MovieChat Forums > Meghan Markle Discussion > Massive SNUB against Good King Charles

Massive SNUB against Good King Charles

She has absolutely refused to have anything to do with Prince Charles' coronation service! What a disgrace...


Hop off his good cock.


Nothing to do with her race or gender, but AMERICANS as a nationality (and one of THE most powerful and imperialist nationalities in the world, so I am not being 'anti-woke' when I say this), seem to HATE the idea of families. The fact that Meghan doesn't get on with either her in-laws or her own family is evidence of this, and I rarely hear Europeans, Africans, Asians or South Americans badmouth and put down their families with as much venom and contempt as the average American.


All I can say is, "thank heavens she is staying home!"

I don't think anyone cares why she will not be attending, as long as she isn't there and her absence will not be missed.


Yep, just stay away.

There's a rumour going around that she's missing it because she doesn't want to have to curtsy to Kate (as she'd have to as Kate is now Princess of Wales).


If Harry is coming and Meg is staying home, then Charles has won! That's what he wants, good familial optics and no bitch daughter-in-law underfoot and making trouble.

I wonder what it cost him?


I personally don't think it cost him anything. While we will never know what, if any, demands were made in order for the two of them to attend, I think Harry will make an appearance at the coronation and that will be the only time anyone will see him.


I wonder what it cost him to get Meg to stay home???

He'd give up a lot for that!


Having the one POC in the entire family, stay at home is really BAD optics, and won't endear Charles to the younger and minority subjects he needs if his reign is to remotely thrive long-term. If he has ANY sense, he'll bend over backwards to make amends with Meg (whether she does or doesn't deserve it). Look at all the musical acts that have effectively boycotted his coronation. He's leading a divided monarchy right now, and the only way he can possibly fix it, is by redeeming himself and the family in the eyes of Meghan.

Although Harry and Meghan aren't especially popular in private, as a multi-racial couple, they still symbolise a more progressive ideal than the one represented by the monarchy, and few hip, modern artists/celebs will want to align themselves with an institution perceived, perhaps quite justifiably, as racist and out-of-touch.


You might gave a point, if Meg were more popular.

But she really isn't popular enough to cater to.


She isn't individually popular, and probably with good reason, but as the lone POC within the RF, along with her children, she represents something potentially powerful, and if the RF doesn't try to reach out to her, or at least be *seen* to build bridges with her, they will be perceived as racist, and that could be fatal for its existence.


Just like the Duke of Windsor being told to leave Wallis at home whenever he attended important RF events.


Funny how many things are like the Duke and Duchess of Windsor...


Maybe this is Harry's escape from the Witch. He should party drunk and naked in the Royal Pub!


The monarchy should be on display in the British Museum. She used to be an actress for a living instead of just clickbait, she knows it’s bullshit.


An 'actress'? You mean, Suits? 🤣😂🤣 Yeah, because her 'acting' career wasn't bullshit, right?


It was already in the toilet when she started laying bait for H.


Charles is a prick, she's a prick - the entire royal family are made up of spoiled pricks.
The real disgrace is that people actually follow this entire charade of coronations/etc.
It seems like a quarter of dailymail's news coverage is that of the royal family - lol


And the rest will no doubt be "How will the coronation effect house prices?"...

Good points. It is indeed sad in this day and age - especially when around the world, due to social media largely, we have passed even looking for equality in favour of representation - that we have an entire country willfully bowing before their very aged, very white literal Imperial master.


Thank God she will not come. They should have ditched Harry too. He will probably come wired and hidden camera and then will sold them out again.

I feel like the only reason he will come because he needs something to blab about later to American tabloids. Because he has nothing left and American media lost interest in them.
