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Putin helping the Ukraine


Haha this stuff cracks me up. The lemming anger over Russia. All these companies marching in lockstep. It’s all orchestrated.

No one has a clue what’s going on. The only thing we do know is we can’t trust the communist government controlled media. Nor can we trust Russia’s media.


Yeah it's sad this is all a game. the mysterious jew president let israel ship all his jews out a month before invasion and now he is forcing all locals 18-60 year olds to be locked in the meat grinder and fight for foreign entities gains


Stop sucking Putin's dick


i didnt say anything about putin at all ur the one sucking his dick. i stand with Ukraine and their people just not with the corrupt president whose alliance seems to be with israel and their people not with the locals


See above “The lemming anger over Russia.”

I rest my case.

Another lemming clown who clearly has no fucking clue so they post a zero substance dud.

Any questions?


Remember Iraq? You think we can trust the American media? And this is after learning the lessons of where they failed in Iraq ... the pressure and manipulation is many times more in this situation, which they failed to report on at all since 2014. You don't necessarily need to be "woke" but Americans really should wake the hell up.


RT is the mouthpiece of the Kremlin. Russia has shut down independent media so the government version of the news is the only voice in Russia. The mayor of Melitopol was kidnapped and that's the town where the aid supposedly went. I wouldn't be surprised if the supposed aid included novichuk biscuits and polonium tea. Russia is also planting landmines in the humanitarian aid corridors. * Melitopol mayor kidnapped * * Russia planting landmines * * TV Rain and Radio Echo shut down *


Pro-Russian mayor of Ukrainian city reportedly killed after being kidnapped from home
Kept as ‘human shields’ in Ukraine camps, say stranded Bangladeshis
KIEV (Reuters) - Ukraine has blocked 14 Russian television channels from its cable networks to stop them spreading war propaganda, an Interior Ministry official said on Tuesday.

Is your brain on or off? Or do you get info from only one source?
You are not seeing the entire circus? I suggest you make rounds.

Open your eyes. There's no right side in all this - elites are using common people as sheep to fight their wars. US gov. is in the wrong, all governments sending weapons are in the wrong, Russian government is in the wrong - Ukrainian government is in the wrong. Don't be a sheep and think for once.


I disagree. The Russian government and military are wrong for invading a sovereign country back in 2014 and supporting a military conflict in Ukraine for the past eight years. NATO is justified in sending weapons to Ukraine to prevent further WAR CRIMES and GENOCIDE by the Russian military and government.


The elite leader on the right makes the sheep force to attack the elite leader on the left, who uses his sheep force to defend itself.

There were no war crimes in the few cities which gave up without a fight.

People need to stop consenting to their elite leader's whims. For 2 years, our leaders have been trying to strangle us with their lockdowns, vaxx mandates, etc - for our own good - lol

Same goes for war - 'we shall defend our freedom!' say our elite morons. What freedom is there though? The sheep get one master or another - but at least one master still remains. If the sheep were smart, they'd just let the masters kill off each other. Instead, they allow themselves to be used as whip and shield at their master's whims.
The weapons, by the way, come from the bystander masters - who are making bets on who will win the war.

Open your eyes.


Ukraine has real elections with winners and losers. Russia has fixed elections that have resulted in Vladimir Putin ruling for 22 years. For four years, he was technically behind Medvedev BUT that was an illusion. Vladimir Putin has been running Russia for 22 years and he has killed or imprisoned the people who disagree with him.

The US has elections so elite leaders with bad policies will be voted out or will be forced out through term limits. There are term limits for President in the US and the US probably needs term limits for Congress. The US government is not perfect BUT I would rather live in a democracy over an authoritarian dictatorship like Russia and China.


Bullshit, brother. Ukraine locked up several high profile candidates prior to the last elections cycle. Zelensky was shoehorned in by the billionaire that controls the media in ukraine - who even made a show for Zelensky to help the audience feel at ease with him in the throne. You are spot on with Putin - he's a king, while Zelensky is a puppet.

As for the US - don't get me started. Democracy? Are you 5?

You truly are oblivious, aren't ya? This whole thing is shattering your world, huh?


You're the five-year-old who is talking about SHEEP. There were thirty-nine candidates in the first round of the Ukrainian Presidential election so they didn't lock them all up. Zelensky made the leap from the tv screen to the Presidency just like Trump. Celebrity status can be a springboard for a political career and it can work out.

