MovieChat Forums > Barack Obama Discussion > I wish we had him back

I wish we had him back

The country hasn't felt normal since he left office.


Define normal. And Obama set back race relations at least 80 years. He’s a disgrace of a President.


I agree with KingBob, Obama genuinely set back race relations with his schtick.


Exactly, it was right around the time of the election of Barack Obama that the Dems realized that if they played the race card 24/7 they could guilt and manipulate people into voting for them and they didn't give a good damn what that did to our culture or our country. I actually talked to people who tried to convince me that race relations had not gotten any better since the Civil War, like WTF?


You want a known liar back in office? Go ahead and challenge my statement and deny Obama is a liar.


He never left. The slimy bastard bought a house in [a rich, mostly-white neighborhood in] Washington D.C. and has been running things behind the scenes ever since 2016. Between 2016 and 2020, he was behind the "Resistance" bullshit group that was sabotaging Trump while he was in office, he had his hands up Biden and Harris's asses for the past 4 years, and he'll probably still be working with the Deep State trying to stop Trump these next 4 years.


The last four years of the Biden Regime really has been Obama's third term.


Your rose tinted glasses and comment suggest you didn't have a home, kids, or responsibility during his administration.

Obama was as destructive as Bush. We lost more of our freedoms under these two asshats since WWII. Biden was just Obama's 3rd term.


Like a toothache.

The reason this feels like an alternate timeline (weird) is thanks to Obama and the Left. Thank them. I also partially blame CERN.


Obama kept us in a depression/recession for 8 years and you want him back?! He was just as terrible of a president as W Bush!

Bush inherited a great economy and ran it into the ground in two years. Between Bush's incompetence and Obama's socialistic tendencies we were in a depression/recession for 14 years!

Obama also set this country back at least 40 years whit his constant race baiting. We hadn't had race riots in this country since the 1960s! Judging a person based on their race was (for the most part) a thing of the past. People were mostly being judged based upon their character and qualifications rather than race. That ended under Obama. Suddenly everyone who wasn't of color was a racist and everyone who was of color was oppressed.

He has also been running this country for the last four years! How have the last four years felt to you?! Were they good? Were they good for anyone, besides ultra rich limousine liberals?!

You are either very young, or very naive, or a snowflake, or just plain trolling to want this guy back in office.


You have a strange idea of normal. He did many abnormal things, all of which set our country back by decades.


I wish we had him back like I wish I had a bleeding hemorrhoid. One of the worst presidents in history, even worse than Carter and Biden in some ways.
