No longer MAGA.

Still stupid.

Ann Coulter Shares Dark Suggestion on How Donald Trump Can Help US

First rising to prominence as a critic of former President Bill Clinton, Coulter has long been an outspoken proponent of conservative political ideals. This extended, for a time, to supporting Trump in the lead-up to and aftermath of the 2016 election. That same year, she notably published a book titled, In Trump We Trust.

She quickly soured on him, however, owing to what she perceived as his failures on immigration matters, a topic she has written and spoken about extensively. Among her issues with Trump were his support of "DREAMers," the underage children of undocumented immigrants brought to the United States as minors who were granted permanent residency by the DREAM Act, and later his failure to build his much-hyped wall along the southern border with Mexico. By 2018, she had referred to herself as a "former Trumper."


Theres no balance when it comes trump, I'm VERY conservative, but trump never was, he's a west coast republican. he was great on the economy, only president for years not to start a new war, actually wanted peace....

But he had his statist side, promoted the vaxx, in my opinion he didnt clean the swamp and if there was election rigging, which it seems there was, he didn't expose it.

coulter is a hardcore conservative, well shes a libertarian. for all her political knowledge she didnt see what trump would be, she's an idealist who expected a more hardline from trump. i always knew what trump would give us, 70% good things, 30% things i didnt like too much.

i'll still vote trump, because he's 1000000000s times better than any democrat. but i get what coulter is saying. and she'll vote for him too, because she wont vote for big mike.


If Trump was great on the economy, then why did it take a dive during the pandemic that Trump mismanaged? Trump said he could have kept our economy going, but he decided not to?

Our GNP is doing better now that Trump is out of office. Interesting how the absence of a bankrupt prone, horrible businessperson like Trump can do wonders for the economy.


you do know that we closed pretty much everything down right? don't you remember?


The strength, success and competency of the Executive is built on the ability to foresee and mediate any possible crisis. DJT couldn't do this either because he didn't care, or because instead of building a team, he eradicated his own cabinet instead. I remember when COVID-19 was first discovered in the Pacific Northwest where I live, and a proper federal pandemic response should have prioritized it and contained it then. Instead, the Trump administration played it down in the most libertarian of ways until they lost control of the narrative, killed hundreds of thousands, got the virus himself (!) and had to turn to the supposed "deep state" experts like Fauci to coordinate response and the spearheading of vaccine production. If there was any administration that worked to dismantle this laissez-faire libertarian spirit, which folks like Ann Coulter and Rand Paul would espouse, it was ironically Trump. "America is closed" was his ultimate legacy. The right-wing is anti-business—not in words, but in effect.

I'm a proud Democrat. When I want to embrace America's libertarian spirit, I celebrate the work of the ACLU. Otherwise, I'm a realist who elects strong leaders who's goal is NOT to "drown the federal gov't in the bathtub." They have loyal cabinets, plans and documentation, solid relationships at home and abroad, and know the proper moves and counter-moves during times of crisis.

Joseph R. Biden is such a leader, and his supposed "senility" only further exposes how bad Trump really was at the job. Old or no, there's no shutting America down on Biden's watch.


That disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal was the worst event of American incompetence I have ever seen. It was an absolute, unmitigated debacle. Every consequence that unfolded thereafter has only exacerbated the fiasco. I can’t imagine how this skipped your mind in declaring Biden some sort of prescient genius who’s three moves ahead on the crisis chess board.


But it was Trump who rashly negotiated with the Taliban and set a timetable for withdrawal during his last months in office. You see, what you may be missing is that presidents typically don't like to counter each other and overrule that sort of thing done by predecessors, especially with regard to diplomacy. They bite the bullet and follow through because otherwise the USA comes off as unreliable and wishy-washy. Also, Biden remained stoic in the face of mild chaotic disaster, because to look panicked indicates weakness. The only panic was seen in the media, particularly Fox News, just as they do about the border that the Republicans fail to properly fund. A commander can't love the troops too much, because other leaders will say that America is afraid to risks the lives of citizens. Had Hillary Clinton been elected in 2016, we would have maintained order and a continuous presence in the Middle East with fewer casualties. After all, our armies need to do something anyhow during peacetime besides drilling stateside to maintain supreme battle-readiness. Trump, as commander-in-chief, was also very poor for morale and discipline, even going so far to call the enlisted "suckers" and "losers."

