MovieChat Forums > Hunter Biden Discussion > Still better than ANY of trump's spawn

Still better than ANY of trump's spawn

This guy is clearly not the best person, he is a deeply flawed individual with many serious problems.

Even with his huge load of flaws, he is still better than any of those insufferable criminal morons that trump dared to shove on us when in office.


You didnt see the pictures of him with little girls that were all over twitter?


Of trump?
Sure I saw it.


You were talking about Hunter Biden. Go ahead and pretend like you didnt see those pictures of him all over twitter months back.


I did, I just wrote you that I saw them trump pictures.


So you share Hunter Biden's hobby, little pedo?
But yeah, I can see that all the freakin' pedo assholes come together to defend dementia Joe...


O think anybody that says "little pedo" is just projecting his own fantasies.

I understand where you are coming from. Just how little are you?


Hey, I totally understand that kiddie fiddlers like you sympathize with dementia Joe.
How is your buddy Allaby doing?


Twitter... HAH... aka misinformation central? I'm not even going to dignify anything you said with a reply knowing THAT cesspool of a website is your go to source for information.


Who's an edgy boy? You are! Oh what a hot take from such an edgy boy. You're just the edgiest little pumkin' out there, yes you are! Your take is so controversial and edgy, you get the edgy prize today! That's a good edgy boy.


Both Biden and Trump are disgusting incompetent choices for president.
Nobody seems to recognize this. Instead they cling to whatever party they support


agreed but whats the alternative?

somehow out of 350m people those two pensioners are the two choices.
Democrats will vote for their shit choice because
a) its left
b) its not TRump - perhaps old Joe being a shit choice would push some of them to the other side - if Trump wasnt there

Magas think the sun shines out of Trumps ass so they dont have the same quandry.

No doubt Trump has pushed some of the sane republicans over to Joe , but thered be more if they had a sensible candidate.


Exactly. There is no good candidate to defend. It's a matter of picking the less shitty of 2 shitty choices. For me that's Trump. He may be an egotistical blowhard but at least he speaks his own mind and isn't anyone's puppet. I gave Biden a chance but he's proven himself IMO to be a weak puppet who will kiss anyone's ass for a vote. Didn't even visit the shit show his administration caused at the border till Trump did. And still to spineless to take responsibility and admit it is a shit show.




I like how they are trying to throw him in jail...over is God-given gun rights.



You guys push for stricter gun laws, but you also want no penalties for people who break those laws to illegally obtain one anyway. So you won't punish the criminal, but you will punish everyone else. Make that make sense.


Well, he seems to be a genius at business, the way that he just walked into board rooms and got so much money for.... doing....stuff....

I'm a little fuzzy on what his impressive skill set was. Could you explain it to me?


The irony of you calling Trump's son's insufferable criminals when Hunter Biden is one himself and I suppose with Hunter committing crimes, it just means he's "deeply flawed", but if it were Trump's sons, they'd be scumbags and toss them in prison, right??


All except for the irony.
There is no irony there, just straight facts.


No, there's not straight facts, only made up liberal facts because neither sons have been charged with anything so nice try


Wow! Enjoy the koolaide.




Boo Hoo loser.. Go take your TDS and see a shrink 😂
