So has very religion. Stop being racist.


Ok, so you have not provided or cited any proof, facts, or evidence of when and where except an old testament passage that has no bearing today on christianity and their laws that permits it and allows it, unlike all the evidence right there in the wiki where all those countries clearly punish homosexuality with the death penalty...noted.

Sharia is not Islamic law. It is just personal interpretation. I can make my own laws up that says cats should be illegal, that doesn’t make it Islamic law.
Your second point had nothing to do with what I was talking about.

Sharia law is Islamic law based on the Quran and their religious beliefs of the Quran by two methods:(subjectively and objectively). They objectively take some parts "literally" and apply it to the sharia laws, and subjectively take other parts and provide their own "personal interpretation" to the sharia laws. The fact is that based on their Sharia Laws today, there is a list of Islamic countries that apply the law of death sentence for homosexuality.
I don’t answer rhetorical questions. Just know that 1/3 of all countries with harsh punishments for it are Christian. Here’s one for you. Which countries have executed gays in the last year?

You don't because you can't. None of them are christian ones that enforces the death sentence. Again, you have it backwards, it is the Islamic countries that punish it with the death sentence.
It’s also legal to marry 12 year olds in West Virginia, it doesn’t mean anyone actually does it

This is off-topic and has nothing to do with our discussion on the topic of killing and death sentences permitted by religions and their laws.
So has very religion. Stop being racist.

Outlawed it is one thing, however, applying the death sentence for it is another which is the fact today for a list full of Islamic countries based on their religious beliefs which is based on the Quran.

Sharia (/ʃəˈriːə/, Arabic: شريعة‎ [ʃaˈriːʕah]), Islamic law, or redundantly Sharia law, is a religious law forming part of the Islamic tradition. It is derived from the religious precepts of Islam, particularly the Quran and the hadith.


except an old testament passage that has no bearing today on christianity

Wrong, read Leviticus 20:13
where all those countries clearly punish homosexuality

Again, 1/3 of all countries that outlaw it are Christian. That is just as bad.
there is a list of Islamic countries

Again there is nothing to do with Islam when it’s their own personal prejudices. The Quran makes no mention of it, so it’s not Islamic.
it is the Islamic countries that punish it with the death sentence.

There are no Islamic countries today that carry out legal executions for gays. Anyway, only four of those countries you mentioned have the laws on the books.

This is off-topic and has nothing to do with our discussion on the topic of killing and death sentences permitted by religions and their laws.

So let me get this straight.... talking about the permission of religions and their laws has nothing to do with religious laws? Okay then, nice deflection.
Outlawed it is one thing, however, applying the death sentence for it is another

Why is it worse? They both practice the same thing. Why is it okay for Christian countries to do it?
which is based on the Quran.

Again, nothing to do with the quran


It has "everything" to do with the quran and the hadith.

Which christian countries? You have provided no evidence except an old passage that is not enforced or applied by the christians and their laws today anywhere.

Literally, everything else you mentioned is based on your persistent personal view and conjectures. No citing, no proof, no evidence, and no facts, whereas I provided them all.

Sharia is everything to them:

Sharia (Arabic: ةعيرش ; also Sharī'ah, Shari'a, Shariah or Syariah) is the Arabic word for Islamic law, also known as the Law of Allah. Islam classically draws no distinction between
religious, and secular life
. Hence Sharia covers not only religious rituals, but many aspects of
day-to-day life, politics, economics, banking, business or contract law, and social issues.


The term Sharia itself derives from the verb shara'a, which according to Abdul Mannan Omar's
Dictionary of the Holy Qur'an connects to the idea of "spiritual law" (5:48) and "system of
divine law; way of belief and practice" (45:18) in the Quran.


It has "everything" to do with the quran and the hadith.

It has nothing to do with the Quran, because it's not mentioned in the Quran. Dingus.
You have provided no evidence except an old passage that is not enforced or applied by the christians and their laws today anywhere.

You have not provided any proof of this. It is a direct passage taken from the Bible and is very popular.
No citing, no proof, no evidence, and no facts, whereas I provided them all.
No you didn't, you just went on wikipedia and claimed it was proof. Wikipedia can be edited by anyone, not to mention most of it was wrong. None of that was scholarly or primary sources.
Islam classically draws no distinction between
religious, and secular life. Hence Sharia covers not only religious rituals, but many aspects of
day-to-day life, politics, economics, banking, business or contract law, and social issues.

You just answered your own question. Sharia Law is not the "law of the land," Sharia courts are a seperate system that mainly deal with divorce, property, visitation rights of children, wills and inheritances. It is not a legal system but a guidance for a way of life. You are misinterpreting it.


It has nothing to do with the Quran, because it's not mentioned in the Quran.

I'm referring to the Islamic Sharia law that has everything to do with the quran and hadith since all their laws, practices, principles, and beliefs are based on it, whether something is mentioned or not, ever heard of inference?.
It is a direct passage taken from the Bible and is very popular.

Where is it popular? Which country and which state? as you refuse to provide any evidence.
No you didn't, you just went on wikipedia and claimed it was proof. Wikipedia can be edited by anyone, not to mention most of it was wrong. None of that was scholarly or primary sources.

Then provide us all with the "scholarly" and "primary sources" that contradicts them and proves them wrong. Your first excuse was "propaganda", and now it is "they are wrong"...LOL
Sharia Law is not the "law of the land," Sharia courts are a seperate system that mainly deal with divorce, property, visitation rights of children, wills and inheritances. It is not a legal system but a guidance for a way of life. You are misinterpreting it.

