Sincere Question: Could Anyone Point Me To a Good Amber Heard Performance?
I just foolishly ventured over to that cesspool that is Twitter where I saw a post make the 'observation' that "Johnny Depp is not a good actor, and only got roles because of his looks" (LOL! Yeah because Depp's looks were on full-display in Edward Scissorhands, his most acclaimed role, and POTC, right?)
Anyway, maybe I'm wrong, but I'll assume that the person attacking Depp here is an Amber Heard supporter. That being the case, I'll assume they believe that, contrary to Depp, Heard is an accomplished actor who didn't get parts because of her looks.
Forgive my 'misogyny' (*sigh* 🙄🤦♂️) but I have yet to see these exemplary performances of Heard that her ardent supporters appear to be alluding to (i.e. the same ones who are arguing, for real, on Twitter that the Depp case destroyed her stardom...another honest question: when was she *ever* a 'star'?) Can anyone point me to one of her amazing acting performances?