Why do people call her black or POC? Are they color blind? She is white. Kylie Jenner is more dark then her
I keep looking at her pictures and try to see a black person in there. And cant.
She looks like an ordinary white woman. If she would come to any African country incognito and say to locals: "Hi there. I am black like you, Im your sister. We are alike" - they would laugh at her and call her crazy white lady.
First time I read she has black parent I couldnt believe it. I kept looking at pictures and only saw white person. In mixed families there are usually two types of children. The ones who have light brown skin and black features of face. Like Zendaya. And the one who have white skin and face features like Halsey.
And that how people categorize them - Zendaya is considered black, Halsey white.
Meghan Markle is in Halsey category and was obviously viewed as white all her life. And considered herself as one. She even straighten her hair. I guess you could see a little blackness in her young pictures with curly hair. But since she started having straight hair - that is gone. She obviously wanted to present herself as white once she entered show biz. I assume it was hard to straighten hair in childhood and expensive. But she had money once she went acting.
Just look at her standing to an actual black person/ Those two are not alike
Thats why it is so funny how she started using "black card" once she left Palace. She was still white when she was marrying Harry. Its after they ran away she suddenly become super black. And keep in mind that she found White guy to be her husband and father of her children. And her children are white gingers. Yet she constantly bring race and calls herself black and POC. And some idiots in USA do the same.
She is white like Halsey you idiots. )))) If she would be proud of her black side then she would find a black husband to have black kids. But she obviously wanted to date whites and have white kids.
But I salute her for forcing those woke idiots to call her black and kiss her feet for it out of virtue signaling. She is like "Rachel Dolezal that made it" )))