She hasn't been crowned yet, but Charles became king as soon as Elizabeth died, and Camilla became his queen consort. She's queen now, and if Charles dies, she'll be Queen Dowager!
Because a King outranks a Queen in the British Monarchy, therefore, if a Queen is head of the Royal Family then there is no King but if there is a King then his spouse becomes Queen.
I sincerely hope you're wrong. Many people hate Bowles because Charles preferred her to Diana, so to see her becoming Queen at his side would be particularly galling, me included.
Charles should have been allowed to marry her long before Diana was in the picture. Unfortunately, we all know how the marriage to Diana turned out. If Diana had lived, I'm not sure he would have married Camilla unless Diana remarried, but that isn't what happened and fortunately, IMO, he was finally allowed to marry the person he loved.
Camilla has done a really good job as Charles' wife and the fact that she agreed to not be called The Princess of Wales, when technically she was, shows that she was sensitive to the situation.
For a while, maybe, but not by the time of the divorce! IMHO he married Diana because his family insisted that he marry someone "appropriate", that is, a virgin.
He loved Camilla when he was young but they wouldn't let her marry him, because she obviously wasn't a virgin, and they insisted he stick to the 19th century church morality during the fucking 1970s when the whole world was slutting it up! It was ridiculous, it was hurtful, and it took a very unhappy marriage and scandalous divorce to get it through the thick heads in the palace that it takes more than a hymen to make a marriage work. So I'm actually touched that Charles and Camilla were able to marry for love at last, you don't see love last that often in this world.
Why thank you for being so reasonable! That's so rare around here. And frankly, kind of rare among fans of Princess Diana. I mean I was a fan of Diana back in the day, but seriously, that marriage only happened because certain people couldn't wrap their minds round the 20th century.
So congrats to William, he seems to made a marriage that works on several levels, he found a wife who's very good at Princessing and who will make a good queen, and who appears to be doing a good job with the kids... and who maybe even makes him happy.
If memory serves, I believe that Camilla was also a very heavy smoker and there was some question marks around whether it would look right to have a Princess constantly photographed with a cigarette in her mouth.
I never knew her smoking was an issue back then, however I think the fact that she was also Catholic was a minus to the Royal in addition to other things.
She used to clamp a cigarette between her teeth as she sped down the ski slopes. Prince Charles, who prefers those around him not to smoke, experimented himself as a schoolboy but gave it up almost immediately.
True, it seems like everybody found their soulmate except Andy. Personally I think it will always be Koo Stark or Fergie, but both relationships ended badly. Due to the sex scandal and age, he may not want to bother anymore.
That's hilarious actually. Marriage can create legendary leaders, whether for good reasons or bad.
Honestly I'm glad they both found someone they can love. It's not easy in this world and I bet in their positions it's even tougher for love to flourish.
Seriously, she's Queen of Everything now, but her job hasn't really changed.
She's been Charles's Minder-In-Chief for the last 20-odd years, and that's still her job. Imagine being a 75-year-old woman whose job has suddenly got 10x harder! No wonder she looks like she needs a drink...