MovieChat Forums > Pwinty Discussion > Still has male sweat

Still has male sweat

Sweats like a male, male saliva

Bon appetite, faggots!


Not a faggot…It’s a MTF (Male to Female). Of course she sweats like one still…Lol She also has the sweaty, dry neo-vagina because it probably doesn’t lubricate naturally like a biological woman’s vagina. Dry vaginas have an odor.


Seek help dude, you're just shouting into the void here on this board that is 95% your content by the looks of it!

I don't know what this person did to wrong you, but I can guess...Sure it's embarrassing to discover a 🍆 when you were expecting a 🐱, but surely it's time to put the shame behind you and move on!


'I don't know what this person did to wrong you, but I can guess...Sure it's embarrassing to discover a 🍆 when you were expecting a 🐱, but surely it's time to put the shame behind you and move on!'



What shame? I wasn’t with someone and discovered sh@t. One thing about me is that I don’t let anyone dictate my actions. If you don’t like my posts, then keep scrolling. I’m obviously not going to stop posting…Lol


Why are you so convinced she's really a he? I've never even heard of her before stumbling upon this thread in the trending section, but she looks like a girl in her picture.


She’s not a biological woman. Just check the anatomy. She definitely looks trans. She knows it and so does Daniel.


That's impossible to tell from a few photographs.


It’s not when you know exactly what to look for when it comes to MTF and FTM. That’s a trans (MTF) all day, everyday…



You seem utterly obsessed with her. Why?


Not obsessed at all with this MTF. I just hate liars and fake people trying to manipulate the world. This POS has been bragging about being something it’s not while scamming people to become famous. I’ll expose this biotch and others like it…Lol


If you say so.

You've been on this site for 3 months, and posted a total of 85 times. Every single post has been about Pwinty, whom you ASSUME to be a male, but when it comes down to it, you have no idea about her gender. So again, what is your obsession with this specific person?


I posted and you don’t have to be convinced. I already answered your damn question about it not being an obsession. I don’t give a frack if you’re having difficulty understanding. Maybe, since you had time to count my many posts and how long I been on this board, you shouldn’t figured it out by now; if not I don’t give a sh@t. Biotch is still a MTF…I stand on that 💯



That’s grim


Kiwi, you'll never be a real woman.


Not my goal Dawn, but if I want a pussy in the future you’ll definitely be the person I call on for advice, on account of you being a gigantic one, and all.


Kiwi. I didn't read your response. You Sir are a faggot. I've been reading this site for years.. You have no masculine or positive qualities to your person and simply exist to further the TV channels and foot soldier all that the TV says that make you do so.


Takes one to know one, twinkle toes.



It lied about its gender while working as a prostitute in Miami. Now, it’s in Hollyweird trying to get famous. It’s been exposed and I don’t give care who doesn’t agree or like my tactics…”drain the swamp”…


Kiwi Jim?


Imagine if your character in a game was the slime ball....thanks jews for killing Christ you ugly fucks


this is one of those "holy shit" revelations that really puts transexuals into perspective


When they hug merging their pasty white skinnyfat flesh, imagining all thos pedo anime. It all comes crashing down when they realise they're fucking a dude's bumhole, where shit comes from.


Apparently, actor Daniel Sunjata likes mucking the bumhole…Lol Yep, he got sh@t on his d@ck…Lol


if a male or female is into anime, i keep away


trans is fucking made up. It all ends in fucking your kids. I'm here to prevent that.




I just realised 'I' posted that.

We need to do more. Pedo Gates is talking about making bird flu poison refusal jab a crime.

I have access. His kids are unvacced..Sorry Bill. They go 1st.


I agree wholeheartedly! I never took that sh@t (vaccine/jab). Why take vaccine when the same people that created the virus are part of creating the jab? All it is fear mongering. People don’t like me posting about this thing, but I will. For all we know, “Hollyweird” is going to “ritual sacrifice” her by harvesting her energy. There’s no way the gay FTM, Daniel Sunjata gives 2 sh@ts about her. It’s his sacrifice to the Baphomet to gain more time and safety from the elites..SMH Pwinty probably still has her d@ck tucked nicely while humping Daniel Sunjata who still has his vagina…I smell something fishy and shetty in the room…Lol
