You are talking about things you know nothing about. The police left, leaving these scumbags to burn and loot. Kyle, being an upstanding citizen, was trying to protect the community. The first guy he shot threatened his life earlier in the night and Kyle retreated from him, and didn't fire until the past possible second. FYI, dead guy #1 did time for raping young boys. Kyle did the world a favor. After that, Kyle started making his way to the police, but the mob attacked him. The guy that hit him with the skateboard grabbed the barrel and pulled it, basically shooting himself. He was a date rapey girlfriend choking scumbag, so good riddance to him as well. The last guy was pointing a gun at Kyle's head when he vaporized his arm. If that isn't self defense, I don't know what is. Anyway, that guys is a scumbag as well.
I say the world needs more people like Kyle and fewer of the aforementioned scumbags.