Thor is a woman

Thor is now a woman in the comics. Should be interesting. I wonder if any more iconic characters will swap genders in the future? Should be interesting if they do it with others like Iron Man or Captain America. Really hope this turns out well for them.

Who would you like to see play a female version of Thor in the MCU? axy-1019.html


Sounds stupid, but I'm a bigger fan of MCU so as long as that is untouched by this odd, ridiculous choise - whatever.


Well it wont touch the films for some time. Its just an experiment at the moment. axy-1019.html


I think this is a pointless cash grab. And of all the characters Marvel could have feminized, Thor makes the least amount of sense, especially since he is derived from a masculine figure from centuries-old mythology. I am all for bringing strong female characters to the forefront, but how about writing new/exciting story lines for your current roster? Or how about creating a new character?

And I don't think many people on the Chris Hemsworth board would entertain the idea of him being recast by someone like Amber Heard, though this artist rendition is pretty cool: e-amber-heard-thor-via-comic

But you would what would be cool? Casting Yvonne Strahovski, Emily Blunt or Katee Sackoff in the MCU. Even cooler? Casting any of one of these awesome gals as an already established heroine worthy of getting the cinematic treatment in her own right -- Ms Marvel.

There are few things as fetching as a bruised ego on a beautiful angel.


Loved how Chris joked about playing the female Thor at the SDCC panel. ;-)

Regarding the comics: I can see a female character being worthy of the hammer but calling her Thor?! Makes you feel like Thor is not a name but rather a "title".


Yeah that was really cool. He said it will be his Oscar haha


This character overhauls are pretty common. I don't read the comics, so it doesn't bother me either way.


Well, "Ceasar" was a man so great his name turned into a title; "Thor" could be the same.
