MovieChat Forums > Derek Chauvin Discussion > Chauvin innocent, as we knew. A good cop...

Chauvin innocent, as we knew. A good cop taking on drug-addled scum in the name of public safety.

There was no evidence of injury or asphyxia to career criminal, Saint George. He died because he was a low-life drug fiend. Anyone who saw the reverse camera angle already knew this.

But the "racist" Chauvin (who was married to an Asian woman) had to go to jail for "murder", because those little black angels were ready to stage possibly the most peaceful protest in US history...


Chauvin pled guilty to killing Floyd.

Former Minneapolis police Officer Derek Chauvin pleaded guilty Wednesday to a federal charge of violating George Floyd’s civil rights, admitting for the first time that he kept his knee on Floyd’s neck — even after he became unresponsive — resulting in the Black man’s death.

In his federal plea Wednesday, Chauvin admitted he willfully deprived Floyd of his right to be free from unreasonable seizure, including unreasonable force by a police officer, by kneeling on Floyd’s neck even though he was handcuffed and not resisting.

Chauvin admits he is a murder, why can't you?


Wow, an innocent man in a no-win situation opts for maximum leniency. And LOL at the capitalised "Black" and lower-case "white". 😂


Chauvin was not in a no-win situation back when he knelt on Floyd until they could not find a pulse, then stayed on his back for two minutes more. All he had to do was shut the door on the police vehicle and haul him in. But then that would not get him a starring role in his snuff video.

Chauvin knows he is a killer and admitted it. It seems that you are calling him a coward and a liar.


OK, let me play devils advocate. Even if it could be proven that kneeling on his neck is not what caused Floyds death, it was still unacceptable. Don't get me wrong, I'm not part of the "defund" crowd, and while I support a cops right to use as much force as necessary to get the cuffs on to a resisting suspect, once those cuffs are on, the suspect is no longer a threat and has rights. Regardless of what crimes Floyd had committed up until that point, kneeling on the neck of a handcuffed man is needless sadism and unacceptable for anyone with a badge. I'm no lawyer but to the best of my knowledge torturing a restrained suspect is against the law.

Arresting Floyd was Chauvin's job, not punishing him. In any civilized society punishment is always to be left to a judge, not whoever feels in the mood to dish out a little pain.


Chauvin used that technique on other suspects and they didn’t die from it.
Other LEOs have also used the same technique; besides, Floyd insisted to be placed on the ground.

Floyd was well over the fatality threshold of Fentanyl aside from a cocktail-mix of other drugs and several preexisting health conditions.

From line one of Floyd's Toxicology report:

1. Fentanyl 11 ng/mL

“Blood concentrations of approximately 7 ng/ml or greater have been associated with fatalities where poly-substance use was involved.”

According to the deposition of a former Hennepin County prosecutor, the county’s medical examiner told her in a phone call that there "were no medical indications of asphyxia or strangulation."


I did not argue that it did or didn't. My argument was that regardless of what caused his death, kneeling on the neck of a handcuffed man is unacceptable.


kneeling on the neck of a handcuffed man is unacceptable.

Pointing a gun at the belly of a pregnant woman is unacceptable.

Floyd was belligerent, defiant, and resisting. He certainly didn’t earn a nice pat on the head from Chauvin.


I never said that what Floyd did was acceptable. I never denied that he was resisting. I never implied he deserved a nice pat on the head. Chauvin had every right to be as rough as possible with him when arresting him, but once the cuffs were on the arrest was over. What happened after the cuffs went on was Chauvin getting his own personal digs in.


Chauvin getting his own personal digs in.

There is nothing to indicate that it was personal. The MSM pushed that narrative just like the racist card.
