Well in my opinion of course.
The Dreamers (2003) Bernardo Bertolucci last great film, Eva Green definitely stands out and this is before she went with her black hair and white make up look of recent years. But she's really good in this, her debut performance. Put her on the map.
Kingdom of Heaven (2005) Get the directors cut, she has a much bigger part in it and delivers a very good performance.
Cracks (2009) probably her best performance to date for me. Sadly underseen by many.
Womb (2010) and Perfect Sense (2011) both little seen British indie films and both have two of Green's better roles. Especially Womb.
300: Rise of The Empire and Sin City: A Dame to Kill For (2014), both films aren't great compared to the first films. But Green is the best thing in both, probably more so in 300. She gets naked in both which helps lol.
She's not come close to the performance in Cracks in her film career, and her most iconic role is probably Casino Royale. Her best work has probably been on TV with Camelot and Penny Dreadful. Her film career has been patchy at best. She seems happy to do co starring roles in Indies and her odd roles in blockbusters haven't done well in the box office.