You are oblivious and lack humanity. WAR CRIMES and GENOCIDE do shatter my world. You don't care about anybody but YOU. * 2nd round Ukraine election *


visit your doctor and get psychological help...


you gents have picked a side - I'm staying neutral in this fiasco. go ahead and murder each other, I'll watch


NATO is justified in sending weapons to Ukraine to prevent further WAR CRIMES and GENOCIDE by the Russian military and government.

There is no genocide, and there is no reputable source that can prove genocide is taking place.

You can literally watch YouTube livestream footage from Ukrainian soldiers (which I was doing for the past couple of weeks) and outside of light, small skirmishes with passing-by Russian soldiers/convoys, there is no conflict.

Why? Because Russia had a very specific mission in Ukraine: secure the borders and destroy the U.S., ran biolabs:


There is clearly genocide since the Russians are bombing civilian targets and bombing/mining the humanitarian corridors for civilians. The articles below show that there has plenty of conflict. The big problem is that Russia is using the same methods of terror that they used in Chechnya and Syria. They bombed cities back into the stone age and attempted to gain terms of surrender. It may work again but that form of total war becomes a war crime when a sovereign nation is invaded. I trust Robert Malone on vaccines BUT even he only asks questions in his substack. Malone does not know geopolitics so he can only ask questions.


There is clearly genocide since the Russians are bombing civilian targets and bombing/mining the humanitarian corridors for civilians.

No, it's not.

The definition of genocide is: the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.

Did you actually look through your sources? None of that indicates genocide. It indicates select buildings in the city were bombed. That fits more in line with what I stated before about the biolabs and select installations being targeted.

Even in the drone footage you can see there there were only two high-rises bombed and only SPECIFIC sides of the high-rises. You really have no idea WHY those particular high-rises were bombed, and that leads back to my original point:

There are no reputable sources that can prove genocide is taking place.

Heck, if a genocide was actually occurring, Ukrainian citizens wouldn't be slowing down to mock Russian soldiers who ran out of fuel:

In a REAL genocide the soldiers would have simply killed the civilians and taken their vehicle.

In a REAL genocide you wouldn't have civilians calmly approaching armed Russian soldiers and talking back to them, like here:

In a REAL genocide the civilians would be fired upon and shot by soldiers going door-to-door to wipe out the residents, but that's obviously not the case, as instead most of the Russians are only moving toward a distinct destination and mostly ignoring the Ukrainians until they're intercepted, as showcased here:

As I said, there is ZERO evidence of Ukrainians being killed en masse.

Malone does not know geopolitics so he can only ask questions.



When they dig out the rubble of those buildings, they'll find bodies. Putin is trying to destroy a sovereign nation and its people by bombing cities full of civilians. They even bombed a maternity hospital in Mariopol.

The citizens who stopped to mock the Russian soldiers did that early in the conflict but there are always reckless people who do stupid stuff. The articles below show how the Russian soldiers have killed plenty of individuals who are not combatants. One tank even ran over a car.

Bombing cities full of civilians will be considered war crimes and genocide once all the bodies are discovered.


When they dig out the rubble of those buildings, they'll find bodies. Putin is trying to destroy a sovereign nation and its people by bombing cities full of civilians. They even bombed a maternity hospital in Mariopol.

They bombed selected buildings in specific cities. You don't know why.

Russia has one of the largest military forces on the planet, with nuclear capabilities that could level cities.

You can only find a couple of stories of them bombing SELECT buildings, when Russia has the capability to completely wipe out all of Ukraine with missile barrages... yet they haven't. Why?

Russia hasn't even aggressively targeted Ukrainian military installations. Why?

Russia hasn't wiped out known resistance forces hubs with long-range missiles. Why?

Russia hasn't bothered to destabilize city infrastructure or quarantine Ukrainians. Why?

Bombing cities full of civilians will be considered war crimes and genocide once all the bodies are discovered.

You keep linking to the EXACT same sources reporting the same thing and spinning the same story in different ways. That is the definition of propaganda.

The articles below show how the Russian soldiers have killed plenty of individuals who are not combatants. One tank even ran over a car.

That Dailymail story is fake news. The Russian tank lost control and accidentally crushed the civilian vehicle. Guess what? The guy inside the car survived:

Still, why are they only targeting select buildings?

Why are they only securing select targets?

What is their exact role (other than destroying/securing U.S., bio labs)?