Hell, Robert Mueller (special prosecutor appointed by DOJ) could not even rule out Trump campaign collusion with Russia—who is America's greatest geo-political foe! He did prove Russia's meddling in our elections to DJT benefit. I personally heard Trump ask Russia if they can hack our country to find Clinton emails. How are troops supposed to respect that sort of chain-of-command, especially now with all the "dictator" talk? America is a freedom-loving nation!


I’m not here to defend Trump. I’m more than wiling to criticize his incompetence in threads on that subject. But you’re giving Biden exclusive credit for overcoming Trump’s incompetence on the pandemic and then claiming him handcuffed to Trump’s decisions when it came time for leadership on Afghanistan. Sounds like everyone gets accolades as long as they have a (D) after their name.

Does Biden get any criticism for that Hellfire missile attack that vaporized an entire family including seven elementary school-aged children as America’s final act before the withdrawal? Who got fired in that pathetic example of the Biden administration’s cool stoicism in the face of chaos?


Hyperbole is *not* your friend. And if you think the withdrawal that Biden inherited was worse than the pandemic Trump mismanaged, you're simply Bad At Thinking. Period.



´member when Trump wanted to have strong bordercontrol towards china and Nancy Pelousi wanted to start hugging chinese people to show she wasnt a racist?

AndyAce remembers. Trump came with lots of solutions to the pandemic that was activly worked against him.

The insane world we live in the left refused to take the vax when Trump was behind it, but wanted to have mandatory vaccines as soon as they were in power.

AndyAce remembers.

I am so tired of people having this black and white world view. I am not a huge Trump fan. I find him kind of a blowheart, a bit vulgar, but he was so much better than the last four years. The last four years have been so hard, so sad.

Oh, please come back Trump. No more "Build back better", "Agenda 2030" and WEF. No more wars. I am just so tired.

I was so tired of the four years of screaming from the left when Trump won. I almost wanted Biden to win so they could shut the h-ll up!!! FOUR YEARS OF MENTAL BREAK DOWN!!!

But the next 4 years was so much worse...


You're living in a dream world of false facts. After Biden became president, people were still fired from their jobs for not getting the useless vax, most K-12 students were still forced to learn remotely, there were still mask mandates, and so on. Biden is more culpable for the disastrous economic consequences of these policies because he drifted into the presidency at a time when much more was known about covid (e.g. the omicron strain) and how useless the lockdowns and "safety" measures were. Yet he continued those mandates. Biden even went so far as to lie about the vaccine, claiming you will neither get or spread covid if you received the vax and boosters according to the near-arbitrary schedule provided by WHO and the NIH. So, your saying that there was no "shutting down" of America during Biden's presidency is a flat out lie. There are still idiots in NYC, where I live, who wander around with masks, and even some places that won't let you enter without one (some theaters and restaurants, among other places). Diehard Democrats are bleating sheep when it comes to bowing before statism.


Trump is the one with the cult. You are projecting sheepish behavior onto folks who easily saw thru all his BS, when you should be snarking at the rural mouth-breathers who grab their shotgun when they hear a car drive past. Your conclusions are all wrong. Whether or not these NYC folks are all "diehard Democrats" perhaps they also just value their health, and may have wanted to wear a mask anyhow before it became more socially acceptable or habitual to do so in crowded spaces. I live in a semi-populated area, go out often, and I haven't even had so much as a cold since before 2020. I credit others, not just myself, because of how the public health response has actually increased awareness about courtesy and hygiene. I now see people cough in their elbow sleeve or handkerchief, and so forth.

I think the vaccine nonsense has sort of become a economic driver in the pharmaceutical industry, much like annual flu shots. The varients are not widespread enough to require all these boosters or whatever. One year of mandating adults did the trick well enough, so that people over 50 years of age or with other conditions will not find COVID-19 to be fatal for them. That's all it was ever about.


"One year of mandating adults did the trick well enough, so that people over 50 years of age or with other conditions will not find COVID-19 to be fatal for them. That's all it was ever about."

