Pale face??

Okay I don't wanna come across as rude so if I do my apologies. But why has Danneel got a pale face and a brown body??

In the pictures at Paley Fset she has a brown body and a really pale face, and it isn't the first time. In fact at the room mate prem she had a pale face and a brown body!! is she doing it on purpose, like with make up? It looks a bit weird, or am I being mean?

I know it's her face and she can do whatever she wants, but it just looks strange especailly as in the past she's had a lovely olive complexion all over, but with this new look it makes her look a bit....well...strange. Hope it is make up and that she isn't ill or something.


I kinda thought she may have had a boob job as no one over the age of 16 has bossoms that perky, or well round!! I think alot of actors/actresses have veneer work done so they have the perfect smile. Unless of course they're Viggo Mortensen and refuse to have it done as their teeth, don't do the acting for them.
I actually kinda liked that about him xx