As you can see, Russian forces are COMPLETELY IGNORING civilians on the road, who are just minding their own business:

If this was really a genocide they would be killing any and everyone in sight, which they obviously aren't doing.


Russia is indiscriminately bombing cities with missiles. They launched missiles at the base near Polish border the other day that killed 35 people. The town of Volnovakha was also destroyed by bombs. The Russians originally thought the Ukrainians would welcome them if they rolled up in tanks but they were mistaken. The Russians had to fire a bunch of generals and they shifted to the bombing strategy that they used in Syria. Once again, bombing civilian targets is a WAR CRIME and GENOCIDE.

The DM story is not fake. A tank does not accidentally run over a car and BACK UP OVER IT.

TV producer protests on RT by showing sign warning viewers of the Russian propaganda.

Putin thinks is a madman who thinks he is a czar and wants to bring back the Russian empire. He'll continue if his army can subdue Ukraine.


The DM story is not fake. A tank does not accidentally run over a car and BACK UP OVER IT.

Original footage of the accident and the people helping the old man out of the car prove the media's story is fake:

Russia is indiscriminately bombing cities with missiles.

Wrong. You have no proof WHY they're discriminate in bombing SELECT locations and targets. If it were genocide like the media says, it would be like the Rwanda genocide, or the Khamer Rouge genocide, or the Burma genocide, or the Holodomor genocide, or the Katyn genocide.

Except it's not. It's sporadic and select targets being bombed/attacked and you don't know why.

War crime? Maybe (depending on how the bio lab situation plays out, as the situation may have been the reverse of what's been reported). But genocide? As I said, no proof. Even the fake news being put out by instigators don't align with what you're saying.

Even in that Daily Mail article you linked they had to concede that Putin targeted and wiped out a "Ukrainian outpost".

An outpost is not a city. It's an installation.


Volnovakha was a town that was destroyed or almost destroyed. I never called it a city or outpost and it doesn't matter what they call it. There are pictures of bombed out residential buildings, a hospital and a church. Those are civilian targets and targeting civilian targets are WAR CRIMES and GENOCIDE. * Pictures of the destroyed town *

People should not believe Russian propaganda and misinformation. * mom doesn't believe her daughter *


I never called it a city or outpost and it doesn't matter what they call it.

The news reports called it an outpost. It's right there in the link YOU provided. And it does matter because an outpost is not a city.

Definition of an outpost: a small military camp or position at some distance from the main force, used especially as a guard against surprise attack.

Pay attention to all the photos in the links, and those of Volnokha, Donetsk.

Same building as the one in your other links:
Same building:
Same building:

Oh, why is that? Because it was an outpost for Azov forces.

Here's footage of Russian soldiers surveying Volnovakha after the airstrikes took out Ukrainian tanks/armament near the SAME building as above:

Notice the soldiers completely ignoring the Ukrainian civilians? What were they concerned about? The armored tanks waiting to ambush them. Notice only the buildings near the armament were struck... because, just as the Daily Mail article inadvertently pointed out, it was an attack on an Azov OUTPOST.

It's also why Russia is targeting those places, because the Azov Battalion, also known as Nazis, are using schools, civilian apartments and hospitals to stage and organize ambushes and attacks, as depicted in the video below:

And guess what? Azov has been using civilian holdouts for staging areas and ambush attacks for years, resulting in airstrikes on their alleged outposts. Here's a story from 2014 that's similar to the same sort of skirmishes happening today:

Look familiar?


There is obviously something wrong with your brain when you focus on a stupid term like outpost, city or town. It doesn't matter. It was a town. It's now RUBBLE.

I won't click on your crazy links. I only look at reputable news sources.

The Azov battalion is not a nazi organization. The Wolfsangel is a heraldric symbol that was also used by a Ukrainian political party. There could be a few of their members who have wacky views BUT that's true everywhere. The Azov battalion and other right-wing militias have stopped the advance of the Russians in eastern Ukraine over the last EIGHT years.


There could be a few of their members who have wacky views BUT that's true everywhere.

