MovieChat Forums > Meghan Markle Discussion > Why do people call her black or POC? Are...

Why do people call her black or POC? Are they color blind? She is white. Kylie Jenner is more dark then her

I keep looking at her pictures and try to see a black person in there. And cant.

She looks like an ordinary white woman. If she would come to any African country incognito and say to locals: "Hi there. I am black like you, Im your sister. We are alike" - they would laugh at her and call her crazy white lady.

First time I read she has black parent I couldnt believe it. I kept looking at pictures and only saw white person. In mixed families there are usually two types of children. The ones who have light brown skin and black features of face. Like Zendaya. And the one who have white skin and face features like Halsey.

And that how people categorize them - Zendaya is considered black, Halsey white.

Meghan Markle is in Halsey category and was obviously viewed as white all her life. And considered herself as one. She even straighten her hair. I guess you could see a little blackness in her young pictures with curly hair. But since she started having straight hair - that is gone. She obviously wanted to present herself as white once she entered show biz. I assume it was hard to straighten hair in childhood and expensive. But she had money once she went acting.

Just look at her standing to an actual black person/ Those two are not alike

Thats why it is so funny how she started using "black card" once she left Palace. She was still white when she was marrying Harry. Its after they ran away she suddenly become super black. And keep in mind that she found White guy to be her husband and father of her children. And her children are white gingers. Yet she constantly bring race and calls herself black and POC. And some idiots in USA do the same.

She is white like Halsey you idiots. )))) If she would be proud of her black side then she would find a black husband to have black kids. But she obviously wanted to date whites and have white kids.

But I salute her for forcing those woke idiots to call her black and kiss her feet for it out of virtue signaling. She is like "Rachel Dolezal that made it" )))


How black does a person need to be, to call themselves black? A person with mixed race ancestry should feel free to describe themselves any way they want. It's still a free country. :)


Why doesnt she proudly proclaim than she is white every 5 minutes? :))))

She IS white after all. Half-white officially. But keeps proclaiming she is black to score woke points.

Point is that she is white yet pretends to be "oppressed black person" who she is not. Its like if Rachel Dolezal or Ariana Grande will run around and proclaim that they are being oppressed for being black :))) I’m sure that DNA test will show that they have 1% of African ancestry or something since blacks and white mix in America for centuries. Do they have the right to call themselves black?


Rachel's family tree was published, with photos, in one of the UK papers in 2017. She has a white father and her mother is about 1/16 black, which makes her about 1/32 black. Even on her mother's side there are white people. But if black is trendy, and the race card can be played, she will put on tan makeup to look part black and proclaim that she is a person of color. She was raised to be white in a white family. She has dated and married only white men. She is white.


So if Markle says white or black, it matters to you? Where is she saying she is an oppressed black person?


Western societies promote victimhood culture. Whoever is the biggest victim, wins. It also promotes hatred for whites, portraying them as the oppressors who victimize others and need to be destroyed by mass migration. Obviously she is going to consider herself black so she can get the victim points on the one hand and avoid the white hatred on the other.


You should stop promoting victimhood then. You're not making it any better for anyone.


I'm not making a value judgement on it. Just saying it like it is.


I think you're valuing "white culture", whatever that is, over American culture. American culture is a very broad term. Probably no one likes all of it. But this country has room for all Americans.


Ask the people spewing anti white hatred openly without any consequence what it is. They sure seem to know :)


Then I'm a Viking! Give me your gold.


My tommy gun says I get to keep my gold. :)


ask Rachel Dolezal


No, I'm asking you. Don't be afraid to take a stand.


take a stand against what?


To answer a simple question when asked. Remember when I asked you, "How black does a person need to be, to call themselves black"?


oh my bad, well these days if you have slightly dark skin you claim you are black. or if your grandma from 1890 was black then you can claim you are black. basically anyone can claim they are black except for Rachel.


wow way to show your racism towards Meghan Markle you are confusing her with Kate Middleton , Son


Whats with white woke women being so obsessed with Kate Middleton? I keep seeing this in posts about Meghan Markle. Out of nowhere they bring Kate as its some boyband competition like Britney vs Christina, NSYNC ws BSB.

