MovieChat Forums > Amber Heard Discussion > She is complete garbage

She is complete garbage

The recent audio of her gloating about abusing Depp really exposes this vile woman. She may be beautiful on the outside but she is completely rotten inside.


Watch this story get memoryholed. Maybe a little token coverage before the media drops it permanently.

She ought to be cancelled like Depp was.


She absolutely should be canceled


Shouldn't you people be saying that Amber made him do it, and that he deserved it for antagonizing her? LOL! That's what you said when he hurled broken glass at her. On video.

Where was your phony outrage then?

Where was your phony outrage when he bruised her face?

Where was your phony outrage when Johnny Depp was sued for punching a location manager?

Why can Johnny Depp do no wrong? Because he's male? Why do you hate women?

So Amber Heard is "vile" and completely "rotten" for having the self-awareness to admit something, but when Johnny Depp did the same exact thing, ON CAMERA, he was innocent? You can't attack him because he's a vile abuser and narcissist who will NEVER admit wrong-doing, it seems.

Does it trouble you people that you're simpletons? I really want to know.


I am unbiased on this trial as I think they are both liars. I am in my last year of law school and now how people and media falsify facts.
With that all said, I think you need to re-read the posts above yours that you are so upset about. They said that Amber needs to be banned like Johnny. They did not defend him at all. There is a lot of evidence that shows she dished out a lot of abuse herself.
Second, I have watched your video of Johnny “throwing broken glass” at Amber several times and the only broken glass can be heard going into the sink and then he points at her (I paused the video one of the time and ran in slow motion another). This is another example of media and people misrepresenting facts.
As you can see, no attacks and no simpleton comments here just facts about the evidence.


I do not belong to Team Depp or Team Heard as I really think this whole public trial is truly an embarrassment. She’s getting overly ostracized as Johnny is no saint. With regard to your comment about hurling glass video - yes, the posting is inaccurate with the glass being thrown at Amber. But even without that comment and watching this, this video is extremely disturbing to see. An intoxicated and angry man slamming cupboard doors, stomping around, throwing things and just yelling at her. This is a nightmare to any kid who has watched his/her drunken dad yell at his mom in the kitchen and dinner table that ends up escalating into a horrible knock down drag out fight. She is filming him, and I don’t know at what point in their relationship they are, and this could appear as entrapment or just what happens every night. But once he discovers she is filming him, other than getting a huge tumbler of wine, there is a brawl we don’t see but hear, and that in itself is unpleasant. I think we are becoming desensitized to his actions. This is a really bad video of someone who is really behaving badly and is demonstrative. And it sounds like - from what she is says in this video about fighting - that’s what they do. The glass breaking at all is horrifying.


LOLLLLL did you really compare that, to anything Amber has done?? hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahaahaha

we are only desensitized to his actions because she's 10X worse and yet tried to play it up as her being the victim.

Johnnys not perfect but she's a disgusting garbage person


Hold on Leo. I said I wasn’t for either one. I think Depp was right in suing her. Whatever they had going, it should have been kept private. She posted an op-ed and it affected his livelihood. She shouldn’t have done this knowing she gave as good as she got. So he had every right to defend himself. I think they were comfortable in bashing each other since the very beginning. Whether one did it 10 x as worse, I don’t think you can say. I think she joined the MeToo bandwagon and thought it would fly, and it didn’t, which was inevitable as you can’t just point to a guy and not let him defend himself. But I do think this video of Johnny drunk and slamming things is disturbing, and I think most people would think so too.


He was in the right to sue her because she signed an NDA as part of the divorce but then started trashing him. When she signed the NDA for the 7 million she gave up any right to bitch and moan about him being good, bad or anything in between.


I didn’t realize they both signed NDAs after their divorce. That must be the reason why she didn't name him in op-ed. He could have sued her for breach of contract but I think he’ll get more for defamation. Also, the op-ed might have been vague enough so as not to breach the NDA. I think he took the correct legal path. She will be instructed to pay him, but can she pay him the amount he might be awarded? She won’t have enough money. Why didn’t she just keep $7M and not even say she would donate it. At least not the entire amount.


Yes, it is likely that the penalty from breaching the NDA was the amount she received as someone coughing up 7 million to an ex wife probably would assume that losing the amount of the divorce would be enough of a penalty that they wouldn't breach it.

If he were to win, whether he was awarded 500,000 or 50,000,000 I doubt she has the money to pay. But he could just wait until she got some big acting gig (if she ever does) and then come knocking on her door.


You know I started thinking about this and I just wonder if Amber submitted the op-ed without her lawyer’s knowledge. No lawyer would approve of her potentially jeopardizing her NDA because even if she didn’t mention Johnny’s name, we all know who it is. I just think she was really reckless and stupid in doing this, as she is with everything else. When I watch her on trial, I often wonder if she’s disregarding legal advice or maybe she can’t remember what or what not to say or are her attorneys that bad.


The attorneys seem pretty fucking bad. Remember they have supposedly been planning out the strategy and what questions to ask witnesses for weeks prior to the trial, but in the trial we've seen time and time again Depp's lawyers object to the questions from Amber's lawyers and a vast majority of the objections are sustained. It was so bad during one round that you basically watched Amber's lawyer just give up asking. Now consider any 1st year law student could have looked at the questions on her little note pad and told her which ones were going to be objected to, but she seemed too stupid to understand that. And yes some of the questions were expected to be objected to but were asked just to get a bit of information into the jurors' heads... but not nearly as many as the lawyer foolishly was asking. To me that was a sign that Amber's lawyers were incompetent litigators. They may have been competent in some other area of the law but as trial lawyers they really just suck ass.