Nope. In this case, the MAJORITY of the Azov fighting forces are Nazis, as they have their roots in racist fascism:

More about their Nazi-uprising (from September, 2021):

More about U.S., ties to the Azov and their Nazism:

FBI report about the Azov Nazi uprising (from 2017 - 2018):

Even Facebook declared Azov as Nazi terrorist (but unbanned the Azov Battalion because they declare them as acceptable Nazis):

More about the Azov Navis from India:

China declared Azov Battalion as Neo-Nazis:

More about U.S., supporting Azov Neo-Nazis:

More about U.S., ties to Azov Battalion Nazis:

Azov with the Nazi flag:

Globally, every reputable media organization recognizes the Azov as Neo-Nazis save for fake-news outlets.


Yeah, they're neo-nazi's but they're a small minority, your point? It's like having Proud Boys in your military. You take what you can when you got an invading army attacking you. The only good thing about these nazi's is they're nationalists and nationalists love giving their life for country so they're good assets imo. I personally wouldn't want to arm them with western tech but eh, I guess they have reasons. I'm just saying they're more devout than your typical slava Ukrainian. At least 'they're' not running the country.

And no, they're not just selectively targeting certain cities, they're targeting the main ones or large cities where Ukrainians still have a hold on. There are tons of videos of shelled cities and large malls and apartments being shelled with Kalibr and Iskander missiles, you'd only have to follow the ones that report on the battle daily.


Yeah, they're neo-nazi's but they're a small minority, your point? It's like having Proud Boys in your military.

The Proud Boys are led by a black guy... I'm assuming you have an issue with black people joining the military?

You take what you can when you got an invading army attacking you.

They've been proud Nazis since before 2014... and have regularly paid homage to fallen Nazi SS divisions, as depicted in the video below from 2015:

...but I guess a growing Nazi contingent is fine so long as they're fighting on the "right side of history", eh?

There are tons of videos of shelled cities and large malls and apartments being shelled with Kalibr and Iskander missiles, you'd only have to follow the ones that report on the battle daily.

I'm assuming these are reliable videos and not propaganda videos from MSM?

If you have some livestreamed links that would be great so I can view and fact-check them myself.


Your links are all crap. Sputnik and Global Times are propaganda wings of Russia and China. Breitbart and Gateway Pundit have a HEAVY right-wing bias. I like the Gateway Pundit for covid news BUT they mainly churn out right-wing propaganda.
There are possibly a few Nazis in the Azov battalion has mainly focused on fighting the Russian invasion in the east for the past eight years. Wars create odd alliances. The US teamed up with the Soviets to defeat the Nazis during WW2 but they failed
to foresee the rise of the Iron Curtain. I might even fight side-by-side with a lefty if the US is repelling a foreign invader BUT part of me thinks most lefties will welcome a foreign invader.

The wolfsangel is supposed to be a Nazi symbol but it's another historical symbol like the swastika that was misappropriated by the German Nazi party.

The Azov is fighting off the Russian invaders that has been attacking Ukraine for EIGHT years.


Convenient how you skipped over the FBI report, the OP India report, and the Business Insider pieces.

You also selectively dismiss links because you claim they're propaganda, yet you link to Al Jazeera? Which is a Qatari propaganda wing itself?

History of Al Jazeer's state-funded mission:

Controversy of Al Jazeera's propaganda:

How it operates as a propaganda machine:

You need to do a better job of vetting your sources if you're going to outright dismiss facts on the grounds of them being from propaganda services.

In that regard, you may as well dismiss Daily Mail for being a clickbait farm that has been regarded as an outfit for propaganda as well:

There are possibly a few Nazis in the Azov battalion has mainly focused on fighting the Russian invasion in the east for the past eight years.

So few that even NATO couldn't post a collage of pictures without capturing one with a soldier wearing Nazi regalia. Original tweet from NATO:

(It's now deleted after it was brought to their attention the female was wearing Nazi regalia, but thankfully there's an archive of NATO promoting pro-Ukrainian Nazis:

Kind of makes you wonder if you can't find a large group photo of the Azov without finding a Nazi, no?

They also don't mind celebrating Nazi SS soldier memorials en masse:

And let's not forget how they call for the genocide of Russian children... by quoting actual Nazis:

Real wholesome bunch there.

The wolfsangel is supposed to be a Nazi symbol but it's another historical symbol like the swastika that was misappropriated by the German Nazi party.

The Nazi flag isn't the Wolfsangel:


RT is the mouthpiece of the Kremlin. Russia has shut down independent media so the government version of the news is the only voice in Russia.

That's true. But it's quite the same in western countries. How many western media can you name that tell the Russian side of the story?


