Mental Illness Movements.
Theodore Millon, famous personality theorist, talks about a type of Borderline Personality Disorder that fits this kid and the people behind her. It's not just her but all such topics, which I will explain.
Firstly, people with BPD tend to hate other people due to abuse they experienced as kids, then they generalize the human race as being bad due to said abuse. They have a pattern of being very "nice" to people and they setting them up for a fall.
Millon talks about a type that will get behind an unchangeable and unwinnable social cause, just to make others feel badly about themselves. So, the person makes themselves look good and the rest of us bad because it seems like we should agree but really we can't do anything about the issue, so we feel guilty and powerless.
An easy example is vegetarians who are focused on the treatment of animals. Almost no one wants animals to suffer, so we agree, yet it is natural for humans to eat meat and it is in fact essential. So, they look good defending animals, but make the rest of us feel guilty for doing what is natural. That's nothing to feel guilty about.
Regarding nature topics, the current trend is to be against "plastic" "oil" "carbon" and so forth. Our civilization is build on these things and no one will be able to change that unless new replacements are invented and even then it will take hundreds of years.
It is obvious that we must use oil, there must be cars, and so forth or else we will not have the modern civilization we must have to survive. So, this kid, and all like her are engaging in self-aggrandizing attacks to promote themselves while providing no solutions and making others feel shame they should not feel.
It's about time this gets articulated.
As a side note, you see almost NO ONE like this going after causes we actually could do something about such as poverty. That's because they aren't about helping people, but hurting people.