I dont care about neither of them, I dont follow RF drama. Its just funny for me how people are so obsessed with it. And occasionally I comment when its too funny and cringe.

And hon they only racist here is YOU. As all woketards are racists by default.


As all woketards are racists by default.

that's strawman we are trying to promote equality have people here your racist here hon


I believe she's 1/4.





agree, at best its 25%. if not less...

ironically, people can claim they are Indian up to 1/64


One of the more peculiar things about Meghan is, if you look at photos of her as a child, she had a wider nose, flatter cheekbones, and fuzzy hair. When she gets into high school, all of that changes. Her nose becomes narrower, her cheekbones become higher, and her hair suddenly becomes straight. Past documents she used to describe herself when working in the acting industry show she used the word "Caucasian" to describe her ethnicity. It should also be noted that she has only ever dated and sometimes married white or light-skinned men.

I find it interesting that the moment she is engaged to a lily-white prince from England, she suddenly remembers her black heritage, and starts bragging about it, showing it off, despite all her efforts to erase her African genetics from her looks. She has used it as a shield to protect her from criticism. Evidently any time someone calls her out on being mean or a liar, she'll scream the R-word and is let off the hook, or she used to be.

After Tom Bower's book was released, people who have read it have changed their tune quite a bit about her. She's starting to realize that her chances of getting anywhere as a "Duchess" or a "hollywood celebrity" are closing quite fast. Even the idiot elites in Hollyweird are onto her now, if the Mariah Carey podcast and Oprah avoiding her is anything to go by.


Yep. I noticed how in childhood pictures she actually looks like she can be mixed race person. I thought it was the curly hair. And her skin looks a little darker. But then her adult pictures and she is completely white. I literally could not believe when press first said it. She looked white to me.

But now she actually pretends that she is black and that anyone calls her white ginger son N-word )))) Its crazy.


You can tell she has a medium brown complexion. It is possoble, as her kids age, their complexions might darken as well. In her Cut
mag photo, she looks Black.


No she doesnt. She looks like any White girl with a tan. You wont call Kardashians, Jenners and Ariana Grande black just because they used tan to make their bodies more brownish. Look at her nose, lips, eyes. Nothing says black in them. They are White.

Open any picture of actual black person from Africa and compare. Black people in USA mix so mush with Whites and create those mixed raced light skinned children that people in USA started to forget what an actual african black person looks like.

Black people are being whitened by mixing. Look at NBA. Sometimes when you look at distance you cant even tell what player is White or black. Because they are mixed race and their skin is so light.




I thinkntheynsay POS


She’s American. A country that had laws at one point that allowed subjugation and violence based on the “one drop of negro blood” rule. Our society has always considered her black.

You’re just trying to call her white so you can excuse the mistreatment she’s received.




Fuck off, piece of shit


It's hilarious that you call people colour blind. She is clearly mixed.


why do "mixed" people identify as black and not white? bubba wallace is like 15% black, yet he is touted as the first black man to win a nascar race.


Because of pity voice I guess. The most hilarious was when Halsey proclaimed herself black and started whining how hotels dont know how hard it is for them, black people, to manage their hair )))

But hilarious when mixed people never go and proudly scream how they are white. You wont get pity and woke points for that.

Apart from her half-bloodness Meghan Markle doesnt have anything. If she would not throw black card, working on American woke press, then no one would care about her at all. If she would look the same and would not have half-black title - no one would support her and Harry and press would call them "problems of white privileged people". And would tear them apart.

But since she proclaimed herself black - they feel the need to act as white saviors and save this "poor oppressed black woman". Its hilarious when in reality she is white multi-millionaire. And somewhere in America there are poor and naive black women who live in trailer or barely have money for food and then sit, look at their phone and pity that white millionaire saying to themselves : "You poor girl. You suffer so much". )))

I have to give her credit. This woman, being white - convinced black people that she is one of them and made them to kneel to her and praise. )))) People in USA can be so stupid sometimes.

Actual black people in South Africa just laughed when she claimed they rushed to streets to celebrate her marriage. They were like : "Are you cray, white girl? You are not important enough. Stay in la-la-lend and stop mentioning Mandela"

