MovieChat Forums > Vladimir Putin Discussion > Donald Trump's admiration of Vladimir Pu...

Donald Trump's admiration of Vladimir Putin

Does the United States really want a president who gushes over Putin and his never-ending autocratic rule?


Hereditary rule in the western democracies is not much better. Even in the private sector our bosses have often inherited their positions of power.




LOL compares some bad nepotism in a corporation, with a dictator who has had his political enemies assassinated and imprisoned and runs a reactionary state enriching himself while many there are poor.

wow the right wing are truly beyond help


I compared the democratic countries political and private sector hereditary rule versus autocratic rule. For example, USA and Canada both had father and son leaders decades apart.

I mentioned the private sector to illustrate that ancestral wealth effects the commoners lives daily . That goes way beyond simple nepotism seen at the ground level for a promotion.

I believe USA and Russian systems of government are equally shitty. However, I am not certain what the solution is.


Yaaa and Trudeau won and will go away as soon as he loses, having no political power except getting paid to do speeches at some rich persons conference. whoopee fucking doo.

I agree with you on 90%. but I think saying western democracies are not much better is objectively untrue. agreed the USA is the worst of them, in terms of corruption and nepotism ect. but still


yea USA is a bad example of a fair democracy I learned more recently



I fear there might be no solution, only reaction.


Well, he helped him getting installed in the white house. Trump returned the favor by restoring sanctions on Iran and thus keeping Europe dependent on energy from Russia.


Are you Adam Schiff?


Never heard of him and I'm too lazy to google his name.


That reply speaks volumes about you knowledge of American politics.


He was soft on Russia. This is enough for me, collusion or not. He was also an idiot and the new one is with dementia. No need to understand American politics more than that.


lol. You're still hanging onto the thoroughly debunked Russian collusion hoax?


It is well known how Russia conducts its business. I think they helped him because they were holding him in their pockets with something. He was too soft on Russia. I'm not Biden fan, not even American. This is my personal conviction from knowing the Russian methods and seeing how Trump acted. Somehow everything clicks and and it is hard for me to believe that this was not the case.


Looks like someone didn't read the Mueller Report!


no collusion...


Did we read the same report?

"Special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation did not find sufficient evidence that President Donald Trump’s campaign coordinated with Russia to influence the United States’ 2016 election"


I think Trump would have reacted a lot stronger at this invasion.

Actually scratch that, I don't think Putin would have invaded with Trump as president of the USA ...


Good god the MAGA crowd has a really warped view of Trump!

How is it you look at a silver spoon new york millionaire who's never worked a day in his life, nor displayed anything resembling toughness, and somehow see a badass that would intimidate an ex-KGB agent and known killer like Putin?


"and somehow see a badass that would intimidate an ex-KGB agent and known killer like Putin"

Nothing bad-ass about Trump. But he thinks of himself as a bad-ass and his ego would make him do stupid or crazy shit to show that he is in control.

The democrats would never had killed that Iranian general. Trump? Didn't give a shit, wanted to play the "bad ass leader" and he did.

His "bad-assery" comes from a place of insecurity and ego/narcissism, true, but he will act as a strong "bad ass". Biden just whines and "sanctions".


"But he thinks of himself as a bad-ass and his ego would make him do stupid or crazy shit to show that he is in control."

On that we agree, but how in gods name is that someone you want leading the free world?

Reckless insecure morons should never be followed!


Well, in this case I would rather follow a reckless moron than a dementia whining chihuahua.

Point in case: Putin knows Trump is a reckless moron so he would think twice before doing a move. With Biden ... he knows he is free to do whatever he wants.


Yes we’re much better off with a guy who’s only skill is shitting his diaper and getting re-elected for 60 years.


Don’t have to think. He didn’t invade under Trump. China and Russia both waited. And they’d still be waiting if the real winner had been installed.


The real winner was not installed in 2016.


Still far up his ass to believe this bullshit?


I don't have to believe anything, it's enough to see the facts: With Trump president Putin didn't make a move. With Biden he did. And Biden's reaction is weak as hell.

These are FACTS ;)


Duh but why don't you talk about the reason why he's doing it now? You really think it's because Putin was afraid of how the man who's praising him would have reacted?


Trump was reckless and unpredictable. Of course Putin would be afraid of how he would react, specially with his ego.

So, you admit the facts I posted? Ok, that's a step forward ...