That's complete bullshit. The vaccine mandates were all initiated after Biden won the election. In fact, the vax wasn't even announced as ready for use until after Biden won. The mandates were justified by the false claim that covid wouldn't be spread by the vaxxed and the vaxxed wouldn't catch covid. Fauci said it, Biden said it, Democrat shills like Rachel Maddow said it. Those are the facts. It was this false claim that was used to browbeat people who didn't want it into taking it, if they wanted to remain employed. It wasn't all about protecting the elderly (if it were, then Democrat governors wouldn't have condemned so many senior citizens to death by forcibly mixing the healthy with covid patients). What you claim is the ex post facto claim by Democrats once they realized all their previous assertions about the vax were egregiously in error and, even worse, were actually never validated by any scientific evidence.


Conspiracy nonsense. I don’t know what you’re saying, and more importantly I don’t think you do either. You’re basically declaring that Pfizer, Moderna and the others made placebos.

I’m a Navy veteran. We had our own share of vaccine mandates and boosters for childhood MMR and so forth, so if you think I’m gonna feel sorry for poor Joe “libertarian” Schmoe who lost a job for being a health hazard at the office, I really don’t give a damn. He can puke chunks in his MAGA hat for all I care.

The isolationist, laissez-faire, thrice-bankrupt transgender businessman, Donna Joan Drumpf had his time in office and failed spectacularly. He was never popularly elected, and certainly couldn’t ever get 81 million votes.


Conspiracy nonsense. I don’t know what you’re saying, and more importantly I don’t think you do either. You’re basically declaring that Pfizer, Moderna and the others made placebos.

No, I'm saying that the pharmaceutical companies as well as the federal government lied about the efficacy of the covid vaccine. Biden himself stated that if you're vaxxed then you don't get covid and you don't spread it, both of which turned out to be recklessly false. Despite the covid "vaccine" not really being a vaccine at all, but rather a therapeutic that's only really effective or even necessary for a small segment of the population, people were fired and shamed for refusing to take this bogus vaccine, or even for uttering a peep of protest about it online (see the Twitter files). You just have no clue what you're talking about. Whether Trump would've continued the disastrous policies that the Biden government actually implemented will never be known. But that was all under Biden's watch.


That's an odd interpretation. COVID was a once-in-a-century event, so trying to lay all blame on him for failing to "foresee and mediate any possible crisis" is a bit rich. You're essentially playing Monday morning quarterback by giving a lecture of how it all should have been handled. You even claimed that he "killed hundreds of thousands", which is rather crazy. If you blame Trump for that, do you also blame Biden for the vastly more COVID deaths that occurred during his presidency?


Yes I remember. Trump did claim he could keep the state open. Remember how he repeated claimed he could do anything per the Constitution? I guess Trump preferred to let things close down. Yes, I know Trump lied when he said he could do anything. But Trump preferred to lie instead of taking more actions required to ease the affects of the pandemic.

But Trump did claim covid would just go away like a miracle. That did not actually work.


I guess you missed the first three years of his presidency when the economy was screaming. The pandemic shut down everything in year four.

If Trump were smart, he'd just retire and play golf - the economy is starting to tank now and he'll catch the blame for the economic burden inflation, fuel prices, and the load of illegal aliens is putting on our infrastructure when it hits hard next year (assuming he pulls an upset which I doubt he can).


I did not miss it. Did you miss how Trump mismanaged the pandemic? He allowed infected people to enter the US, he delayed implementation of the Defense Production Act, he pushed bogus cures, called the virus a hoax, compared covid to the flu, waited until March 2020 to declare a national emergency, and did not adhere to basic guidelines to prevent infection which caused him to be infected and hospitalized.

The economy has been growing for a while. What data are you using to say it is tanking?

The MAGA idiots are giving Trump credit for the growing economy; they say is it growing because Trump will be re-elected.

Trump will never stop aliens from entering the country. His big business demographic relies upon an easy to exploit workforce. So of them prefer to fire Americans and hire illegals.


I did not miss it. Did you miss how Trump mismanaged the pandemic? He allowed infected people to enter the US, he delayed implementation of the Defense Production Act, he pushed bogus cures, called the virus a hoax, compared covid to the flu, waited until March 2020 to declare a national emergency, and did not adhere to basic guidelines to prevent infection which caused him to be infected and hospitalized.