Not misinterpreting anything as it is clear from different sources, documents, and literature that they apply islamic sharia law to "all" aspects of their life such as religious and secular(includes all their laws).

Sharia law is Islam's legal system. It is derived from both the Koran, Islam's central text, and fatwas - the rulings of Islamic scholars. Sharia literally means "the clear, well-trodden path to water".

You are persistent in the "denial". Here are more factual references that include death by their laws and extrajudicial killings:

Capital punishment for homosexuality was historically implemented by a number of countries worldwide. It currently remains a legal punishment in several countries and regions, all of which have sharia-based criminal laws.


They also have a list of countries.


I'm referring to the Islamic Sharia law that has everything to do with the quran

Again, killing gays is not mentioned in the Quran, so it really has nothing to do with Islam.
Where is it popular? Which country and which state? as you refuse to provide any evidence

The state of the USA, evangelicals all follow the Old Testament.
Then provide us all with the "scholarly" and "primary sources" that contradicts them and proves them wrong

Burden of proof's on you bud.
Sharia law is Islam's legal system. It is derived from both the Koran, Islam's central text, and fatwas - the rulings of Islamic scholars. Sharia literally means "the clear, well-trodden path to water

You're taking things out of context. Sharia is not a state's penal code. Sharia Courts are separate and usually involve religious issues involving divorce, property, visitation rights of children, wills and inheritances. Sharia involves guidance in religious worship and guidance in worldly matters.


Killing gays is not mentioned in the Quran, so it really has nothing to do with Islam.

Killing of gays is based on the sharia criminal law which is based on the quran and hadith, so yes it has everythying to do with Islam, this fact is literally everywhere...you are still denying.
The state of the USA, evangelicals all follow the Old Testament.

That is pure rubbish and absolute lies that you are making up. More conjectures based on a five thousand year old passage that has no law implement on it today...seriously?
Which evangelicals? Which state? What were the dates that this transpired in the 21st century under christian laws and was not punished by criminal laws?
Burden of proof's on you bud.

Yes and I have cited and referenced them all which can be verified and confirmed.
Sharia is not a state's penal code.

Almost any research you make will literally confirm and attest that Sharia applies to their penal code...seriously, are you being contrarian for the sake of it? because it is now starting to suspiciously appear that way.

Here, in case you missed it from my previous reply:

Capital punishment for homosexuality was historically implemented by a number of countries worldwide. It currently remains a legal punishment in several countries and regions, all of which have sharia-based criminal laws.
Note the word "legal punishment." Cited from the wiki. Don't even try another lame excuse that they are wrong or some propaganda BS as you have already used those.


As of July 2020, the following jurisdictions prescribe the death penalty for homosexuality:
Afghanistan, Brunei's Sharia Penal Code, Iran, Mauritania, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates.

Then there are the ones committed by extrajudicial killings:

In some regions, gay people have been murdered by Islamist militias, such as Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant in parts of Iraq and Syria and the Houthi movement in Yemen.

Anti-gay purges in the Chechen Republic, a predominantly Muslim region of Russia, have included forced disappearances - secret abductions, imprisonment, and torture - by local Chechen authorities targeting persons based on their perceived sexual orientation. An unknown number of men, who authorities detained on suspicion of being gay or bisexual, have reportedly died after being held in what human rights groups and eyewitnesses have called concentration camps.

Report of vigilante executions, beatings, and torture have been reported in highly religious regions of Africa, in countries such as Uganda, South Africa, Kenya, Liberia, Ghana, Cameroon, and Senegal. In these countries, police turn a blind eye or even are complicit in the anti-gay violence.



If it’s not in the Quran then it’s nothing to do with Islam. Sorry.

And yet all evidence is to the contrary, it has everything to do with Islam.
Your sources are a joke you racist.

So I'm a racist because you disagree and disprove of worldwide facts...LOL
Learn to read dingus. I said Sharia is only a small part of it. It’s a delegate religious system for religious matters. Do more research.
I already have, you on the other hand have obviously not, otherwise, you will find it almost everywhere that it is a fact that their legal system/law is based on the islamic sharia law...now you are contradicting yourself.
Most of those examples are wrong. Only four do. That’s why I said not to get your info from Wikipedia dingus.

Why not?, you have provided no better source, hell, you have not provided any other than conjectures. Four?...You are now trying desperately to "downplay it", since you know that information is accurate and correct and you cannot provide any that will prove to be otherwise.
has nothing to do with what we’re talking about. Besides, that happens at equal rates in Christian countries too.

Nice try on that inept attempt at deflecting when it clearly has something to do with what we are talking about, especially since you were the one that brought up the subject that christians are still murdering gays and LGBTQ which is a completely fabricated lie stated by "only you". It is almost like you meant to say islamics and yet you racially profiled the "christians" since you have that statement totally and completely backwards...and that is a fact no matter how much you deny, downplay, or deflect.

As for the topic of the OP's query, it is not safe because the Islamic Sharia laws are clear that any of those mentioned on this OP's topic about/against the Prophet Muhammad is punishable by "Death" according to their "Islamic Sharia Laws."



You sound like a r-tarded militant atheist. Probably a communist.





Just like your “Christian” friends, who do it at a far greater rate. Islam is the religion of peace, unlike Christianity.


Because discrediting Islam won't help in the destruction of Western Civilization.