BTW: - Trump blocks Russian gas pipe. - Biden unblocks the Russian gas pipe blocked by Trump ...


Trump unpredictable? He's an open book. They are butt-buddies. Trump would have done nothing but still praise him.


Trump would have negotiated an status of neutrality and independence for Ukraine, so the country reached a situation similar to Finland or Switzerland.

Russia would be happy, since no western countries would be deploying military and missiles near Moscow. Ukraine would be happy since there wouldn't be any war. And Europe would be happy since the Nord Stream 2 would be working.

Right now, the only winner is China, who is gonna be able to negotiate a lower price for Russian gas.


No. Whatever Trump's opinion he should have STFU. I hope his outburst of admiration for Putin has crushed his political image. Probably not, but at least put a dent in it.


meh has it though? republicans love dictators. Fox was fawning over Putin during Obamas time.

they called democrats traitors for being against an illegal invasion against Iraq. yet are siding with, making excuses and Putin and complimenting him


Trump could show admiration for Mussolini and nothing would change the mind of his cult.


What on Earth are you talking about? You didn't get conned by that out of context exchange a few days ago did you? Fake news.


What exactly did Trump say? I heard an audio clip of him talking about Putin and he was critical of Putin and what he is doing to Ukraine. Not 'gushing'.


He praises Putin for getting new land for little money, like it's real estate.


Sounds like a liberal lie to me.


Just listen to it yourself then. It's not hard to find.


I have never ever praised Putin or Russia. Liberals, on the other hand, told us for decades Russia was not a threat. The same thing they said about China.


I don't give a shyte what you think. You asked what he said and I answered, though not exactly. If you wanna know what he said, exactly, go to youtube and listen to one of the thousands of videos of it.


You repeated what is most certainly a liberal lie. That's all you did.


This is why you're an idiot:

1- You don't know what he said.
2- You asked what he said. Not an idiot, yet.
3- I answered
4- You don't believe me
5- I says listen to it yourself
6- You can't be bothered to listen to it.
7- You're convinced I lied without checking anything.


You mean we should believe people like you after you spent four years trying to convince us that Trump worked with Putin to win the election? When all evidence points to that being a creation of the Hillary campaign.

By the way, by giving Putin that kind of credit it helped his world stature enormously. You did him a great favor.


the Russians did work with many in the trump campaign, people went to jail over it. care to try again?


No, they went to jail for things unrelated to any collusion. Did you not realize that?


Did you really just conflate Obama saying Russia wasn't the biggest cheat with republicans fawning over, complementing and liking Putin?

You are a clown


No. I never mentioned Obama.


There’s enough blame to go around for sure but has there ever been a greater miscalculation of the Putin threat than Obama’s dismissive tone to Romney’s warning about Russia in 2012 (“Hey Mitt, the eighties called, they want their foreign policy back”)? This has proved to be an historically bad take and Obama’s own personal “Let them eat cake” moment. And, Biden’s shockingly incompetent withdrawal from Afghanistan was surely received as a massive sign of weakness by authoritarians like Putin. U.S. citizens also bear responsibility with five years of angry and destructive attacks on the country’s honorable fundamental principles. Being essentially bankrupt at $30 trillion in debt also plays a role because the country is incapable of financing a military option of any consequence. However, while we debate which U.S. actor is most to blame, let’s keep in mind that the person overwhelmingly responsible for the crisis in Ukraine is Vladimir Putin. He is a murderous despot who manufactured the whole thing without anything even resembling a legitimate justification for any of it. We really need to focus on that at this point. And, you go into these crises with the president you have. At this point, we really need to pray for Biden to make the right judgments and while not being timid with opposing ideas, support his judgment calls when he makes decisions. Things right now are incredibly and existentially dangerous


He is a murderous despot who manufactured the whole thing without anything even resembling a legitimate justification for any of it

Ukraine entering NATO would give the NATO an easy way to attack Moscow. The border of Ukraine is close to the Russian capital, and the terrain in between is a plain.

I'd say the safety of their capital seems enough of a "legitimate justification".


Really? You think NATO would attack Moscow?


its all about defensive posturing. Russia also wouldn't attack the USA directly (both sides do cyber warfare against each other) t you bet your ass if Canada was a Russian ally and let them put bases in Ontario on the border the US may invade

someone much smarter than me once said
"the USA sees every other countries legitimate military defensive strategy as a threat to its own"

Not saying the Russians are right, I support every countries sovereignty, thats just the facts


Putin is a paranoid jackass. That's all we know for sure. NATO has never shown ANY signs of attacking Moscow. It's ludicrous to suggest.


agreed. most dictators are.


