MovieChat Forums > Greta Thunberg Discussion > Add of all the IQ points of her critics ...

Add of all the IQ points of her critics and summed together ...

They do not add to half or her intelligence. The critics of Greta are clueless losers who feel scared of a smart girl and just like to take them on with name calling and ridiculous comments online where they can hide.


Oh Greta, is it you?


Nope, just a fan, and critic of the new Conservatives ... I mean fascists.


The Gretas want to take control of the economy, production, etc. in the name of climate change, destroy those who disagree, yet those who oppose them are fascists?

"Fascism -authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy"


Greta wants to not fuck up the planet so much that we cant live on it.

Everyone else doesent want to do that becasue it will cost them money.
pretty fucking short sighted


Don't waste your breath, the majority of right wing people are monkey idiots that will press a "give me an orgasm" button until their dick falls off. They don't really care for any other person unless it's an unborn child.


God, the level of cringe is unreal...


She's an actor dude, just like her parents.


You are revealing your own intellect and lack of scientific training with such a ridiculous statement. When you post stuff out there on the internet, particularly about research topics, you should be aware that real scholars....real geniuses....might read what you write. Think about that the next time you post something.

Greta Thunberg is nothing more than a political pawn. Her opinions on climate science are not her own. Truth be told. I feel sorry for her. She didn't even have a choice in being this lightning rod for a hotly debated scientific question. It was foisted upon her. I think she should have had the opportunity just to be a teenage girl. Let the scholars fight it out with evidence and facts, without resorting to cheap tricks, like using autistic children to sway the public.


You might want to educate yourself:


you forgot the links that prove the earth is flat.


I wasn't inclined to produce such references because the Earth isn't flat. I guess that's news to you. But you can always Google it and I'm sure find plenty of information about that notion. But if you believe so heavily that the Earth is flat, I don't mind finding nutty websites touting that ludicrous topic as well, or any other you desire to read about that also aren't scientifically sound, or that are supported by data that is falsely manipulated. Just let know. I only charge $89 per hour for research.

Or, read through this entire thread if you have an open mind and actually want to consider genuine debate instead of burying your narrow-minded head in the sands of belief and misinformation, as opposed to critical thinking and analysis:
Never believe. Always question. Rebuke belief, a.k.a. bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.


It's true


Good point


...says the clapping circus seal.


I guess irony can be pretty ironic, sometimes.


Good god an idiot with a troll fetish. Go jack off to this troll faced cunt somewhere else. Every time she drifts off the board some idiot comes back trying to push her up the boards... The sad fact is Hitler was smarter than this ignorant cunt.