And the Earth is flat as well? You might as well go all-in.


You can dream about flat Earth all you want. Why do you think Trump mismanaged the pandemic?


How does one "mismanage" something that never happened before?


Pandemics happen with enough frequency that plans are made to deal with them each time they come around. Surely you are not so ignorant that you do not understand this.

Each epidemic brings something new, but the ways to limit the spread of infection do not change all that much.

Here is the old plan that was left for the Trump administration.

But plan or no plan, the USA has been lacking in planning for a pandemic for decades.


The only pandemic analogous to Covid 19 was 1918's H1N1 - the rest until Covid 19 weren't even the "JV team" of pandemics, or do you recall wearing a mask during Swine flue, shutting down sporting events, cancelling of weddings, social distancing,, etc. during the others? My mother was in a nursing home and we had to visit her through her window and using a phone. In any case, anything learned from 1918 was lost and would likely be ineffectual in 2020.

You pick on Trump's handling of the pandemic, but almost every country on Earth had a different plan and the result was pretty much the same everywhere when you account for variables such as population participation, customs, and density.

As for your leftist links and their dubious science and "interpretation", I'll not waste my time, thanks.


Yes, I pick on the president for failing during the pandemic because he was the president.

Trump likes to blame China, but only after he allowed people to fly from China to the USA after it was known how bad the pandemic could be.

I'm not a leftist. I'm far more conservative than Trump is.


But you quoted leftist sources that have no credibility with anybody interested in the truth.

But tell me, what would you have done to stop the pandemic that wouldn't be a "failure" in your opinion?

Trump likes to blame China, but only after he allowed people to fly from China to the USA after it was known how bad the pandemic could be.

Trump was one of the first in the world to shut down international travel in the U.S. to the howls from the left. Did you forget Nancy in Chinatown begging people to get out after Trump started the lockdowns?

And *nobody* knew how bad the pandemic was going to be until many months after it hit. Again, no precedent.

EDIT: And it was China's fault. While they didn't intentionally start the pandemic, they were screwing with stuff they didn't understand in order to be playing with the "big dogs" in bio-research and failing miserably. China killed millions.


I could quote Trump and you would still not believe it. Normally when I quote Trump, I'm told that it was actually the deep state's fault, or Trump did not mean it, or it's okay when Trump does it, or some other BS.

Trump was still too late to shut down travel. Do you recall when Trump said Obama should resign for letting a single person into the USA that might be infected with Ebola? For some reason, letting thousands of people in that might be infected with covid-19 was okay, was long as it was Trump who was allowing it.

Just about every time Trump whines and bitches about something someone did, it is possible to see that Trump did it, did it worse, or thought it was a good idea in the past.

Are you going to tell me that Trump is a leftist source that is not credible?


You can't quote Trump to prove your point(s) unless you ignore context.


That't impossible for him.


I quote Trump all the time; not my fault he looks like an idiot when quoted. What context have I failed to include when quoting Trump?


Give us your favorite Trump qoute. I bet it will be a fine example of you being dishonest.


I don't have a favorite, there are so many stupid ones.

If this doctor, who so recklessly flew into New York from West Africa,has Ebola,then Obama should apologize to the American people & resign!

Trump was just fine with letting thousands of potentially infected people enter the USA during the pandemic.


Couldn't just answer the question, had to add some spin. Typicial leftard.

Yeah, your pick ignores all context. POint made.


this dude is all over moviechat talking like AOC, then says "i'm more conservative that trump"


So many lefties need to be dishonest. Really, all of them one way or another.


Trump is a rapey gun grabber. How is that conservative at all?


in another thread you made the most fraudian mistake ever, you asked me if an obsession with michelle obamas "parts" was "masculine", as if it wasnt....

well if it's a woman, then yeah it would be! men like womens bits right?

you just admited that it's a dude!


[–] Ranb (6466) 7 hours ago
Appears to be just the pants folding out, not being pushed out by a part of her anatomy that you imagine she has.
Perhaps you can be overly concerned about something else that actually affects you? Why are you so triggered that you scream "retard" when someone disagrees with you?

