MovieChat Forums > Emma Stone Discussion > She's been doing a lot of edgy, cynical ...

She's been doing a lot of edgy, cynical projects lately.

The Favourite, The Curse, Poor Things (the ending could be read as cynical and it's certainly an edgy movie), Kinds of Kindness, Eddington and Save the Green Planet.


Don't forget about 'Cruella' which is probably the most openly mean-spirited Disney remake (yet one of the better ones as a result).


She’s going through her ‘serious actress’ phase. Won’t last, and she’ll regret being in fucked up paedo porn stuff like Poor Things.


p.p? ok, Qanon. lol




I doubt she'll regret all of the awards she received for the role, including the Best Actress Oscar.


Oscars are worthless now, if anything they’re an insult. Who wants the approval of some woke degenerates?


"Save the Green Planet" is now called "Bugonia."


The Curse is a masterpiece.


What was that even about?


About the woke infection in USA, principally, magistrally written and acted. Nathan Fielder is a genius.


I call them - Unwatchable Movies.

She used to do movies that you can watch. And then she started doing those Artsy Fartsy movies that look so boring and such nonsense that I cant' even finish trailer. I tried to watch that tv show The Curse. Thinking maybe it's some weird comedy. But gave up in second episode I think. It was unwatchable snooze fest. So boring.

Oh well at least she get those stupid awards for them.

I kinda miss her in normal movies. her popularity went away fast. Same with Jennifer Lawrence. If you don't do movies that people actually watch for few years - you are forgotten.


Oh you mean movies that force you to use your brain.


No. I mean artsy fartsy movies that are being made only to stroke the ego of fartsy director. And then they usually make no money because they are boring and unwatchable.

No, hon, if you will watch those festival and awardsy movies - it will not make you smarter. And it does not mean you are smart and deep. LOL.


Oh you are a hillbilly, sorry.

And fit curiosity, what the hell are "normal movies"?


The watchable ones. The ones you can watch and not torture yourself with boredom because they are "artsy fartsy" and you think it will make you smart and deep watching them.

While if you will be given task with watching 10 movies half of which would be awardsy and half some crap that got no recognition. And you would never be able to tell which are awardsy and which is crap. But when press tells you: "This is Depp Movie" - you believe it. You sit and watch it and be like: "Yeah, that's deep!"

It's very funny. They way people like you actually believe it's makes you deep and smart by watching those awardsy movies. And you attack people who laugh at them. From position of Superiority you believe you have. After all - you watch Deep Movies. You Use Your Brain!!! LOL.


Based on your totally random subjective opinión, right? None of these movies is specially complex, I guess if you watch a Tarkovsky movie your brain would explode.


Again, if you will watch those festival and awardsy movies - it will not make you smarter. You keep thinking you are smart and deep because you "watch a Tarkovsky movie" or watch Yorgos Lanthimos movie.

You keep mentioning brain as you really think you are superior because you watch them. That is the most funny thing.


Why exactly these movies are unwatchable? I think they are all pretty accesible. And Poor Things has been a box office success, so you are wrong about your point.


It made 34 millions in USA. On a budget of 35 millions. And only because it was conctantly hyped during awards season.

Other Lanthimos movies are count as success only because he manages somehow to shoot them on incredible low budget.

The Favorite has budget of 15 millions

Kinds of Kindness has budget of 15 millions

Lobster is $4 million

Actors are probably working for free or few thousands because they want awards.


It made $117m globally.


That's the thing, these movies are muuch cheaper than the shitty Hollywood blockbusters you (for the look of for your comments) like, so it's very easy for them to be a box office success.

And Poor Things has amassed 117 millions internationally on a 35 millions budget, it's a true box office hit, so you are wrong.


I like "watchable movies". I don't care if it's blockbuster or low budget. If movie is interesting to watch - I will watch it.

I used to try to watch all those awardsy movies that they pushed so hard during awards season. To be "in the game" when awards happen and to root for some. And then I stopped torturing myself with watching all that boring crap.

I watch movies when I see trailer and I'm interested in what is happening. I watch trailers of those Emma Stone movies and tv shows and have zero desire to watch it. That's why I call them unwatchable. I did give it a try and started watching that Manic show with Jonah Hill and then The Curse. I could not get past 1-2 episodes. So boring it was.

Many people still don't know how box-office works and think that studio gets all those Worldwide grosses. Not knowing that in countries that is not USA and Canada studio gets only 50% of grosses. Other 50% take local theaters. China gives away only 1/3 of grosses. So out of those 83 millions overseas - studio got only around 40 mill. Plus 34 in USA = 74 millions pure grosses.

And add that they all spend millions on promotion. They could easily spend like 50 millions promoting movie. All those dresses, premiers, interviews, flying actors around during awards season... Studio pays for it. Emma Stone is not flying for her own money in UK or Australia to promote movie. Studio hires private planes or pays first class.

In the end movie probably broke even. It didn't flop. It also wasn't huge success.

You just don't know how box-office works.


74 millions on a 35 million budget is still very good for a supposedly "unwatchable" film, don't?

I don't care about economics, the important is a loooooooot of people watched and liked it a lot, and that's what really matters, so stop saying it's an unwatchable movie because I just proved you are wrong, you just talk from your random subjective taste without giving any clue about why these movies are supposedly bad.

BTW I didn't like Poor Things, but it's my personal taste, in reality people liked it a lot and has helped a lot the career of Emma.

And The Curse is a masterpiece of writting and acting, btw.


Many bad movies got money by the way.

