According to cell phone data the Heritage Foundation tracked, it appears at least one or two different individuals who visited areas between a local FBI office, DC, and Crook's house came to visit him at least twice during the week before the shooting. I smell a rat with the letters "FBI" stamped on it.
Don't forget that they gave Trump the crappiest members of the Secret Service to guard him, including a short, fat, cowardly woman who actually hid behind the podium when the first shots rang out before getting her ass in gear and trying to [do a terrible job] of shielding Trump with her body. They completely ignored the shooter for a solid 20 minutes before even regular people started noticing, the anti-snipers kept asking if they could have the "go" order to take the kid out, and they got no such order until the kid fired the first bullet.
This entire thing reeks of a conspiracy to murder Trump. The only thing that surprises me is how long it took the Democraps to stoop to that level. They've tried everything else. Now they're gonna try to murder him, proving once and for all they are the scum we always knew they were.
The sheer scope and variety of batshit crazy conspiracy theories Trump supporters come out with is just staggering. Its truly impressive really . You could have enough material for a whole dystopian politics version of Twilight zone or Black Mirror.
I guess if you've adjusted your brain to accept "The election was fixed because I say so because I lost" , then the side effect is it will accept literally any other hair brained fantasy that you want to be true to help the cause.
Campaign stunt scripted and choreographed by Hulk Hogan. The stunt went bad and they had to get rid of Crooks. Donnie was furious because he wanted more fake blood.