How about you quote the post I made. I took another look at that thread. I do not use any male pronouns to describe Michelle Obama.


you said it wasn't masculine to be obsessed with michelles "bits", why not, its a woman right!?

fraudian slip of the year! now go and delete it!


This reply I made to your post about embracing masculine culture?

[–] Ranb (6468) 3 hours ago
You have not libeled me, so I can't. What is so masculine about your fascination with Michelle Obama's genitalia?

No, I asked you what is so masculine about your fascination. I did not pass judgement, I asked you for an opinion on your own behavior.

Edited to add. I know why you didn't quote my post. You wanted to make a false claim about it, then cry about how I would edit it when I called you on your lie. Why didn't you quote my post to ensure I could not edit it without getting caught?


if michelle obama was a woman like you claim, then my so called "obsession" would be normal. men like women, womens parts... it would be masculine

the fact you doubt the masculinity of it is the fraudian slip of the century!!!

because you know it's not a woman! it's a dude! therefore you're right kid. there would be nothing masculine about it! you was asking me if i like cock!!



You are assuming too much. I don't really know what is going on in that twisted mind of yours, so I asked.

I think Michelle Obama is a woman.

However, you claim she is a man and are obsessed with her genitalia. Tell me how that is masculine to you. It seems you really want her to be a man. Are you gay?


fraudian slip of the century! love it!


[–] gooseboy65 (159) 11 minutes ago
fraudian slip of the century! love it!

Maybe you need to define what a fraudian slip is. You keep using that word, but I don't think you know what it means.


big mike has at least 8 inches. you know it and i know, you let it slip without knowing it.


Your obsession is getting the better of you.

What is a fraudian slip?


A slip of the tongue in which a word that the speaker was subconsciously thinking about is substituted for the one that he or she meant to say.


Isn't that a "freudian slip"?

WTF is a fraudian slip?


you know what you did you little fruit!

big mike has at least 8 inches! think it's libel? sue me!


And fulfill your desperate need for attention? Nope.

Keep on with your masturbatory fantasies, it might be the only action you get.

I can't image that any woman could stand to be near you.


He's playing coy.


another friend of dorothy!?


I'm not the man fascinated by imaginary cock. That would be you.


What context did I ignore? If you don't know, then why complain?


Well, for starters teh difference between being a candidate and being President, with an entire health industry screaming in your ear.


You're being too vague. Do you really think people were not aware of the status of Trump and Obama back in 2014?

So are you saying Trump was a doormat, not the president? He could not deal with making decisions and had to let others do it for him?

Trump set a standard for the number of infected people that should be allowed in the country. It was less than one.


In my world, a President listening to professional experts provided by the government to give him advice and information on issues,

is not "being a doormat". So......

And you ignored all of that with your choice of qoute. Proving the point on you and your quotes.


Trump is a doormat. Some of the so-called experts he listened to were hardly any better than Nancy Reagan's astrologer.

Which experts told him to allow thousands of potentially infected Americans back into the country without quarantine when his person standard was none?

Trump favored keeping infected Americans on ships, military and civilian.


I'm not a leftist. I'm far more conservative than Trump is.

Pretending to be a conservative does not exclude you from been a leftist.

Btw, someone can be a right-winger without been a conservative.


Democrat governors in NJ, PA, MI, and NY not just allowed, but insisted, that nursing home facilities take in covid patients and get mixed in with healthy elderly residents. This caused tens of thousands of completely avoidable deaths. Andrew Cuomo went so far as to reject Trump's offer to fund the accommodations to put these covid patients in alternate facilities, which Cuomo rejected simply because he didn't want to be seen as giving Trump a win. So spare us your Democrat rah-rah bullshit. That works only on the braindead with no memory.


Why didn't Trump stop them? He said he could do so.

If you read my posts again, I'm dumping on Trump, I'm not praising anyone.


Fair enough. Me, I don't much like Trump. I think he's a blowhard. I apologize for suggesting you were doing the very common thing of carrying water for either Republicans or Democrats and warping facts for that purpose. I'm in a heavy Democrat environment full of sheep who imagine themselves very well educated.


I know how you feel. I'm in a heavy MAGA environment who thinks Trump is immune from any consequences at all and is actually entitled rape women as a perk of his wealth.