Quite a weird dictator, winning democratic elections...


quite weird democratic elections when you

-assasinate enemies
-jail opposition leaders
-have a state revolving around one mans personal enrichment and the offices of power following him around


Sure. But the situation in Russia is still way better than in Ukraine.

In Ukraine, you don't have some isolated political killing. They go in a spree.

And when it comes to jailing opposition leaders, you could compare Navalny in Russia, who was nothing but a local figure in an extremely small party, with Ukraine jailing Medvedchuk, the top opposition leader in the pro-Russian side.

With all its problems, Russia looks a democratic heaven in comparison with Ukraine.


oh well there was a spree so yay Russia! good guys!


Russia also wouldn't attack the USA directly (both sides do cyber warfare against each other) t you bet your ass if Canada was a Russian ally and let them put bases in Ontario on the border the US may invade

You don't need to make a bet. Last January, a few weeks ago, the Whitehouse stated that they would attack Cuba if they allowed Russia to deploy missiles there.

Russia is doing the same than US would do if they Russia or China started to build bases near their boundaries.


well like I said "others defence is a threat to ours, cause if we have to attack them it'll give them an advantage"


Yep it’s T-rumps fault. Lol!

Rigged elections have consequences and thanks to Shits and Giggles we may be addressing President Putin by next year.


If Biden would pull a Putin and would stay 20 years in power who do you think the democrats would blame in the 19th year?

Your guess is perfect: Trump ...


wait so are dictators bad or good? trump and republicans are fawning over Putin on Fox News?

can you get your partisan narrative straight?


I'm not partisan :P

Dictators can be good or bad, surprise. The so called benevolent dictators. But my comment was not abut that, was about TDS and how people instead of accepting their faults would blame anything else, in this case Trump, even 20 year after.

Admitting that your enemy is smart is not "fawning" over. Neither is seeing how your leadership is so fucking weak.

Btw, I don't watch fox so I have no idea what you're talking about (context, exact wording) but I know that your side loves to distort anything and everything.


can't find one video of trump criticizing Putin over Ukraine. you are a partisan hack. you made that clear


I can find one video of Trump criticizing Germany over being too dependent on Russian gas.

But I guess that doesn't matter for demented fanboys.

BTW: - Trump blocks Russian gas pipe. - Biden unblocks the Russian gas pipe blocked by Trump ...


you can find a video form years ago about turmp criticizing Germany?

and this pertains to trump and your buddies all fawning over over Putin over the invasion happening now HOW?


Can you provide a video of Trump "fawning"?


would you like the candice owens ones and tucker defending Putin too?


Are you fucking dumb or something???

I asked for a video, unedited, of TRUMP "fawning", not some nobody's opinion on what he thinks Trump said.

Trump saying "it's smart" it's NOT "fawning". Because YES, IT IS A SMART move.

Maybe for some imbeciles is a "stupid" move but in reality Trump is fucking right. And acknowledging that it is a smart move, because whatever you would think, it is, doesn't mean "fawning" or cheering for Putin.

Have you ever watch football? Have you ever seen a move done by the "enemy" and you realized "yeah, that was smart play"? It's the same.


"I asked for a video, unedited"

maybe read your own comments. no you didn't.

fucking clown


Maybe you should learn to read. I did.

I did specifically ask for a "video of Trump fawning". Not a "video with opinions about trump".



yes and there's a video of trump fawning. you never said no opinions til now.
so by definition, you never said "unedited"

fucking idiot.


and the lying dull wit ran away


I have nothing to say to idiots that cannot understand the written word.

Keep on sucking that demented dick that you like that much. I hope you like the diapers smell as well.


you neither understand what "written word" nor "specifically" nor "unedited". because you are using those words all wrong.

haha I like Biden? aww republican loser made he got called out for his nonsense.


Btw, I hate Russians for what they did to my country. And that includes Putin. And I hate Putin for what this war could mean to my country.

And I still can admit: It was a fucking smart move!!!! Without fawning or anything.


rigged elections you have no evidence for, can't prove, and every single review of them including by the cyber ninjas, and court case, has shown nothing.

got any evidence or just more feelings and emotions?


TDS much?
