MovieChat Forums > Cary Joji Fukunaga Discussion > Cary Fukunaga Says Sean Connery’s Bond I...

Cary Fukunaga Says Sean Connery’s Bond Is ‘Basically’ a Rapist: ‘That Wouldn’t Fly Today’


Bond's greatest Villain and Nemesis:WOKENESS


Sexist? Sure. But a rapist?


Is anybody surprised the studio hired a scumbag director who hates the character?


Never watched Goldfinger or Thunderball? He basically rapes Pussy Galore and blackmails and forces the physical therapist to sleep with him or he'd get her fired.

Neither are ok and definitely wouldn't fly today, not should they have back then.


Are those the only Bond movies ever made?


You realize the original statement was about Connery Bond, not every Bond movie ever made?


Like every scumbag woketard, this director feels the need to bring up those 2 movies to get his virtue signal points. He shouldn't be surprised when his character assassination flops at the box office.


Well, I mean if Connery Bond raped someone in a movie, that pretty much makes him a rapist.


Oh well, this highly successful movie series is about a rapist, snowflakes beware! Strange how Paul Mccartney and Madonna agreed to perform theme songs for movies about a rapist.


I think you're overreacting a bit.


Bond actually did rape Pussy Galore in "Goldfinger", and it converted her from being a lesbian to falling madly in love with Bond, because "Goldfinger" was fiction and not intended to be realistic.

Fukunaga is absolutely right on this one, Connery as Bond did a few things that can't be done in a movie today, because times change and so do standards of acceptable behavior, so it's Fukugawa's job as director to think of other ways to live out the fantasies of straight men. I'm sure he'll come up with something.


Actually she eventually consented to it, watch the scene again she was down with it after a few seconds it wasn’t rape

Also wasn’t she literally holding him captive at the time?


It was a ridiculous and unbelievable scene, and anyone who tries to excuse it is either trolling or thinking without any help from the big head.

But that's not the point, the point is that it's Fukunaga's JOB to come up with male fantasies that haven't been done before, which fit today's zeitgeist and please mainstream audiences, and which won't incite mass protests on social media. He's had to spend the last few years thinking about what will fly and what won't, analyzing the Bond oeuvre and thinking about what today's audiences will consider fun. Fun: Bambi and Thumper. Not fun: Raping Pussy Galore.


Not really, Pussy Galore secretly had the hots for him and she fell for him. It's perfectly consistent with his character and he didn't rape her. She consented to it. Watch as the scene fades out she is in no way trying to resist him and honestly if she did I wouldn't feel sorry for her considering she was about to kill hundreds of people.

Pussy Galore wasn't raped and anyone who says she was is either A) Lying or B) Incredibly stupid and doesn't know what rape is


Dude, defending a forced-sex scene in 2021 is not a good hill to die on.


It wasn’t forced sex you moron, she was into it before he slipped it in her.

Also she was literally holding him captive and was going to help murder hundreds of people


Oh fuck off. I only debate people I can take seriously, and you aren't it.


Yeah I guess it’s hard to take logic and reason seriously when you're so far up your own anus


I'd have an easier time finding intelligent conversation inside my own anus, than in a thread with you.


Whatever you’re into you freak


I bet you can find a lot of semen there, but intelligent conversation? im not sure about that


When looking for intelligent conversation, what's to choose between a moviechat troll and a spermatozoa?

It's the sperm, no contest! Infinitely more wit, charm, insight, and experience of the real world.


MCuser is actually right. Bond forces himself on her by kissing her without consent but a few moments into the kiss, she begins embracing him. This was presumably during foreplay, so I think it would be a huge stretch to call this rape.


"She was totally into it, bro. She even stopped kicking and screaming right before I penetrated her. That's, like, proof of consent"

You telling your side of the story shortly before you are prosecuted for rape


Ummm neither my self nor connerys bond ever raped anyone, nice flaming troll attempt


"I never raped anyone, I just tell rape victims that they wanted it!"


I bet you are the actual rapist and you are just expressing your own phony moral outrage as a way to live with yourself


MCU497 is right. Anyone with a properly functioning brain can see that Galore is enjoying it and not resisting at all. Actually, they're not even having sex, only kissing. If they had sex after that, it was consensual. People who think Connery's Bond is a rapist are also offended by Pepe Le Pew, and think "Baby It's Cold Outside" is a rape song. Morons.


Exactly and the worst Bond did was kiss her without permission and considering by doing so he saved hundreds of lives and kept Ft Knox from
Blowing up I say fine by me


I haven't seen Goldfinger in decades. Some interesting trivia-

I think you are just having us on trolling. Funny stuff.

"Fukunaga is absolutely right on this one..."

He is "absolutely right" because blah, blah.



He's sbsolutely right that that scene woukdn't fly in 2021.

People no longer believe that if a man wrestles a lesbian to the ground and mauls her, she'll be really into it and fall madly in lust with him. Well, at least people who found their beliefs on reality rather than porn wouldnt.


Yeah No Time To Die is gonna suck


Why do you think it's gonna suck? My expectations are very high for it and I honestly see it turning out to be a hit, but anything can happen though.


The word around the production was that it’s a shit show, Phoebe Waller bridge is involved with the writing and apparently the director thought Connerys bond was a rapist. We’ll see i guess


Yeah this is going to be The Force Awakens of the James Bond Franchise


EVERYBODY knows Connery's Bond is a Therapist!


Buahahahahahahaha, I'll take Anal Bum Cover for $500



Except for the




He's a rapist except for the part of actually RAPING another human being.

That one little nugget stops him from being a rapist.


That was close.


Hollywood hates cool men pt. 2189


Of some interest:

In 1964, the same year as Goldfinger and the year before Thunderball, Sean Connery worked for Alfred Hitchcock in Marnie.

Rape's an issue in THAT one, too.

Tippi Hedren plays Marnie, a thief by trade and a woman with deep psychological damage(from a childhood incident) that translates into frigidity: no man can touch her, let alone love her, let alone have sex with her.

Except for Sean Connery. He plays a rich guy who learns of Marnie's thefts, blackmails her into marrying him -- and then forces himself on her on their wedding night, claiming a "husband's rights" even though Marnie didn't want to marry him in the first place. (This is "therapeutic" from Connery's side: he wants to "cure" Marnie of her frigidity.)

Unlike the two rather sexy scenes in Goldfinger and Thunderball, the Connery-Hedren sex scene in Marnie is very cold and sexless and rendered without showing much of anything(Hedren's impassive face, mainly.)

The first screenwriter on Marnie -- male Evan Hunter -- refused to write the maritial rape scene and was fired. A FEMALE screenwriter was hired -- Jay Presson Allen -- and wrote the scene. She said "neither Hitchcock nor I ever felt it WAS a rape scene, not with Sean Connery in the part."

So there's Sean Connery in 1964 and 1965, being all "rapey" and yet -- its only really Marnie that is that controversial today.

Movies from the 30s through the 70's were FILLED with scenes of men "overcoming" resistant women who rather immediately "got into it" and enjoyed it. These scenes reflected both male AND female fantasies and the big box office that Bond got was part of that fantasy enjoyment.

In 2021, "major motion pictures" like the Bond movies don't do this anymore -- but novels and chatrooms and, yes, porn -- do. (Or so I've heard.)