I guess you missed the "screaming" economy Trump INHERITED, then *destroyed* with the Worst handling of the pandemic in Any Industrial Nation. Your "analysis" ignores the fact that his only accomplishment was not screwing up a smoothly functioning economy, then Promptly failing as soon as a challenge presented.

The U.S. accounts for less than five percent of the world’s population, but registered More Than 15 Percent of worldwide Covid deaths. This is a STAGGERING disparity, and is quite simply the result of a COMPLETELY unqualified man-child making decisions he had No Business Making.

The man is a sociopath, a criminal, and an idiot who has failed at Every Venture He's Attempted. *How* do you bankrupt a CASINO???? THREE TIMES???? WHY would any thinking person believe such a person could run the US economy?

No idea why you're claiming "the economy is starting to tank now." It's not only doing well. . .it's outperforming every metric the previous naysayers were babbling. The problem with people like you is: when you don't like the facts, you simply make up your own reality.

Shrug. Doesn't change the facts.


Just as the DJIA doesn't exactly correlate with how "good" an economy is for the average person, neither does the rate of increase of the GDP. The DJIA skyrocketed under Trump, while GDP growth was about the same as under Obama. The GDP only plummeted due to covid and the disastrous shutdown policies, all endorsed enthusiastically by congressional democrats as well as governors. Where Trump exceled for the average US citizen was gas prices, which were at least 50% higher at their peak than under Trump's first couple of years in office. Gas prices of course skyrocketed again as soon as Biden took over. It's complete bullshit when people claim that the US president has little control over gas prices. First, perceptions matter to investors. When Biden took over, he made it immediately clear he was antagonistic to the fracking industry and new pipelines for transporting LNG. This is why gas prices shot up immediately under Biden. It wasn't because OPEC suddenly started meddling with the markets as they so often do. Further, a president can have good or bad diplomatic relations with certain key countries like oil-producing gulf states, who laughed in the Biden administration's face when asked to increase supply.

Speaking of covid deaths, how about those Democrat governors on the east coast essentially murdering tens of thousands of elderly nursing home residents by unnecessarily mixing in the covid afflicted with previously covid-free residents? Your hemming and hawing doesn't change those facts either. That was the doing of Democratic Party governors, buddy boy.


Mmm. . .no. You can bend yourself into rhetorical pretzels all you like, the bottom line is: Pick a common set of metrics, and Biden's economy has outperformed Trump's, top to bottom. PERIOD. Argue the effect of a President on gas prices all you like, but the facts are inescapable: Trump loses ANY global examination of their relative performance(s). Your assessment of why gas prices shot up under Biden is, flatly, Wrong. Again: a much less skewed perspective looks at prices GLOBALLY. Again: Biden Outperforms Trump. By ANY metric.


Parsing Covid deaths is an *immediate* loser for you. It's a laughable position for you to try to defend, but whatever, I'm bored: Trump LIED TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Claimed it wasn't a big deal, said it would go away on its own, miserably failed managing the crisis from start to finish, promoted science denial, and caused untold unnecessary death and collapse. Then he was CAUGHT LYING, but in the face of that recorded phone call, idiots like you continue to excuse him.

Speaking of nursing homes: that death toll was inexcusable, but was NOT because of "Democrat Governors." Again, you are simply lying/wrong. A more accurate read: Only 41 states report deaths in nursing homes, and the level of detail varies from state to state. It's a HUGE problem that has very little to do with politics, in Any sense of the word. Bottom line: You can not Possibly blame the horrific rate of nursing home Covid deaths on "Democrat Governors." Absurd, "buddy boy."


Looks like you are employing some major logical fallacies in your thinking.

You really think that the high number of COVID deaths in the U.S. were due to Trump? Think about it for a minute. The U.S. underwent a massive lockdown, had social distancing, school closures, etc. Third World countries where people live in much more unsanitary conditions would never have had so many precautions taken. Why, then, were so many people killed by COVID in the U.S.?

Perhaps there was something else specific to the U.S. population that made them more susceptible to COVID. Think, brother, THINK!


I am like you in a lot of ways. I think Trump was the greatest president of my life, but at the same time he sometimes does the most idiotic things that need to be called out. And while he is not a conservative at heart, he governed much more conservatively than I would have ever anticipated.

