MovieChat Forums > Jeff Bezos Discussion > Reason this guy is so rich

Reason this guy is so rich

This guy got lucky. His parents gave him a ‘small’ loan of $500k to invest into his fledgling company. His wife did most of the work setting up contracts with vendors and freight suppliers.

Fast forward to Amazon taking off, and Bezos has the majority of his wealth invested in Amazon stock, which isn’t taxed. He then pays less income tax than the standard American by taking out loans from banks and using his stock as collateral. Because paying back interest in loans is cheaper than paying the IRS.

So next time you wonder why this guy’s a multi-billionaire just remember it’s those precious tax loopholes the rich love to abuse.


And it's easier to reach 1 million if you start with half a million.


He might be the richest guy in the world but he's still a total fucking dweeb,you see that ugly woman he divorced his old wife for?!? she looks like a transsexual with all that plastic surgery 🤣 how do you waste $50 billion in divorce just to marry that?!?! Ha ha ha ha what a fucking nerd!!!!


she has a nice set of jugs, but her face reminds me of Wrong Turn movies. his ex wife wasnt't much of a looker, but at least she was natural.


her jugs are fake tho. not even that nice, you can find fake boobs like that on half of the 50 euro hookers in Amsterdam... this guy is a billionaire he should have a girl that has tits that big naturally not a girl with mcfranklin tits and a mans face


You’re forgetting about the several mistresses and escorts he no doubt has on call.


just remember it’s those precious tax loopholes the rich love to abuse

And you would do exactly the same thing if you had the chance.


blah blah blah

Constraint of Trade.

We used to have laws against it. Maybe they're still on the books.

You're not supposed to be able to finance a venture generating losses year after year after year until you've eliminated almost all of your competitors.


>So next time you wonder why this guy’s a multi-billionaire just remember it’s those precious tax loopholes the rich love to abuse.

How is it abuse if it’s legal?


Another of these jealous " I could have done that if I had the start he did " threads

so he turned 500k into , 70 billion or thereabouts.
That means if you could have done the same you should have turned that ten bucks you had that time into
.. er .. lemme do the math here ...
1.4 million
