She doesn't show many pages, but the content in the pages that she does show are different from what I've seen in those 3-page and 12-page papers. I've posted several timestamps for instances where she shows several full pages - look through the video for more examples.
And don't ask me for the link, why would I have it? Ask her instead and good luck getting it - lol
I think NDT is full of shit as of late - and we should question everything he's said in the past as well, given his logical fallacies that are becoming more frequent with each day. I can see that you are married to the idea that he's gotten PHD based on 4 or 12 page paper - is that possible? I'm thinking.... perhaps, which is what caused me to look for confirmation - and how I stumbled upon this youtube vid and it's very possible that she is indeed looking at the real thesis paper. Still, unis are corrupt, and it's possible that NDT was pushed through the system not due to his knowledge but due to his connections - unis like Harvard, Yale, etc are well known for it - but they do a good job of masking it by also admitting the children of corrupt AND the best of the crop and paying big bucks for some very high profile educators and researchers. Fauci has a degree in medicine, but there are at least a few scientists who claim his knowledge in the field is primitive at best, so that should make you ponder. He's definitely skilled in presenting BS to the public - just like NTD - isn't that curious?