As for Coulter, I can't stand her very much any more. She was an early backer of Mitt Romney in the 2012 race, and she was an early backer of Trump in 2016. The only time conservatives really have a voice is in the primaries, and she tried to inject her opinions into this process. Given that she (presumably) despises Romney's politics now, and we know she despises Trump's, by her own standard she has a truly awful track record at picking politicians. Her flip-flopping in such a short times makes me think that she really doesn't understand people or politics enough to merit influence over people's minds.


i agree with you, the thing is with coulter is, she's very idealist with her presidents, yet very realistic with her elections.

she said trump would be the nominee in 2016 and they laughed at her. she was right.

she backed rino romney because in 2012 he was the only viable candidate according to the republicans, well most republicans.

i wanted ron paul to win or allen west. but the republican party wasnt going down that road.

so she backed rino romney, knowing it was the most realistic outcome.


She was never MAGA. Just another fake and impostor. You know, your type of people.

She is a CINO/RINO.


but she's not though, look i voted for trump twice and will vote for him again. i think he's been one of the best presidents in the last 50 years, my favorite being reagan...

coulter is a real conservative. trump is more of a west coast republican. i mean he has shifted between both parties right?

coulter thought that trump would finish the wall in 4 years, toss out millions of illegals go down a much very hardline conservative path.

people get all angry when you say something negative about a politician, i voted for him twice, will again...

but i know that me and you agree on the vax, trump must have seen what the vax is doing to people, yet said he thought it was a good thing lately. coulter is a super idealist who thought trump would turn america back into the 1950s and when he only gave her 70% of what she wanted, she turned her back on him.

but she'll vote for him!, because she wont vote for big mike!



yeah but you know how people are, some people would say the same thing about me if i dared say that trump hasn't said the vaxx is killing people right?


I followed her for a while and her whole immigration angle was that the dems would eventually get so many illegals in that the republicans would never be able to win another election because illegals vote for the same government they are fleeing. But during the ridiculous fraud of 2020 she said nothing, when all the swing states stopped counting at 10 at night and in the end there were 30 million extra votes compared to 2016,2012,2008, she had nothing to say. She just blamed trump, she went nuts basically.
And I understand that he did not build the wall like he said, but at some point you'd think she'd realize Trump got 75 million votes, he wasn't the problem "the independents weren't voting against trump, they voted for him". She cannot blame his failure at building the wall. And how much border wall does she think the alternative is going to give her? Not to mention they fucking welded the gates to the wall open so what good is it?


You have to remember that coulter has a certain level of schtick, political pundits are 10 a penny. coulter knows she has to sell some level of shock factor to sell books. especially being conservative, because how many conservative channels are there to have you on? so many have disappeared, i remember theres someone called michelle mmm malkin? asian... i can't remember the last time i heard of her. same goes for a lot of those young attractive fox news broads. they go out of fashion.

coulter has been around for a long time because of some of the schtick she does. how interesting would she be, how many books would she sell if she simply said "trump has done great things" for 8 years...

but yeah i think she's an idealist who thought trump was the second coming and would give her every single thing she wanted and no politican can give anyone that. so she got frustrated and knowing it's good schtick, maybe has a book coming out goes in on trump a little.

gets her name out there right? but she was right about flooding the country with democrat voters.


He did get around 500+ miles of it built in spite of the opposition, resistance and zero support.


True but even if he completed the whole wall, when the other side cheats and steals an election they will just weld the gates open and bulldoze sections down to make "processing ports".


When elected in 2016 Trump controlled the White House while the Republicans controlled the House and Senate for two years. Plenty of time to erect a border wall and to pass new laws to help prevent illegal aliens from crossing the border. But nothing was done about the border crisis in those two years. Nothing! So quit your sniveling and blame Trump for the problem he caused. As usual your stupidity and gullibility is palpable.


Who's a bigger P O S ? Annie C, Glenn Beck, the Infowars guy, the pillow guy, Rudy G or Steve Bunyon ?


I'm not going to bother comparing when I can say that some are terrible people.


Ann Coulter is silly and ignorant, but she's got guts. And guts is enough.


In my opinion, guts will never be a suitable replacement for knowledge.
