MovieChat Forums > Kyle Rittenhouse Discussion > Kyle Rittenhouse DESTROYS Woke Brewery T...

Kyle Rittenhouse DESTROYS Woke Brewery That CANCELLED His Event As BRUTAL Receipts Are Located!


So all you ever do is to post links. I guess you can’t write your own posts.


So all you ever do is to


Who would ever visit a link provided by you?

Anyway, Kyle is learning that companies have a right to practice free speech as well. If anyone deserves to be cancelled, it's Kyle. Is he gonna cry about it?


And he should be "canceled" because......?


[–] xanthas (672) 3 hours ago
Who would ever visit a link provided by you?

Anyway, Kyle is learning that companies have a right to practice free speech as well. If anyone deserves to be cancelled, it's Kyle. Is he gonna cry about it?

So someone found innocent on all charges deserves to be cancelled?
You talk about free speech yet I’m only seeing hate speech!


OJ was found innocent as well.


But he was black.


The video is mostly product promotion and random rambling by the producer of the video

Just because Rittenhouse claims he is anti-censorship, that does not mean opposing Rittenhouse is pro-censorship.

This video does not, in any way, show that Rittenhouse destroyed anyone.

The producer of the video seems to be more interested in reading posts on a website instead of stating his opinions or stating actual facts.


I guess his lawsuits got thrown out for being frivolous. lulz

He'd be better served if he updated his Pedophile Mug Shot, but he's too stupid to figure out such a simple task.

