MovieChat Forums > Evangeline Lilly Discussion > Evangeline Lilly won’t self-quarantine, ...

Evangeline Lilly won’t self-quarantine, values ‘freedom’ over her life


Good for her. All that quarantining did us nothing..


EVERYONE should value freedom over safety. Liberty wasn't secured by sheep.


Turns out she was right, and now all of the lefties are backpedaling over all of the covid lies.


Yep, and she has more support than ever before right now.


Covid isnt Lies wow I agree Biden you guys are neanderthals


Covid isn't lies. The way it was handled are the lies ...


Trudeau and Biden have made US and Canada GTFO


Ok, so 2 years later:

did she die of covid? Did her father die of covid? Any of her kids?

If not you can make like a tree and get the fuck out of here


Exactly. These morons are eating crow 3 meals a day now..


In the end, she was right. Freedom was and continues to be more valuable than 99% recoverable viruses and the insane mandates of governments.


Tell that to the 6 million people who died of it.


People died before and after SARS-CoV-2. The virus goes through the mask like a marble through a chain link fence. Lockdowns were causing and creating suicide & depression rates to skyrocket, and mental illness on an exponential level. We are social creatures, this did more harm than good, and now we're dealing with the ramifications of reopening on a worldwide scale--mass inflation, endless out of stock situations, food, fuel and energy prices through the roof.


All this did was prove that when we have a more deadly virus that comes around we are doomed. Most places in the world had no real lockdowns or quarantines. Even when there were mandates many people either didn't wear masks or wore them under their noses. There were covid parties.

Where did you get your numbers for the suicide rates? Depression was on the rise before covid, and there have been a couple of studies that have shown that suicide rates went down in 2020. So even if the rate did go up after that, it may not have been just because of lockdowns as most places were opening up in 2021. Just had to wear a mask and be vaccinated.

Yeah we are having issues with mass inflation. Why is that? Why are we allowing corporations to price gouge? 50 year record high profits for oil companies?? What about the grocery stores chains with record profits? Convenient to blame it on lockdowns isn't it? Just another way to make us mad at each other, and cause more division.

Why aren't those freedom convoy protesters protesting oil companies? I mean if they could take weeks off work to sit in their trucks and blow their horns in residential areas and border crossings to get governments to change international travel regulations (yeah like that would work), and yes create supply chain issues, why don't they block refineries?


You know what you should tell to 80% of those people that died?

Live a fucking healthy life and don't ask me, when you fucked up your life and you are 400 pounds and have diabetes, to protect your fucking health when you do everything AGAINST it.

If they wanted to live they should have ACTED like it.


this didnt age very well.

no one cares about covid anymore....


Meh she is still a woke liberal, whatever.


ROFL this aged like milk.
