I think for alot of women if they wear alot of make up its used to hide things, whether that be bad skin, or insecurities. It must be an awful and at times soul destroying industry to work in. You have to look a certain way, dress a certain way, be a certain weight, which is always for women especailly ridiculous!!! I personally couldn't cope with it all...mainly because I'm a lazy git and sometimes go a few days without brushing my hair!! minging I know, but thats what hats and hair ties were made for right ;0)
I don't know if she has had any work done, but I tend to think the more pictures I see of her, the more I think she's HAD something done, and if she has she isn't the first and certainly won't be the last. I just think its a sorry state of affairs when a woman her age feels the need to do it. It saddens me more that women and girls younger than her are turning to botox so they stay looking younger for longer...I mean botox parties for 18 year olds??? its sick, and who in their right mind allows that kinda stuff to take place?
The hair colour change is as ridiculous to say as is saying she's put on weight and her face has filled out filling in her lines!!! seriously that is a stupid thing to say. If you put on weight it doesn't strech your skin so that lines disappear, it actually pronounces them more because you placer fat there, the more fat that comes up the deeper the lines appear. Its a medical fact and I should know as I work in the field.
Some people are just reaching for an excuse as they don't want to believe that a girl who was so vocal about natural beauty could then a few years later start having plastic surgery or botox. The thing they forget is she's a human being, and she like everyone else has free will, if she chooses to have work done then its up to her, I'm not an advoacate for unecessary surgery proceedures just to look good, but its personal choice, I would never condem someone for choosing to have work done, and it seems in this day and age its become very easy to access. In fact it quite scares me x