MovieChat Forums > Kyle Rittenhouse Discussion > He should be celebrated instead of Georg...

He should be celebrated instead of George Floyd

Floyd was a criminal and his own foolishness got him in the end. Kyle was acting on self defense and is very much a hero.

Out with Floyd, in with Kyle.


Still Floyd would have gotten probation like Rittenhouse will.


Recidivists don't get probation ...


I like to imagine a future where Leftism is considered in the same way that Nazism is seen today. In that future, Kyle Rittenhouse has joined the ranks of American legendary heroes like Nathan Hale, Paul Revere, etc., and there are statues of him and movies about his heroic fight against the communist terrorists.


Which would be nonsense one way or another. He did not fight evil communists, he defended himself when a hand full of freaks attacked and tried to kill him. That's it. There's nothing more to it. He is not, or should not, be a "hero of the right" and he certainly wasn't "fighting communism".

This was a simple case of self defense. Under special circumstances, sure, but his actions weren't political.


In a way, it was indeed political. Those rioters were out there to represent and promote a far-Left political agenda by looting and burning the businesses of normal, hardworking Americans, and Kyle was there to help prevent it. Their attacks on him and his self-defense took place in the course of a highly-charged political event that had been orchestrated by groups in favor of replacing capitalism with communism. The BLM aspect was just a convenient excuse to riot against a government they hated. The thugs who attacked him may have been believers or just goons out to take advantage of a chance to raise hell, but they were there for a political purpose.


Yes, but this still does not make what HE did political. He defended himself against some thugs that tried to harm or even kill him. Their motivation is completely irrelevant.


Yes, that's what he did, but sometimes destiny has greater plans in store for us. His actions simply to preserve his own life have made him a symbolic figure for those who don't wish to live in the transformed America that the Left wants. He's literally the little guy who stood up and fought back against evil.


And I understand that. That is why I said he SHOULD not be this symbol.
It is a very slippery slope to idealize people, any people. Cult-like behavior can be found on both sides of the political spectrum, it isn't at all exclusive to the left and never ever does anything good come out of it.

He's just a kid that shot a few people attacking him. He did an amazing job I might add and I am rather glad about the outcome (two of them died), but I won't pretend Kyle is now some idol to look up to, because his self defense could very well have happened in any other situation, completely disconnected from these scumbags BLM'ing round' the block.


The thing is, any movement needs heroes to inspire people and give them hope. Right now, we are at a critical juncture in history and the Left has been steamrolllering its way into power unopposed for decades while the Right either complies or shrugs it off. The Left controls politics, entertainment, news, education... We need inspirational figures or the America we know will be replaced with a communist dystopia before too long.


In what way would a guy shooting 3 people in self defense give you hope or inspiration facing the current SJW cancel culture? It is literally unrelated.


It shows that people have had enough, and if some kid is willing to put his life on the line like that it may inspire more cool headed men to start doing something before their own town is the next Kenosha.


Yeah, might have a point here.


Fuck you, fascist.


Fuck you, commie.


Could you explain your interpretation of what a fascist is?


To modern Leftists, a fascist is anyone whose politics are at least 1 degree to the right of Karl Marx.


Yup. I thought it would be funny to get them to define it. They probably have no idea and just repeat it as they've heard other smooth brains say it.


Yeah. It's gaining ground on "racist" and "homophobe" in their limited arsenal of insults.


The great thing is, the more they misuse it, the less impact it has.


Exactly! They've been so vocal these past few years that any power their buzzwords had is fading away like the smell of a fart. The Left has really overextended itself and now it's all falling apart.


I consider it a badge of honor these days whenever I get called something that ends with "phobe" or "ist".


I already look at it as the second coming of Nazism.


I dont think either of them should be celebrated. People should find look for True Heros not these made up political martyrs that the crazy ass liberals and conservatives continually try to continually prop up...😂


Come on. How can you not see Rittenhouse as heroic? He was this 17 year old kid being chased by a whole rioting mob of adult thugs, ex-cons and perverts who wanted to kill him. He successfully defended his life, and showed great restraint and judgement in not shooting anyone who was not a direct threat. Earlier in the day, he was working hard to repair damage the mob had inflicted. His whole life he has been working to better his community through volunteer work. He's the All American Boy.


Hahaha. Hes just as much an asshole as those rioters. No one asked him to come out there and protect property. Hes a glory hound nothing more. If hes smart though he will continue this angle and have all the foolish worshippers buying his book in 5 to 10 years. Kyle Rittenhouse: The truth as i see it...😂


Yeah. No one asked him. He volunteered to help the community. And you think that's the mark of an asshole... Wow.


Fuck him. Why does he have a page here anyway? What movie is he in?


It's called "Fuck Off and Die, Commie Baby Rapers". It's a classic. Kyle goes all Rambo on a bunch of SJW riot-goons who try to molest him.


Oh yeah he selfishly volunteered. 😂😂😂😂😂😂What fucking planet were you born on???


He stood up and did what most decent men wish they had done when they saw mobs of commie fags destroying things. That makes him heroic.


No a decent man protects his family and friends and helps those in need if he is put in that situation. A decent man doesnt go out and play cop and look for trouble. That is exactly what Kyle did. He wasnt even a man. A real man would have been making a living and not got himself caught up in that stupid nonesense. He was a fucking anot nosed kid with a gun
Again the rioters are a bunch of assholes also. But that doesn't negate that Kyle is one also. He was a glory hound and opportunist. A hero doesnt seek being a hero. A hero is someone who is placed in a situation and acts on the spot. Kyle seeked to be part of the action. He wanted to play hero ......that is the truth. Real heroes dont look for it or want the accolades...


Yeah that's right, just keep your head down and close your eyes when cities are burning around you. Never go out and confront evil, it might interfere with your ability to make a living.


I only worry about where I LIVE. I have a job unlike those morons destroying stuff or "protecting " gas stations.

It's up to the citizens of any particular town to protect their own. Just because the citizens and public servants of the city of Kenosha FAILED to do their civic duty doesnt mean I have to go clean up or protect their shit or play cop. I have my own property and town to worry about.

Maybe you should gave gotten your fat ass out there and walk hand in hand with your hero Kyle...😂😂


Kyle did what the courts failed to do…clean some human debris off the streets.

” “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing,”


yes tru dat homeboy


You will never get the homo communist press to change that.


Truthfully I hope he is acquitted and can move on with his life with no issues.


You don’t know what hero means. Rottenhouse was an immature kid trying to play deputy who killed 2 people when he coulda just stayed home, George Floyd was a man who was living a good life and was murdered.