I'm in the US so I don't know the press practices of all western governments but I don't believe they shut down media outlets that provide negative coverage. The first amendment of the US constitution guarantees freedom of the press. Both Donald Trump and Joe Biden complained about the coverage from various reporters.

I assume you mean the Russian government side of the story since the people of Russia are getting arrested for protesting the invasion. Tucker Carlson of Fox is a commentator who usually regurgitates Russian government talking points. Journalists are supposed to be objective and report on the stories without taking sides. Commentators are not considered journalists since they usually are biased advocates on various political issues.


I'm in the US so I don't know the press practices of all western governments but I don't believe they shut down media outlets that provide negative coverage.

No, they just downrank, suppress, and shadowban any news outlets not posting the "Putin-man bad" narrative:

If every major search engine offering news/information to Western audiences "downrank" these sites, then you just won't see any news that contradicts the mainstream narrative.


I won't click on your mystery link since you cite all the crazy conspiracy theory websites. I rely on reputable news websites.


Tucker Carlson of Fox is a commentator who usually regurgitates Russian government talking points.

I know. And as far as I know, it's the only one that portrays both sides of the story. That's only ONE commentator, not even one media.

I'm in the US so I don't know the press practices of all western governments but I don't believe they shut down media outlets that provide negative coverage.

And still, you only can't name one single media that portrays both sides of the story. Food for thoughts.


Journalists are not supposed to take a side when reporting on the issues. They are supposed to report the
facts and find out what really happened. The Russian editor held up a sign during the RT broadcast exposing
the lies of the Kremlin that are pushed by RT. The Kremlin lied for weeks when they said that they did not
have any intention of invading Ukraine and they did not even tell the Russian recruits about an invasion.

It's also important to realize that journalists in Russia are killed at an alarming rate. The killings are probably
committed by the Russian mafia or the FSB. The Russian mafia has had close ties with the governments in Russia.

I would listen to the stories of the Russian soldiers themselves. Daily Mail has some interviews with captured
Russian soldiers who explain that the Russian government lied to them and the people of Russia.


And you still can't name a single media that portrays both sides of the story in "free press" western media.

By the way, there has been more journalists last years in US than in Russia, just saying...


The propaganda is strong with this one.

And to answer your question: Occasionally the BBC(sic!) shows some attempt to portray both sides. But those attempts are banned to the nighttime.


You obviously don't understand how journalism works. There are no sides. There is only the truth. Commentators are not journalists since they are biased advocates for certain positions.

The two Daily Mail articles above have two video interviews with Russian soldiers who expressed their regret and apologies for the invasion of Ukraine. Those interviews with Russian soldiers will not be broadcast in Russia and those soldiers will probably be killed if they return to Russia. They are very brave for exposing the lies of the Russian government and military.

One Russian lady was trying to tell her mother in Russia that the Russian army was bombing her city in Ukraine BUT her mother did not believe her own daughter. * mom doesn't believe her daughter *

I can't access that statista site so I can't evaluate that information. Statistics are not reliable anyway and I generally don't believe organizational reports. I focus on individual stories since stats can be manipulated. The two links below have good stories and data concerning the deaths of Russian journalists and the decline of press freedom in Russia.


You obviously don't understand how journalism works. There are no sides. There is only the truth.


In a nutshell. You can't name a single western media that portrays both sides of the story. They all portray the same official "truth".

That's western "free" press for you.


In the Daily Mail articles below, you can see the videos of captured Russian soldiers expressing their remorse and apologies to the Ukrainian people. The Russian government LIED when they told the soldiers that they would be peacekeepers but they were actually invaders. The Russian government also LIED when they denied all reports of an invasion. The Russian government LIED when they said the troops on the border were only conducting TRAINING EXERCISES. The Russian military and government used young men to commit WAR CRIMES and GENOCIDE. All Russians should hold their heads in shame and apologize to Ukrainians.


In the Daily Mail articles below, you can see the videos of captured Russian soldiers expressing their remorse and apologies to the Ukrainian people.

Sure. When you put a gun in the head of a captured soldier, they will say whatever you tell them to say.

Oh! You didn't know Ukrainian forces were killing prisoners? The (cough cough) "truth" media forgot to report it? Didn't you wonder why the low morale of Russian forces that was said to be low 2-3 weeks ago doesn't seem to be a problem anymore? Well, Ukrainian pro-NATO forces killing prisoners has helped to boost their will to fight.