The Curse is boring crap. It was ignored by everyone. They promoted it a little like they have to. And then it was forgotten the moment it came out. There was no hype, nothing. Because no one watched it. Same with Maniac.


Can you tell me 3 movies from the last year you considere "watchable"?


Did you watch the “Unwatchable Movies”? Trailers don’t count.


It's not about how it's shot and acted. It's the premise. I tried to give a chance to her tv show The Curse. Even if I saw in trailer it's probably would be boring. Same with tv show Maniac. It was boring as hell. It was unwatchable.

La-La-Land was actually very boring too. Despite good trailer and promising premise. I watched it. It had amazing music, style. I like Gosling. But it was such boring depressing nonsense that I never re-watched it.

Battle of the Sexes was not great, But at least it was watchable. Like I cared what was happening on screen.

I watched trailer for Aloha and have zero desire to watch it. Looks very boring. Like Lifetime channel romantic movie with d-listers.

I watched Birdman. Against my will and despite not loving trailer. But back then I cared about awards and they were pushing it so hard. It was unwatchable nonsense. I don't even remember what it was about.

Back in a day when I cared about awards I watched a lot of “Unwatchable Crap” simply because awards kept hyping them for months.

Boyhood - good gimmick. Boring as hell
American Hustle - boring mess. Don't even remember anything about it
Silver Linings Playbook – unwatchable boring depressing crap
Blue Valentine - unwatchable boring depressing crap


I think the topic of this original post was about Emma Stone and the kinds of movies she made, which you stated are unwatchable. It sounds like you didn’t like La La Land. This movie is a favorite of many - not me. And you can call it many things, but it is not boring. I like Umbrellas of Cherbourg better. And you mention Poor Things - but did you watch Poor Things - all the way through. Did you see The Favourite? I am confused with pedophile comment.

You list a lot of movies that are not hers but I guess go under your unwatchable movie list. A lot of your comments for each movie are “boring depressing” - which is such an odd takeaway for EVERY film and a commentary should include way more than that for a dismissal. And what is the time period for “back in the day”?


I mean I can't go and write 2 pages review of every her old movie for you, explaining every little bit I didn't like.

Like I said - I cant' even remember anything about the Birdman. So unmemorable it was. So I can't explain. I just remember being disappointed after watching and wondering: "What was all that hype about".

Lot's of those awardsy artsy fartsy movies have non-plot. And then people watch it and 1 day after can't tell you what was movie about and how it ended. It's just sad boring people walk around and throwing hysterics or being sad and depressed.

Why would I torture myself with watching unwatchable Poor things? I watch trailer. What is movie about and why should I be interested in watching it? Usually when trailer shows no plot it means it has no coherent plot. So they just don't know what to show. So they cut together random scenes that have no meaning and no connection. Hoping people will buy it.

Trailer shows me Emma Stone acting like she is brain damaged idiot and walking around. No, I don't care to watch it. Typical artsy fartsy movie. I have watched too much of those. If it wasn't for Oscars and they keep hyling it for months - it would be forgotten next day it came out and never be remembered.


I didn’t ask about Birdman.

I asked about unwatchable movies you say are unwatchable that are Emma’s. Why didn’t you watch Poor Things? How can you comment on something you haven’t seen? She’s not brain damaged. There’s no pedophilia or grooming. The story is fantastic. The visuals. The sets, the costumes are elaborate and breathtaking. The music is phenomenal. And, whereas I did not buy into Emma’s acting credibility, this performance cemented it. One of the bravest I’ve ever seen. This is one of the greatest films in the last decade. I honestly can’t understand people posting comments on a film they haven’t seen and then try to support their argument over a YouTube link. Just have to say. The term artsy farts is a little dated. What does back in the day mean to you?


What is the plot of Poor Things? Make me want to watch it.

I don't care about sets, costumes, acting. I need interesting plot.

And why you keep mentioning "*e*ophilia" . This is the second time you bring it to your comments out of nowhere.


I can’t make you watch anything. Already. If you don’t care about the look of a film. Well that is huge in its own right. The story is great. The acting is great. The scenery. It’s very weird but so brilliant. Not for everyone. But it just shows that every once in a while, even through this really down period in making good films, that something comes through that shines brightly. But looking at your comments, I’m not sure you’d feel the same. What concerns me are posters who share their dislikes of movies they haven’t seen.

Sorry. There was a poster. Melton. Got emori mixed up with that. He/She made the comment.


For his comments it looks you take him from Tom & Jerry and his brain explodes, what are we gonna do?

I would ask emori what makes a movie "watchable" but I guess is impossible he answers that, if he is able to criticize a film he hasn't even watch.


Out of those awardsy movies that were kinda ok. They were watchable.

- Manchester by the Sea - good, well acted sad movie

- Captain Fantastic

- Hidden Figures

- Lion

- I, Tonya

- The Disaster Artist

- Parasite

- Jojo Rabbit

- 1917

- Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

- Anatomy of a Fall

- Killers of the Flower Moon


agree..... she thinks she has to do with kirsten dunst did..... star in some euro movies to seem important.

difference here though is that Dunst took part in some great Euro movies like Melancholia , (Directed by the Danish nutjob Lars Von Trier)


She's the new Nicole Kidman. She's using her stardom to do forward-thinking art movies.


The Curse was awful, only watched for Emma


She is really on a different level now. Terrific actress.


Yes, Emma has had one of the most impressive evolution as an actress I have ever seen.


fake orgasms are now high art?


No, but all the rest of the work she does is.