In pre-trail work I've been involved in every witness is prepared not only by given them the questions they will be asked by the us but also hit with questions that are anticipated from the other side. I cannot imagine Amber wasn't prepped for her testimony, but she seems to have ignored them as I cannot imagine her lawyers wouldn't have told her how to act to be believable and she is just coming off as the most weird and full of shit witness I think I've ever seen. The contrived sobbing with no tear was cringeworthy, when that was going on I couldn't help but think her legal team was thinking, "what the fuck is she trying to do".


But it’s about her attorneys prepping her. Acting as the opposing counsel with questions and drilling her to see how she responds. Giving her a legitimate story not one of a princess - wearing the librarian garb is not helping. Maybe because there were no tears is the reason she’s not wearing mascara. She said she skidded across the parakeet floor - she meant parquet - couldn’t they have caught that. The tampon applicator next to coke display - my sister introduced Johnny to…. This presents stuff we don’t need to know and creates more questions. One is she just threw her sister under the bus and the other is what is your sister doing with Johnny and where were you - Miss goody goody. He drinks booze and she drinks energy drinks.

Where did you go to school - I got a scholarship for a lot of Catholic schools across town on a scholarship. She wants you to think she’s book smart because she graduated at 16. Several schools sounds like she was not stable. Before being deceptive she was deceptive. She has an inferiority complex and when she tells a story she wants to give you other info so you have a good opinion of her. It would have better to say - yes, I was Johnny’s girl and we did a lot of partying and we had fun. He was excessive I couldn’t do as much stuff but yes, I was with him. I’m trying to say that her attorneys didn’t prep her or she didn’t show up to the prep. Also, when she got her divorce settlement - whose idea was to donate the WHOLE thing to the ppl charities. No one would think less of her if she just donated 10% and kept the rest and just be quiet after that. Did her attorneys say donate it all so you don’t look like a money grubbing ex-wife. MeToo didn’t help. But this is what most ex-wives do and even ex-husbands. Depp should have had a prenup but this is what happens when you don’t. But, for her, it would have better to keep some of it then to say she would give and then not give. Was this her idea or the attorneys, I think the latter. And the attorneys should have called in a body behavior analyst to tell her what not to do and not to say.


The reality is you can only prep a person that is willing to accept the prep work. I can still recall having to work with a narcissistic doctor that was being prosecuted for medicare fraud, the dumb fuck initially wouldn't show up to meeting and only did when the company he worked for told him to or else, and when he did show up he didn't take it seriously. You can't make a witness listen to the lawyers when they think they know more than you do. I can easily see the lawyers telling her what to do and how to do it and then her nodding her head before she just goes off on her own, after all in her mind "Amber knows best". It is a shame that her lawyers will never be able to say what they really thought about working this case and having to deal with her.


We will never know. There will be articles and books written on this thing for decades. Strategy of her defense - it almost seems like they were paid to fail. Did you read Depp’s text? It starts off — She’s begging for total global humiliation…She’s gonna get it….
She got her attorneys from Musk. It kind of sums up everything.

I do think this thing has gone to the extremes. Some want her child removed from her.


"Extremely disturbing" & "horrifying" seems like a massive over-reach for what it actually is. It's cringy, and a little weird, but "disturbing".
It's just a video of a guy being in a bad mood and acting like a child, slamming and throwing his own things in the privacy of his own home.
I watched and rewound the ending of the video several times and I still can't find this "brawl" you mention. There was the sound of glass breaking earlier in the video when he slammed the cupboard, it doesn't actually cause any horror though. It's just glass breaking lol, relax.

I believe he tried to stop the recording, and you can hear the "whoosh" sounds from it being moved around, but you hear no "brawl", fight, or ANY indication of actual violence (or even physical contact) really.

Crazy how some people can watch a video, physical and tangible evidence, and still manage to somehow see/hear their own versions, instead of what's in the actual video itself...IMO, anyway.


He’s only assaulting the cabinets. Anybody really angry and really drunk is disturbing. To me.


I know he's only assaulting the cabinets... That was almost my entire point.

I had mentioned/asked about the so-called "brawl" you pointed out though. Where is it (timestamp)?


You're talking to some loony Amber fan. The video doesn't show any glass being thrown at her. All you can tell from the video is that she was trying to set him up. Funny that TMZ got hold of the video that was take on her phone when she claimed under oath she didn't know how to get videos to TMZ... I suppose the jury is supposed to believe that TMZ was out there stealing videos off her phone.






Total woman hater, I'm disgusted by your rampant misogyny all over these boards.




She's average looking and can't act.


Bullshit, other than the oral and genital herpes she's a total 10.


That's is a matter of opinion. Neither of you are right, neither of you are wrong.
The thing about personal opinions of that nature is that they're personal to the person, not universally believed nor something that can be right or wrong.


well yeah , she pooped the bed #dirtythirty


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Amber Heard admits to 'hitting' ex-husband Johnny Depp and pelting him with pots and pans on tape


She's a wart on the ass of Hollyweird.