The Russian government LIED bleh bleh bleh

Sure. They denied the intention to invade... which is what every government has always done. Nobody announces they're attacking in advance.

If you're so worried about lies, though, you can compare with the lies during the Iraq War. There, the weapons of mass destruction, the whole excuse to invade, that was a lie.

The Russian military and government used young men to commit WAR CRIMES and GENOCIDE

Wrong. Russia has avoided to make a heavy use of artillery, even though it's their main asset in their army.

To compare, when US attacked Baghdad, there were 1000 bombers flight to drop bombs per day

Let's compare with Kyiv. This is live webcam from the center of Kyiv, right now. Looks destroyed, huh? Oops, it doesn't.

If you wanna talk about war crimes and genocide, then point your finger to US.


The prisoners were possibly telling their stories due to duress. I haven't seen any reports of pow's being murdered but it could happen. They are probably going to get killed by a Russian missile eventually if this conflict lasts. The morale of conventional forces is low because they
are boots on the ground who interact with the citizens of Ukraine. People pushing the button to shoot missiles at or drop bombs into cities will not hear the cries of the people dying in the streets or apartment buildings. They can coldly press a button and they won't even have dirt on their boots. An amphibious assault on Odessa was called off when the marines mutinied. The Russian soldiers don't want to fight a pointless war for Putin. More soldiers don't desert because Russian troops in the rear will kill deserters. Putin is recruiting soldiers from Chechnya and Syria in order to find boots on the ground for his WAR CRIMES and GENOCIDE. * secret invasion planned by a few generals & Putin * * Odessa Russian marine mutiny * * Russians kill deserters * * Russians soldiers tricked by their military & govt *

There is plenty of damage from missiles and artillery that is visible in the articles below. * Images/video of Irpin, Ukraine destruction * * Ukraine images destruction multiple locations *


While the 2003 Iraq invasion was misguided, the US did address the United Nations security council to make a case for the invasion of Iraq. The US even gave Saddam Hussein and his sons 48 hours to surrender and leave the country before the invasion. Wikipedia is not a reliable source since it can be edited by its users. While Russia LIED about its intent to invade, the US did inform Iraq of their intent to invade the country. * Colin Powell United Nations *


What Russian side? Christ, people need to stop defending dictators. Would you say the same shit with China? Oh but what about China's side of the story, think about poor Xi. You got the whole friggin' censorship going on there, banned media and social media apps, banning words of invasion and war, fucking arresting protestors just saying 'no to war', that's the only thing authoritative countries do to silence any info going out or coming in. There is no other side.

I agree Western media also have their own pro-(insert country) news but I wouldn't say they're STATE owned. They're more political affiliation driven.


Oh but what about China's side of the story, think about poor Xi. You got the whole friggin' censorship going on there, banned media and social media apps, banning words of invasion and war, fucking arresting protestors just saying 'no to war', that's the only thing authoritative countries do to silence any info going out or coming in.

Yeah, I want to know China's side of the story. As a general rule, I want to know all sides of the story. That applies to Russia, to China and to everybody else.

Kind of interesting, this concept of "freedom" where only one side of the story is told. Kind of interesting how Google and Bing have banned Russian media while Yandex links Western one, but hey, "free" press. Kind of interesting how allegedly "free" press in Western countries tell One Unified Message, exactly the same than press in Russia or China do.


Damn, replace that with China and you get the same effect from dictator regimes, it sounds very scripted. I also find it funny how they're 'helping' when they started it. It's like me punching you in the face then telling the world, "look!, I am apply bandages to this hurt guy, praise me, I am good person."


I also think it's odd how people are celebrating Russia's humanitarian efforts after Russia bombed the city, shut off utilities, kidnapped the mayor and cut off humanitarian supply lines.

The Youtube channel serpentza highlighted China's embrace of Russian propaganda. China is actually acting as a surrogate for the Russian narrative about the invasion. There were a couple of Chinese leaks that stressed the importance of backing Russia since China will need their help against Taiwan. The youtuber Serpentza lived in China and South Africa so he has a lot of good insights about both $h1thol3 countries. * Serpentza youtube channel - lived in both China and South Africa *


It's to keep appearances for the Russian population. They still pretend they are "liberating" Ukraine so bringing help is suppose to support that idea.

Plus: more misinformation and propaganda for putinists and Russian bots online.
