MovieChat Forums > Rachel Zegler Discussion > Typical modern Hollywood unaccomplished ...

Typical modern Hollywood unaccomplished narcissist

She is everything that’s wrong with Hollywood today. Unaccomplished up and comer who thinks her ignorant opinion matters. Totally lacks humility.

Compare that to Harrison Ford, Carrie Fischer, Mark Hamill, when they did the Mike Douglas show with the premiere of Star Wars. Nothing more be said.


100% agree


It’s one thing to have so much arrogance and hubris from having gained wealth and fame through your talents, but it’s an entirely different thing to have that much pride in something you are awful at. Rachel’s vanity is a special kind of disgusting.


In that one clip where she claims that the original Prince was a stalker, her phrasing on the word "weird" -- TWICE -- is weird itself.

She struck me as untrained for properly promoting her movie -- the phrase "weird" as uttered by her in such a juvenile, arrogant manner -- is an insult to the original film.

I expect she will be given elocution lessons before she has to promote the movie for real upon its release in 2024.


The worst thing at least Brie Larson had a few great films and a Oscar other her belt before she pulled her crap. At very least if it doesn't work out for her as a bankable leading star, she'll have her indie films. Zegler really hasn't cemented herself as anything but a pretty face who Hollywood have put in two big blockbusters. When the public get a first opinion on you, it's always hard to turn that opinion around. She's going to end up hurting her own career more then anything.

Unless Snow White and Hunger Games reboot make serious money, Hollywood will put up with her shit but christ it will become unbearable if they do. You think she's bad now, wait with a success or two how bad it will get with her. The young lady has a ego on her and doesn't think her shit stinks. She's a mega diva waiting to happen.

If you are those Studios, you don't want Zegler anywhere near the promotion of these films or you are media training her up until those films releases.


It’s quite funny - Disney shoves this diversity hire front and centre, hoping we’ll all be non-racist and embrace a brown Snow White and see the beauty within… and the actress instantly turns out to be a horribly narcissistic blabbermouth 🤣

Nobody is going to see this shit, and Zegler has nuked her career before it started. Hollywood will try to force her onto audiences for a while longer until it’s clear that she’s a repugnant Tinseltown AOC who nobody wants to see, and then they’ll drop her like a hot turd.
